nrglg Arc User


  • After they added a word filter for after-edited posts, I noticed that it doesn't work on spoilers. How interesting... Anyways, I didn't know where I should put this and this seemed like an appropriate location. I broke the filter in a far more direct way than the last few times I found breaks in it. For some reason I never…
  • @protogoth tehbubbaloo was talking about the size tag being disabled (I think). As far as page numbers go, I fixed that on June 19th (last month) with my CSS injections. What took so long? Things must flow slowly at PWE. That or bureaucracy keeps getting in their way.​​
  • To PWE: Would you mind putting the size bbcode tag back? You messed up the formatting in my guide and many other guides.​​
  • Oh, great. Thank you for the prompt response.​​
  • @yetweallfalldown You mind if I ask if this design is here to stay or if there was an overhaul of the design planned? I've been doing some themes for this design, so I want to know if I'm in for a surprise one day. (not that I mind a surprise, it's just that I'd like to have my mind prepared to jump on it when it happens)​​
  • @tehbubbaloo That wasn't them, that was me. Global fixes runs in the background of the enhancement now and I decided that the post edited message above the signatures was a horrible plague on the design that needed to be eradicated from all themes. Plus, there's already a post edited message on the left-hand side, so it…
  • I know your comment was rhetorical, but I'm going to respond to it as if it was literal. There are four reasons I can think of... A ) People who don't care about the forum (those who play game more) B ) People who don't know about it or are scared of 3rd party anything (ignorance) C ) People who like to complain about…
  • Or to use Asterelle's forum enhancement extension (in my sig) which now doesn't seem to be crashing anymore after a bug fix. It also allows you to still use links, which blocking the file from my fix does not because mine was a blunt, not proper, fix.​​
  • It's hashed and probably has salt as well to obfuscate your password's hash. What this means is, relax. Edit: Actually, thinking about it, they probably don't have your log in credentials. They are probably using a unique identifier key that is linked to PWE to keep you logged in. Most bigger companies I would think, would…
  • That filter was for Adblock Plus. I don't know if it works in regular adblock. Whatever the case, Asterelle's extension has added redirect blocking, so I'd say that you should instead use that. Mine was a 1 minute fix whereby I looked for the source of the problem and blocked it.
  • Solution for now... This was something they should've waited on until the loading issues in conjunction with the iframe were fixed.
  • For those that want to break out of the frame because either A, it breaks the custom designs or B, it is laggier feeling on their system, solution link is below... Solution: Edit: A number of people have complained that there are numerous…
  • You don't know what blue light is, do you? I'll tell you right now that what you think it is, it is not.
  • I've given them plenty for free, even a guide explaining the internet, and I'm barely a player. Seriously though, I'm a freelance software engineer on the side, so this kind of thing is what I'm hired for once in a while. I mostly fix people's old computers for more money than it would cost them to get a new computer.…
  • But, but, comic sans is the best font ever designed. You just don't see the beauty in it. On-topic: - Has the bug where users can move posts to different threads been fixed yet? - Users writing guides and fanfiction need even longer posts than currently available - Hire me temporarily to write you either a JavaScript or…
  • Only parts of global.fixes.css should be taken, because it covers various usability issues and actual mistakes in their CSS. For the general theme, they should be able to figure out how they want the appearance on their own.
  • I would be interested if I worked for PWE. (A better pitch is needed, maybe something like...) >> My life was changed because of Asterelle. If not for Asterelle, I would be on the mean streets of the forum alone and scared. Asterelle's extension got me $1.5 million in gratification. Now I'm living in the forum mansions and…
  • No kidding. Yes, please tell the designers to stop using !important in the CSS. You guys have literally no reason to use it since you have a single theme and full creative control.
  • API reveals the dates and time of this invisible activity...
  • @eldarth I pulled the patch-2 branch and set the base URL to your repository + patch-1 branch. So now when you make updates to your repository on that branch, it will reflect the changes to everyone. No need to have to make a pull request or have me update anything. It's automagical! *Note that it will appear in…
  • It looks like full-width alphanumeric characters aren't covered over the word filter umbrella. (can be seen in my above post)
  • I just discovered the filter is easily breakable with a certain character. I will show you for educational purposes and so PWE can send it in to get fixed. On a side note, if you have any filtered word in a linked image file, it will censor the file path so the file won't get rendered. On the other hand, if you put a…
  • PWE's old forums had virtually no limit on requests. My crawler ate through a huge portion of their forum in a single day.
  • You should add it to my files.json file in my repository so it can be added to Asterelle's editor addition.
  • I disagree with this. Did you ever consider that they were doing other things so they did the bare minimum in school because they had other interests? I was programming almost entirely through my school life, so I had no incentive to do more than the bare minimum because I already had self-learned a trait and was focusing…
  • To answer the question, yes it is possible. Is it easy? Fairly. In a handful of years if you continue you'll have no problem making something like that. I started programming when I was 9 and am now a lot older. I'd say the 5-year mark was when my skill started really picking up. By year 10 you will be awesome. By year 15,…
  • You described my life back when I was in school. Except for the cars part, everything else is right on. How coincidental. You know there's a reason why we barely passed classes, right? We figured out that any way you look at it, as long as you get a C, you pass. So only turning in about half of the homework and getting A's…
  • But a real bug is in the filter, if you press the quote button. It sends completely unfiltered data from the post back. Which is why they disabled the WYSIWYG editor. Because you could stick raw HTML in and it could be inserted into the post editing box.
  • It only bypasses the filter on the client side until you refresh the page.
  • I just fixed it with my injection. It was a mild CSS bug of theirs. Literally all they have to do is change ".Bookmarked::before" to "a.Bookmarked::before"