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Flight Booster



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    KagamiTheMagicalCatGerlKagamiTheMagicalCatGerl Posts: 357 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Lol oh wow. Calm down Kagami. Did not mean to hit a nerve. And do I really have to explain this again? I done it so many times.

    If you think that people will leave because a flight booster gets add to the game, then that just shows how little you know about people. Like I said earlier, people are already leaving the game, almost anything will be an improvement. Especially a flight booster. Flight is a very popular travel power. Imagine having a booster power that at will you can turn it on or off. People in fact will love that, I can promise you that.

    Saying people will leave because of a simple flight booster being add is just like saying a damage booster will make them leave. Hello, ever heard of an active offense? People surely did not leave when that was added to the game.

    ^ notice how you didn't explain at all how this would actually improve the game, and never have. You just said something vague like "It would make the game better" or "It would make the game fun". But how would it do that? "Oh I got to where I was going 10 seconds sooner, weeeeeeee"?
    But see that's the problem, you have to wait for the cooldown. With a flight booster, you will be able to turn it on or off at will.

    i.e., it would always be on. Why would anyone ever turn it off?

    We have to get a lot more creative than those 3 ways if we want to have some chance to help keep people enjoying the game. And do not say it can not be done because I know it can be done. The creators are smart and it just might take some time and effort.

    Honestly, if that is the only levels of creativity that we can produce, I must say that I am truly sad. We got to do a lot better.

    "Make flight faster.... in some way". Yes, very creative, you have infinite room to criticize.
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    raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    This isn't a question of creativity. This is a question of balance & practicality, and an understanding of how things work. And those 3 methods I posted are in fact the most balanced and practical ways of doing this, and given how things have gone with additions in the past, they are the only methods that hold any chance of happening in CO.

    Now, lets assume for a minute that your suggestion happens exactly as you posted it... everyone has a shiny new button that gives them a 25% speed increase with their travel power until they turn it off... let me ask you, why would anyone turn it off? There is no reason why they would.

    What's the practicality of making something toggle with no downside for keeping it on if everyone is just going to keep it on all the time? There is none, they may as well just buff all the travel speeds by 25% and leave it at that instead.

    However, they will undoubtedly want to market this new addition. How do you market something that is an inherent bonus? you don't without pissing people off... So instead of just buffing all the travel speeds by 25% they would make a device that they can sell in the c-store. This device would either be unlimited use with an attached CD and limited duration, or single use sold in stacks of 5 with no CD and a limited duration... or both...

    Another possibility which would be the closest to what you suggest would be to give the device/power a power cost %increase like travels and forms... now when out of combat people will almost certainly turn it on, and most would turn if off when they enter combat... but then there's all the builds that have excess energy reserves that would suddenly get a giant speed buff added to their already powerful builds...

    it's just not balanced or practical the way you've outlined it...
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
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    lightninlordlightninlord Posts: 69 Arc User
    ^ notice how you didn't explain at all how this would actually improve the game, and never have. You just said something vague like "It would make the game better" or "It would make the game fun". But how would it do that? "Oh I got to where I was going 10 seconds sooner, weeeeeeee"?

    We are playing a game, are we not? Games are suppose to be fun, are they not? I explained that flight is a popular TP, did I not? I said that many flight power fans will enjoy and love the flight boosters, did I not? Flight booster given to flight power fans means they will have fun, and play the game more. Boom! The game is slightly better. Come on, pay attention. lol

    And I see you still stuck on this crazy lightning speed flight that you some how imagined up. smh lol

    i.e., it would always be on. Why would anyone ever turn it off?

    Pretty sure people will stop flying at some point. They will sometimes stop to go in buildings and stuff like that.

    "Make flight faster.... in some way". Yes, very creative, you have infinite room to criticize.

    This coming from the person who choose to completely cut out an idea instead of trying to improve it to make it better? Yes, very creative!

    I am sorry if you do not know how to be creative, but I a trying to make something better than what it is. Nothing wrong with that.
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    lightninlordlightninlord Posts: 69 Arc User
    raighn wrote: »
    This isn't a question of creativity. This is a question of balance & practicality, and an understanding of how things work. And those 3 methods I posted are in fact the most balanced and practical ways of doing this, and given how things have gone with additions in the past, they are the only methods that hold any chance of happening in CO.

    Now, lets assume for a minute that your suggestion happens exactly as you posted it... everyone has a shiny new button that gives them a 25% speed increase with their travel power until they turn it off... let me ask you, why would anyone turn it off? There is no reason why they would.

    What's the practicality of making something toggle with no downside for keeping it on if everyone is just going to keep it on all the time? There is none, they may as well just buff all the travel speeds by 25% and leave it at that instead.

    Trust me, there are reason to why players would turn it off. Most people do not have their TP turned on 24/7. There is RP reason. There are some things that you have to do on the ground that you can do in the air.

    raighn wrote: »
    However, they will undoubtedly want to market this new addition. How do you market something that is an inherent bonus? you don't without pissing people off... So instead of just buffing all the travel speeds by 25% they would make a device that they can sell in the c-store. This device would either be unlimited use with an attached CD and limited duration, or single use sold in stacks of 5 with no CD and a limited duration... or both...

    Another possibility which would be the closest to what you suggest would be to give the device/power a power cost %increase like travels and forms... now when out of combat people will almost certainly turn it on, and most would turn if off when they enter combat... but then there's all the builds that have excess energy reserves that would suddenly get a giant speed buff added to their already powerful builds...

    it's just not balanced or practical the way you've outlined it...

    People are already pissed off. Look at how many people left the game already. Its not my problem if they choose to market it or not. And lets get real, no matter what they do, there will always be somebody pissed. There are pissed people about the new power we just recently got. There are still pissed people about the FF. If we want balance and to keep the players happy, make everyone on the game an AT. That will be balance, correct? Give everyone the same outfit, same power, etc. That is balance right?

    All this balance talk, but I do not see or agree that it is fully there. True there are some balance but it is not all there like you trying to make me believe.
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    raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    People are already pissed off. Look at how many people left the game already. Its not my problem if they choose to market it or not. And lets get real, no matter what they do, there will always be somebody pissed. There are pissed people about the new power we just recently got. There are still pissed people about the FF. If we want balance and to keep the players happy, make everyone on the game an AT. That will be balance, correct? Give everyone the same outfit, same power, etc. That is balance right?

    Making everyone in the game an AT would not be balanced by any stretch of the imagination. The ATs aren't even balanced with other ATs, they attempted to balance them with the content of the game at the time of their introduction, and then again when they started to do a pass over all the pre-existing ATs (a pass they never completed, I might add)... restricting everyone down to the same identical costume will cause literally EVERYONE to quit the game. It's already been established that the #1 draw to CO is it's customization, in both costumes and freeform builds. As unbalanced as Freeforms may be (and by their very nature) they can't do anything to remove them without losing a sizable chunk of the playerbase in the process.
    All this balance talk, but I do not see or agree that it is fully there. True there are some balance but it is not all there like you trying to make me believe.

    I'm not saying that what I've posted is completely balanced, but it is the closest to balanced that we could hope to get and for it to still be practical. Any further balancing and it's likely to become so impractical to use that it's not worth the investment to acquire. There are many things where there is a fine line between balance and practicality, and this is one of those things.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
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    lightninlordlightninlord Posts: 69 Arc User
    I still disagree. I do not see how simply adding in a flight boost skill or something is going to upset the balance. I can come up with many ways on how they can set it up. (That is that creativity kicking in lol ). Like I said, I seen it work before, so I am sure it will work on CO. We have to be like scientists and mix up formulas, codes, and throw in some creativity lol. I know it can work on CO.
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    roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,784 Arc User
    1. List many ways how they can set it up.

    2. Give detailed examples of how and where you have seen it work before.

    3. In Champions, "skills" refers to the ability to investigate skill objects in game, such as Science, Arms, and Mysticism. lol

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
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    KagamiTheMagicalCatGerlKagamiTheMagicalCatGerl Posts: 357 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    We are playing a game, are we not? Games are suppose to be fun, are they not? I explained that flight is a popular TP, did I not? I said that many flight power fans will enjoy and love the flight boosters, did I not? Flight booster given to flight power fans means they will have fun, and play the game more. Boom! The game is slightly better. Come on, pay attention. lol

    Notice how you still haven't explained why this would make flight more fun. You just keep claiming that it will. Maybe you should pay attention and realize that you're giving nothing.
    This coming from the person who choose to completely cut out an idea instead of trying to improve it to make it better? Yes, very creative!

    I am sorry if you do not know how to be creative, but I a trying to make something better than what it is. Nothing wrong with that.

    Yes, I'm shutting your idea down because it's a bad idea. Why would I try to improve it?

    Other people have given you the ways that something like this might work, and you told them they were wrong. You're clearly not interested in anyone's "creativity", you just want people to tell you your idea is good.
    I still disagree. I do not see how simply adding in a flight boost skill or something is going to upset the balance. I can come up with many ways on how they can set it up. (That is that creativity kicking in lol ). Like I said, I seen it work before, so I am sure it will work on CO. We have to be like scientists and mix up formulas, codes, and throw in some creativity lol. I know it can work on CO.

    Can't wait for that creativity of yours to kick in, cause so far all you've said is "Making flight faster would make the game more fun!" and "It could work!". You're clearly being heavily biased here.
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