Instead of Targeting Computer (cause not all soldiers are cyborgs) give them this!
Shot Fighter
Increases all ranged damage by X%. Ranged attacks get a bonus of X% based on range to target - the bonus gets higher the closer you are. The player gets a bonus of X% to dodge/avoidance based on range to target - the bonus gets higher the further away you are. Similar to TC when you attack a target it places a debuff on them called "In My Sights", and the player gets the bonuses on all targets with that debuff.
At max range the player would be dealing less damage than your average Offensive Passive, but have slightly more dodge/avoidance than you would get from something like quarry/nightwarrior. At point-blank range, they would be dealing more damage than your average offensive passive, but would have no dodge/avoid bonus.
Cause in comic books, point blank shots are godly ye?
l'm OK with Targeting Computer, which's currently being fixed & since that grants significant crit increase. But if make that - it could be optional choice between Shot Fighter & TC at lvl 8 - depending on a build you decided to play - ranged or melee.
Increased damage for being closer to targets and increased defense for being closer to them? I'm sorry but I think that needs some adjusting...
Perhaps try this instead
Shot Fighter
Increases all ranged damage by X%. Ranged attacks get a bonus of X% based on range to target - the bonus gets higher the closer you are. The player gets a bonus of X% to defense based on range to target - the bonus gets higher the further away you are.
Longranged Expertise: Your ranged damage now gets stronger the furthar away you are from the target instead of the closer you are. However, your defense is now strongest at close range.
With this setup they can even offer a slightly higher maximum defense than offensive passives usually offer, but still less than that of a defensive passive, since you would trade off attack for defense based on your range from the target. The advantage would unfortunately have to be a 1pt advantage (due to the problems with introducing new 0pt advantages)
Perhaps try this instead
With this setup they can even offer a slightly higher maximum defense than offensive passives usually offer, but still less than that of a defensive passive, since you would trade off attack for defense based on your range from the target. The advantage would unfortunately have to be a 1pt advantage (due to the problems with introducing new 0pt advantages)