I, along with many others think it's about time we got some official response on the glaring problems with Neverwinter.
We need some kind of communication on what you intend to do about the kicking issue in the game, it's becoming unplayable for me right now (and obviously many others) through sheer frustration.
I'd also like some kind of communication on a fix for the unusable in-game chat.
I'm sure server and disconnection issues are right up there too.
We keep seeing the same kind of threads popping up daily in the forums, but we're getting absolutely nothing back from you guys in terms of what you plan to do.
So here it is, I'm asking for some input. Games are supposed to be played for fun, well It's not much fun getting kicked mid dungeon, or even worse.. before you can loot your chest at the end. It's not much fun trying to arrange a trade and watching the chat being spammed to the point where you can't even read it. It's not much fun freezing mid battle, to find out you're dead when the game un-freezes.
More importantly, it's not much fun not getting no response about the glaring issues from you guys, and thinking that our complaints are falling on deaf ears.
I can only speak for me personally, but I am running out of patience.. it wouldn't be so bad if you actually tell us you're aware of the problems, and tell us what you intend to do to fix them. What I can't deal with is getting nothing, and being expected to just plod on in the hopes it may eventually be fixed. For me personally, that's not good enough.
I say that respectfully. This is not a demanding thread, it's me asking for some communication. I don't think that's too much to ask. I post this after once again getting booted at the end of epic skirmish BEFORE I can get to the chest. I can only put up with that so many times, I'm human after all.
Agreed. It's becoming pretty pathetic. Although I know these guys aren't that stupid- they're probably going to release a patch within the next two weeks coinciding with ESO's release. If they don't do that, I may be out and go check out ESO because it's becoming really stressful with all the time outs, disconnects, crashes, kicking, and spam.
This game has so much potential and I know if I worked for this company I'd be scrambling behind the scenes trying to fix this, which part of my thinks they are doing.
I, along with many others think it's about time we got some official response on the glaring problems with Neverwinter.
We need some kind of communication on what you intend to do about the kicking issue in the game, it's becoming unplayable for me right now (and obviously many others) through sheer frustration.
I'd also like some kind of communication on a fix for the unusable in-game chat.
I'm sure server and disconnection issues are right up there too.
We keep seeing the same kind of threads popping up daily in the forums, but we're getting absolutely nothing back from you guys in terms of what you plan to do.
So here it is, I'm asking for some input. Games are supposed to be played for fun, well It's not much fun getting kicked mod dungeon, or even worse.. before you can loot your chest at the end. It's not much fun trying to arrange a trade and watching the chat being spammed to the point where you can't even read it. It's not much fun freezing mid battle, to find out you're dead when the game un-freezes.
More importantly, it's not much fun not getting no response about the glaring issues from you guys, and thinking that our complaints are falling on deaf ears.
I can only speak for me personally, but I am running out of patience.. it wouldn't be so bad if you actually tell us you're aware of the problems, and tell us what you intend to do to fix them. What I can't deal with is getting nothing, and being expected to just plod on in the hopes it may eventually be fixed. For me personally, that's not good enough.
I say that respectfully. This is not a demanding thread, it's me asking for some communication. I don't think that's too much to ask. I post this after once again getting booted at the end of epic skirmish BEFORE I can get to the chest. I can only put up with that so many times, I'm human after all.
Hate to break this to you but nobody is listening and the developers really aren't concerned with any of the issues the game has.
Would be nice if they would make a work in progress section for this game .That way people could see what is being worked on and planning on coming out ahead of time each month.
This is a major issue with a lot of developers today, they know that people will still play and spend money regardless of the current issues. it's widespread in the gaming industry and there are way too many companies releasing broken games and leaving them that way. as long as they toss out a mini event here and there, the majority of gamers will be happy.
It's really disappointing but there isn't a lot you can do about it unfortunately. sure you could stop playing, but it won't hurt them the slightest.
The devs seem to ACTUALLY BE BUSY fixing important issues. Droves of bugs. The broken PC version of the game.
As much as I hate it sometimes, there are lots of legitimate reasons to kick people. L2P issues are rampant (protip: don't stand in red) and a bad/buggy build can drag down an entire party. Someone who refuses to work with the team doesn't deserve the loot that the team worked to get- go to Tiamat if you want to gamble on a free ride.
The real problem is your **** XBOX community. These are CoD kids joining an MMO- what do you expect? You guys are using a legitimate system to be dicks to each other. The simple solution is to avoid gambling on pugs and just make your own groups.
The solution is simple – you either host a game or join a game. If you host, you request specific classes – that spot is only fillable by that particular class (or role). If you join, you specify class (or role) and the queue system matches you to a session from a host. If you are then kicked or drop, you cannot be paired with that particular host for a short time. Kick votes cannot take place during combat or when a dialog box is up (scoreboards). You should be able to see the player and class when the queue pops so you can decline based on party/player makeup if you choose to.
And loot should be specific for each character – no one gets to see others loot – so no loot competition.
A shared goal is optimal to a competitive goal in regard to loot rolls – remove the competitive loot rolling and you solve a significant number of problems. People should be working towards a common goal rather than competing for a random drop at the end of dungeon/skirmish.
The solution is simple – you either host a game or join a game. If you host, you request specific classes – that spot is only fillable by that particular class (or role). If you join, you specify class (or role) and the queue system matches you to a session from a host. If you are then kicked or drop, you cannot be paired with that particular host for a short time. Kick votes cannot take place during combat or when a dialog box is up (scoreboards). You should be able to see the player and class when the queue pops so you can decline based on party/player makeup if you choose to.
And loot should be specific for each character – no one gets to see others loot – so no loot competition.
A shared goal is optimal to a competitive goal in regard to loot rolls – remove the competitive loot rolling and you solve a significant number of problems. People should be working towards a common goal rather than competing for a random drop at the end of dungeon/skirmish.
The devs seem to ACTUALLY BE BUSY fixing important issues. Droves of bugs. The broken PC version of the game.
As much as I hate it sometimes, there are lots of legitimate reasons to kick people. L2P issues are rampant (protip: don't stand in red) and a bad/buggy build can drag down an entire party. Someone who refuses to work with the team doesn't deserve the loot that the team worked to get- go to Tiamat if you want to gamble on a free ride.
The real problem is your **** XBOX community. These are CoD kids joining an MMO- what do you expect? You guys are using a legitimate system to be dicks to each other. The simple solution is to avoid gambling on pugs and just make your own groups.
Thank you. Thank you for saying what the majority of us have been saying all along. Make friends and play with them. The problem is truly the XBox community. This is the same harassment and nonsense that has been happening for years in COD and other FPS games.
Stop being a whiner. You only need the majority in a group to not get vote kicked. Find two friends, just two, and you'll never get voted from a group again (unless you suck and they vote you out).
Thank you. Thank you for saying what the majority of us have been saying all along. Make friends and play with them. The problem is truly the XBox community. This is the same harassment and nonsense that has been happening for years in COD and other FPS games.
Stop being a whiner. You only need the majority in a group to not get vote kicked. Find two friends, just two, and you'll never get voted from a group again (unless you suck and they vote you out).
If I didn't see the exact same posts on the Vanilla WOW forums, LOTRO, BF4, BF3, BF: Hardline, COD, Titanfall, Destiny. . . .then there might be a problem.
SO far this company has been far more responsive than some others. . .
Could you image if this was the company that makes Madden? Ewwww
If I didn't see the exact same posts on the Vanilla WOW forums, LOTRO, BF4, BF3, BF: Hardline, COD, Titanfall, Destiny. . . .then there might be a problem.
SO far this company has been far more responsive than some others. . .
Could you image if this was the company that makes Madden? Ewwww
Really? They all have posts about rampant abuse of the vote kicking system?
I have run three epics alone. Never been kicked, did notice joining random teams means near no one communicated. Joined helpful guild. We run give up things to each other to help grow our characters, for fair trade of course. We communicate and have kicked players for these three reasons only. One, no same classes at the start, before we leave the first fire. Two, your just waiting in the back round not playing but voting on stuff and making it harder to complete. Third, refusing to communicate or at the very least work with the team, ie. Aggro huge crowds, running off on your own, or trying to kick one of us for nothing. Otherwise, we don't care about u r gs, heck, we try to help you improve it, even pass on gear or enchants if you need them more.
I've noticed you don't get kicked for nothing 4out of 5 times, you get kicked for the above reasons. Yes there are trolls, no guilds are not hard to find, yes some are better than others, it took me five guilds to find an active and helpful guild. I even give away gear to lowers to help, or offer some items free to guild before I sell it via gold or trade house.
What I'm saying is this, evaluate why you are being kicked, find a guild, play with them. Truth is that if u r with a guild in epics, you learn how to play together and better resulting in faster farms and a much more enjoyable experience.
Good luck to you all and I have no sympathy for people who have "been kicked hundreds of times, you know how to avoid it. I just told you. Don't cry if you can't follow very simple INSTRUCTIONS.
I have run three epics alone. Never been kicked, did notice joining random teams means near no one communicated. Joined helpful guild. We run give up things to each other to help grow our characters, for fair trade of course. We communicate and have kicked players for these three reasons only. One, no same classes at the start, before we leave the first fire. Two, your just waiting in the back round not playing but voting on stuff and making it harder to complete. Third, refusing to communicate or at the very least work with the team, ie. Aggro huge crowds, running off on your own, or trying to kick one of us for nothing. Otherwise, we don't care about u r gs, heck, we try to help you improve it, even pass on gear or enchants if you need them more.
I've noticed you don't get kicked for nothing 4out of 5 times, you get kicked for the above reasons. Yes there are trolls, no guilds are not hard to find, yes some are better than others, it took me five guilds to find an active and helpful guild. I even give away gear to lowers to help, or offer some items free to guild before I sell it via gold or trade house.
What I'm saying is this, evaluate why you are being kicked, find a guild, play with them. Truth is that if u r with a guild in epics, you learn how to play together and better resulting in faster farms and a much more enjoyable experience.
Good luck to you all and I have no sympathy for people who have "been kicked hundreds of times, you know how to avoid it. I just told you. Don't cry if you can't follow very simple INSTRUCTIONS.
The devs seem to ACTUALLY BE BUSY fixing important issues. Droves of bugs. The broken PC version of the game.
As much as I hate it sometimes, there are lots of legitimate reasons to kick people. L2P issues are rampant (protip: don't stand in red) and a bad/buggy build can drag down an entire party. Someone who refuses to work with the team doesn't deserve the loot that the team worked to get- go to Tiamat if you want to gamble on a free ride.
The real problem is your **** XBOX community. These are CoD kids joining an MMO- what do you expect? You guys are using a legitimate system to be dicks to each other. The simple solution is to avoid gambling on pugs and just make your own groups.
wow... way to generalize our community like that and from my experience, NWPC has negative community members too. specifically people doing the Tiamat fight.
To stay on topic, yes some official communication would be appreciated. I know they are fixing stuff because of last patch, which is cool..but it didnt really touch upon the major things
To stay on topic, yes some official communication would be appreciated. I know they are fixing stuff because of last patch, which is cool..but it didnt really touch upon the major things
I'd give anything to see some sort of content road map, or at least when the GG/IWD/PvP Campaign will be released.
Aeneas/Einherjar/No Skill
(Iron Lotus)
Dragon Born Rouge GS 17.6k in Profound
Not to be confused with Rogue, I truly am the red makeup women put on their cheeks.
I completely understand the need for more information on our end and agree, but sometimes there's reasons we can't say anything. Thak you for being respectful in your comments though.
That being said, here I am telling you guys that we are indeed going to fix the vote kick issue and the chat spam issue in the near future.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)! Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
I completely understand the need for more information on our end and agree, but sometimes there's reasons we can't say anything. Thak you for being respectful in your comments though.
That being said, here I am telling you guys that we are indeed going to fix the vote kick issue and the chat spam issue in the near future.
I just had one of those geeky smiles reading this (obviously at work) hoping no one wonders why I'm grinning at my computer. If those two things get fixed soon, huge positive step in my book!
I completely understand the need for more information on our end and agree, but sometimes there's reasons we can't say anything. Thak you for being respectful in your comments though.
That being said, here I am telling you guys that we are indeed going to fix the vote kick issue and the chat spam issue in the near future.
Thank you for the response. Much appreciated. Might I ask, are the Dev team and the Mod/Forum(s) team two distinctly separate groups, as in two different locations? The reason for my inquiry is that I am trying to figure out where the Servers for NW might be located, simply to try and resolve PING via my ISP and wherever said servers are.
Thank you for the response. Much appreciated. Might I ask, are the Dev team and the Mod/Forum(s) team two distinctly separate groups, as in two different locations? The reason for my inquiry is that I am trying to figure out where the Servers for NW might be located, simply to try and resolve PING via my ISP and wherever said servers are.
The dev team is at Cryptic Studios while I'm at PWE. We're not too far away from each other, but we're still in different buildings. The mods are from all over the US . I'm actually looking into getting a mod just for Xbox.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)! Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
I think this thread wins the prize for the most responses by PWE on any forum thread. I can't believe the awesome insights and information contained within. I hope some of the complainers get a chance to read through this!
I have run three epics alone. Never been kicked, did notice joining random teams means near no one communicated. Joined helpful guild. We run give up things to each other to help grow our characters, for fair trade of course. We communicate and have kicked players for these three reasons only. One, no same classes at the start, before we leave the first fire. Two, your just waiting in the back round not playing but voting on stuff and making it harder to complete. Third, refusing to communicate or at the very least work with the team, ie. Aggro huge crowds, running off on your own, or trying to kick one of us for nothing. Otherwise, we don't care about u r gs, heck, we try to help you improve it, even pass on gear or enchants if you need them more.
I've noticed you don't get kicked for nothing 4out of 5 times, you get kicked for the above reasons. Yes there are trolls, no guilds are not hard to find, yes some are better than others, it took me five guilds to find an active and helpful guild. I even give away gear to lowers to help, or offer some items free to guild before I sell it via gold or trade house.
What I'm saying is this, evaluate why you are being kicked, find a guild, play with them. Truth is that if u r with a guild in epics, you learn how to play together and better resulting in faster farms and a much more enjoyable experience.
Good luck to you all and I have no sympathy for people who have "been kicked hundreds of times, you know how to avoid it. I just told you. Don't cry if you can't follow very simple INSTRUCTIONS.
So ...follow your rules, be the class you want, follow your instructions to get the flow and the outcome that you want, or else - you get kicked?
Isn't that kinda the big problem here?
HR - "The Ungodly" DC - "The Unholy" Guild: Ruthless
I don't mean to come across as someone who's just trying to shove questions on "the powers above", but while acknowledgement of bugs is always a good thing, some form of confirmation about class balance would be nice. There are hundreds of threads regarding feedback on the various classes, and what people think about it. Even if it's simply a "classes are balanced the way we want" reply to let us know where the devs stand on the matter, it would go a very long way at cutting down on some of these posts.
I would love to see any acknowledgment of any of these issues. Making friends is great but everyone isnt online at the same time often and i may have different agenda when they are. Some of us enjoy going solo for the same reason stated above. To many gamers are pricks who love nothing more than to screw with people. If you only have an hour a night to play and unwind it sucks to be treated like a joke by kickers and trolls. I hope that these concerns would be validated by some sort of way by the developers.
I don't mean to come across as someone who's just trying to shove questions on "the powers above", but while acknowledgement of bugs is always a good thing, some form of confirmation about class balance would be nice. There are hundreds of threads regarding feedback on the various classes, and what people think about it. Even if it's simply a "classes are balanced the way we want" reply to let us know where the devs stand on the matter, it would go a very long way at cutting down on some of these posts.
I think the answer is out there, maybe just not in plain sight - it involves some reading between the lines. For instance, we are on Mod 5 (or at least something close to it). All class powers, abilities, and balancing could be argued to be "as intended" according to what the Devs felt when Mod 5 was released on PC. Now PC has Mod 6 and from what I read there were more changes there. So the answer to your question could be, anything that changed about the classes as of Mod 6 was considered either in needing of being changed or not working as intended by the Devs.
Suggestion - go read some about the changes in Mod 6 for PC and see if some of the balancing issues you believe exist were dealt with. At least that'll give you an idea. As far as XBox getting any kind of balancing independent of PC, I'd highly doubt it. The next balancing/changes we'll see, imo, will come after they have made the fixes/changes to the initial release of Mod 6 - stuff they weren't happy with how it worked out.
I completely understand the need for more information on our end and agree, but sometimes there's reasons we can't say anything. Thak you for being respectful in your comments though.
That being said, here I am telling you guys that we are indeed going to fix the vote kick issue and the chat spam issue in the near future.
Thankyou for taking the time to respond, this is exactly what I was looking for. Alas, there is hope
So ...follow your rules, be the class you want, follow your instructions to get the flow and the outcome that you want, or else - you get kicked?
Isn't that kinda the big problem here?
No, you misunderstand. We start with one of each, not my way, the smart way, no need to run two clerics who need. You get your class drops. Two. Yes play with the team or get out. Why do we want to make it harder on everybody because one person can't play as a team. Finally it's how WE get the outcome WE want not one person goes in for nothing, everyone gets fair loot chances and no one wastes two hours so they can get some junk.
I guess you just can't follow direction and your that guy grabbing unnecessary aggro and making a half hour dungeon last two hours? Or you have a hard time understanding that a team consists of leaders and followers, not Rambo renegade trickster rouges. Team play or don't play. My sympathies are not with you.
This game has so much potential and I know if I worked for this company I'd be scrambling behind the scenes trying to fix this, which part of my thinks they are doing.
It's really disappointing but there isn't a lot you can do about it unfortunately. sure you could stop playing, but it won't hurt them the slightest.
The devs seem to ACTUALLY BE BUSY fixing important issues. Droves of bugs. The broken PC version of the game.
As much as I hate it sometimes, there are lots of legitimate reasons to kick people. L2P issues are rampant (protip: don't stand in red) and a bad/buggy build can drag down an entire party. Someone who refuses to work with the team doesn't deserve the loot that the team worked to get- go to Tiamat if you want to gamble on a free ride.
The real problem is your **** XBOX community. These are CoD kids joining an MMO- what do you expect? You guys are using a legitimate system to be dicks to each other. The simple solution is to avoid gambling on pugs and just make your own groups.
And loot should be specific for each character – no one gets to see others loot – so no loot competition.
A shared goal is optimal to a competitive goal in regard to loot rolls – remove the competitive loot rolling and you solve a significant number of problems. People should be working towards a common goal rather than competing for a random drop at the end of dungeon/skirmish.
This would make me unbelievably happy.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Thank you. Thank you for saying what the majority of us have been saying all along. Make friends and play with them. The problem is truly the XBox community. This is the same harassment and nonsense that has been happening for years in COD and other FPS games.
Stop being a whiner. You only need the majority in a group to not get vote kicked. Find two friends, just two, and you'll never get voted from a group again (unless you suck and they vote you out).
If I didn't see the exact same posts on the Vanilla WOW forums, LOTRO, BF4, BF3, BF: Hardline, COD, Titanfall, Destiny. . . .then there might be a problem.
SO far this company has been far more responsive than some others. . .
Could you image if this was the company that makes Madden? Ewwww
Really? They all have posts about rampant abuse of the vote kicking system?
I've noticed you don't get kicked for nothing 4out of 5 times, you get kicked for the above reasons. Yes there are trolls, no guilds are not hard to find, yes some are better than others, it took me five guilds to find an active and helpful guild. I even give away gear to lowers to help, or offer some items free to guild before I sell it via gold or trade house.
What I'm saying is this, evaluate why you are being kicked, find a guild, play with them. Truth is that if u r with a guild in epics, you learn how to play together and better resulting in faster farms and a much more enjoyable experience.
Good luck to you all and I have no sympathy for people who have "been kicked hundreds of times, you know how to avoid it. I just told you. Don't cry if you can't follow very simple INSTRUCTIONS.
wow... way to generalize our community like that
I'd give anything to see some sort of content road map, or at least when the GG/IWD/PvP Campaign will be released.
(Iron Lotus)
Dragon Born Rouge GS 17.6k in Profound
Not to be confused with Rogue, I truly am the red makeup women put on their cheeks.
That being said, here I am telling you guys that we are indeed going to fix the vote kick issue and the chat spam issue in the near future.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter
Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
I just had one of those geeky smiles reading this (obviously at work) hoping no one wonders why I'm grinning at my computer. If those two things get fixed soon, huge positive step in my book!
Thank you for the response. Much appreciated. Might I ask, are the Dev team and the Mod/Forum(s) team two distinctly separate groups, as in two different locations? The reason for my inquiry is that I am trying to figure out where the Servers for NW might be located, simply to try and resolve PING via my ISP and wherever said servers are.
The dev team is at Cryptic Studios while I'm at PWE. We're not too far away from each other, but we're still in different buildings. The mods are from all over the US
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter
Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
Welp, my whole life is a lie ;p
Thanks for the quick response though, +1 Charisma
So ...follow your rules, be the class you want, follow your instructions to get the flow and the outcome that you want, or else - you get kicked?
Isn't that kinda the big problem here?
DC - "The Unholy"
Guild: Ruthless
Economics 101
I think the answer is out there, maybe just not in plain sight - it involves some reading between the lines. For instance, we are on Mod 5 (or at least something close to it). All class powers, abilities, and balancing could be argued to be "as intended" according to what the Devs felt when Mod 5 was released on PC. Now PC has Mod 6 and from what I read there were more changes there. So the answer to your question could be, anything that changed about the classes as of Mod 6 was considered either in needing of being changed or not working as intended by the Devs.
Suggestion - go read some about the changes in Mod 6 for PC and see if some of the balancing issues you believe exist were dealt with. At least that'll give you an idea. As far as XBox getting any kind of balancing independent of PC, I'd highly doubt it. The next balancing/changes we'll see, imo, will come after they have made the fixes/changes to the initial release of Mod 6 - stuff they weren't happy with how it worked out.
Thankyou for taking the time to respond, this is exactly what I was looking for. Alas, there is hope
I guess you just can't follow direction and your that guy grabbing unnecessary aggro and making a half hour dungeon last two hours? Or you have a hard time understanding that a team consists of leaders and followers, not Rambo renegade trickster rouges. Team play or don't play. My sympathies are not with you.