trailturtle Perfect World Employee


  • trailturtle
    trailturtle was promoted to Perfect World Employee.
    September 2015
  • trailturtle
    trailturtle was promoted to Hardsuit Labs Rank.
    August 2015
  • trailturtle
    trailturtle was promoted to Hardsuit Labs Rank.
    August 2015
  • trailturtle
    trailturtle, pwfero and nevandon were promoted to Administrator.
    August 2015
  • lboxall02
    how long dose it take to extracting its taking way to long
    August 2015
  • ugogaming
    Can you please optimize the the game for a xbox controller, because i cant use tactical weapon, in game the "back" button has no function, maybe you guys can somehow make it so that if you hold the back button, it becomes [Taunt], and if you just press it it become [tactical gear], please help.
    August 2015
  • ugogaming
    can you please put xbox 360 controller support, in the game, because with it i can't use tactical gear.
    August 2015
  • shotgunsbob
    Excuse me, I hope this isn't quite invasive. But it seems that Blacklight is crashing on me on a frequent basis.

    I have sent a crash report, but I am wondering what is going on. I don't know if it's my computer, or the servers.

    Also, to note, I always get the servers are "offline" sign on the login page. Just letting you know about the issue.
    Thank you, and again I hope this isn't an issue to let you know here.
    August 2015
  • ugogaming
    I get to the screen its not letting me press enter, I play from arc, and I'm in the US, in options I cant find where it says patcher number, pleases help.
    August 2015
    • ugogaming
      My patch number is 4.8 ansd higher , and I have version 7.