Couple points about hide outs: I use them for the bank, for the tailors, and as a role playing settings.
I would like to be able to train or remove powers there. *Agreed. The powerhouse trainers should be remote access via terminal/monitor.*
I'd like to be able to test damage on a combat dummy. *Not only have the combat dummy(ies), but have the ability to tweak their resistance and movement*
I'd like to be able to have private duels. *Base raids via Hero Games and/or Onslaught Villians would be great!*
I'd like to be able to sell my stuff. *Auction House should be remote access via terminal/monitor as well.*
I would like to access my regular bank account and super group bank accounts.*I don't understand why we cannot access them from our base, either.*
I've been hopping to do these things for a long time but hideouts have been put on the back burner and I doubt they'll ever be completed. *Well, it would be nice for our home bases to also be our hideouts, just like in the comics!*
If all game functions can be moved to private instances like hideouts, it will make the game even less social than now.
One of the problems with a small game population and several large game zones is that giving people reasons to go everywhere makes the game seem empty. Probably don't need even more of that.
Re: Pricing of the level up items. Perhaps - just maybe, like FF slots - these things won't sell at all at normal price, but they do when they're promoted as being part of a 50% sale.
Re: Pricing of the level up items. Perhaps - just maybe, like FF slots - these things won't sell at all at normal price, but they do when they're promoted as being part of a 50% sale.
When your income is low to begin with you should NEVER rely on short term sales... they need to just buck up and drop prices to what people will actually pay so that the income from CO can actually grow. After that happens then sales figures will actually matter.
Some of the idea of this forum change isn't bad. There's color contrast for quotes and avs are larger. It just needs some adjustments. I'm wondering if the background is a precursor to getting game specific background images again.
"Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."
I note the weekly event is not updated and last week's weekly event dates state "Sale starts" and "Sale ends" but there is no sale on Story XP so someone might have been confused and said "I don't feel like buying anything in that game" and not bothered to log in at all.
Might want to call the weekly events an "event" and actually update the webpage with the events weekly. Maybe it's Vehicle Mod week and you didn't want the game to empty out by posting that.
If all game functions can be moved to private instances like hideouts, it will make the game even less social than now.
One of the problems with a small game population and several large game zones is that giving people reasons to go everywhere makes the game seem empty. Probably don't need even more of that.
Do you chat while banking? While searching the Auction House? Most people who are in zone are chatting in general, selling things, looking to buy things, and not RPing and those other things don't interest me much. The reason I'm asking for all these functions to be put in a hide out is so that I can do all these things with people I know so the experience can be a social one. Granted that would mean less people in zone, but I think that if you're not in zone to chat in the first place chances are you're not going to miss those people if they're in a private instance. Saying nothing while in the bank isn't going to make the zone seem any more populated then saying nothing in a private instance.
I am definitely chatting while doing all of those things. Once I hit the hideout, Zone goes away. I still chat some in Trade, and another channel, but I typically chat the most in Zone.
Well there's the difference then, I don't chat in zone, and the only time I see zone chat is when I'm banking or visiting the auction house or when I pop in to run some alerts. The only time I use zone is when I'm doing the events. For me socializing is usually in character RP, I do like OOC socializing, but I prefer in character RP and thus I enjoy Caprice and other smaller instances then Zone.
One of the problems with a small game population and several large game zones is that giving people reasons to go everywhere makes the game seem empty. Probably don't need even more of that.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
When your income is low to begin with you should NEVER rely on short term sales... they need to just buck up and drop prices to what people will actually pay so that the income from CO can actually grow. After that happens then sales figures will actually matter.
My Characters on PRIMUS
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I am @RavenForce in game
Might want to call the weekly events an "event" and actually update the webpage with the events weekly.
Maybe it's Vehicle Mod week and you didn't want the game to empty out by posting that.
Besides the cool glowy stuff
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
I still chat some in Trade, and another channel, but I typically chat the most in Zone.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.