Oh, and there is no pagination at the bottom of the screen.. so in order to go to the next page, I have to scroll up or hit the HOME key. While yes, it's a minor inconvenience, when you add up so many "minor inconveniences", that makes it a BIG inconvenience. And, honestly, if I was laying out however many hundreds…
Honestly, your sigline image is way too big, as an example (not a criticism, just an opinion). Higher monitor resolution or not, I'm here to read, not look at pictures.
A few things that I've noticed right off: * There needs to be more/better formatting I see a page with (pretty much) nothing but white lettering. * Sigliness are OUT of control. Sigline images are way too big. Yes, I know there's an option (or should be) to disable siglines, but that the moment, those are really the only…