Contest: Daily Surprises!

alerianacm Posts: 62 Perfect World Employee
Adventurers of Aura!

I have had a fascinating journey around the world of Aura this weekend and lucky me I saw a lot of epic battles, great wars and the way how you defeat the invaders! I have seen how the Varlone, Capital City lives and I was really proud that I was born there long time ago and, what is more, I have seen how all of you, brave warriors, protect our Kingdom day by day far away from the safety capital. I have decided to capture some parts of my journey and showed my works to King Roland. His Majesty saw your effort in previous contest in which His Majesty offered you completely new challenge and you have done all steps amazingly! Therefore, this time His Majesty prepared for you one more contest in order to see your imagination and skill!
I will share with you pictures I collected during the journey. All you need to do is to guess what is happening on these pictures and share with me your thoughts!

Up to Four winners will each receive:
  • Elixirs that you will choose x12
  • Insignia of Distinction x50
  • Black Box x1

Find more details and participate on our Forum.

Good luck!
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