Header on arcgames.com loads Flash

The header on arcgames.com loads Adobe Flash if the user is not signed in.

Software versions

Adobe Flash
Firefox 38.0.5
Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit), Service Pack 1

Steps to reproduce

1. Start Firefox.
2. Copy and paste the following URL into the address bar. Then, press Enter.


3. Open Windows Task Manager and confirm that Flash is not running.
4. Copy and paste the following URL into the address bar. Then, press Enter.


5. Check Windows Task Manager again. Confirm that two processes named "FlashPlayerPlugin_18_0_0_194.exe" have started.
6. Wait 5 minutes. Then, check Windows Task Manager again, and verify that the two Flash processes are still running.
7. Click the "Sign in" link located in top right of the header. The link should take you to


8. Type your user name and password. Then, click the "Sign In" button. You should be redirected back to


9. Wait 1 minute. Then, check Windows Task Manager again, and verify that the two Flash processes have terminated.

It should be clear from the above steps that Flash is loaded by www.arcgames.com/en/forums, not by perfectworld.vanillaforums.com. Since the Flash processes terminate after you sign in, Flash must somehow be related to signing in, but why?
