Hey Gang,
In case you didn't see the Patch Notes, there are some new things to check out in this build.
New Features-
Improved 3d editor
- New toolbar
- Drag and drop from the asset library while in "preview" mode
- 3d editing can now be used for encounters, NPC's, teleporters, spawn points, patrol points and much more
- Free Cam
- Properties editing
New Assets
- Elven interior kit
- New exterior maps
- New Elven details
Updated search
- Advanced search options
- search by tags (quests need tags first)
- improved language support
- histograms for ratings and tags
- player driven tagging at the point of review
There are a few other improvements but those are the big ones.
The Foundry team would LOVE to get your feedback on any of these updates to the Foundry.
You can always post feedback here. I will be creating a specific thread as well for some features to get some focused feedback.
Known issue: The Foundry is crashing for some players. We are looking into the issue.
Keep in mind that your quest may not be moved over to the Preview environment. We are working on a new import from LIVE to Preview. Even so, we are not importing EVERY project.
I understand the time and effort it takes to make a quest.
If you get a chance to check out any of the latest updates, it would be great to get your feedback.
I have a new quest in mind, but haven't started, which is why I asked about eventually porting (in which case I would build it on Preview).
...and that without an import/export from Preview to LIVE there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO WASTE TIME testing things on Preview?
This is exactly why I do not bother with Preview at all.
You REALLY, REALLY need to be able to transfer from Preview to Live.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Does this mean Foundry authors can't pick tags for their quest and are at the mercy of the reviewers?
I don't mind player driven tagging, but I'd hope the author could at least provide initial suggested tags for searching.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
These 3 things will make it MUCH easier to decorate prefab rooms/maps and INSANELY easier to custom build maps using rocks/blocks/etc. I spent a week making the small cave in the outdoor map of "Vermin in the Cave". I could probably do it in a day with this tool.
All in all, it is a huge step forward. I can't wait to play with it some more.
The new search is a much needed step in the right direction. The two things I would say are:
1) Please allow authors to tag their own creations. Putting it 100% in the hands of the players means new quests will not show up at all when being searched by tags and the tags chosen by the first few players will be weighed very heavily in how the new quests are viewed. So someone using inappropriate tags (on purpose or not) can have a huge effect.
2) Could use a few more tags I think to describe the type of quest. Nothing really stands out among the current choices to indicate quests that are puzzle/riddle heavy or provide a non-linear story. If "Exploration" is a tag (and maybe I've played one quest so far that I would even think about tagging as "Exploration"), surely "Puzzles" should be.
Along the same lines, it's kind of hard to understand what the intent of some of the tags are. What would be considered "Secrets" or "Surprising" ? "Surprising," "Secrets," and "Unusual" seem pretty close to one another to me.
All in all, great stuff, and can't wait until this is live.
The Crystal Relics - NWS-DMXNCNAVJ
Tower District Contest Entry: Undercover Brother - NW-DCD6OI9JE
I assure you it is never a waste of time to be a part of the Foundry getting better.
It would be great to work with you and all the authors on improvements to the Foundry.
I think that is something we need to discuss. In the end, players will override, by sheer numbers, any tagging you might add yourself. We have talked about a drop down in the project where the author can add tags. It might provide a good start for players.
We looked several tagging systems and found that most of them are 100% player driven.
Great feedback.
We have to talk about the tags. The tags we have now are placeholder until we work with you to pick the final set.
I will be creating an "OFFICIAL TAG THREAD" to discuss what tags we should use when Fury goes live.
The Crystal Relics - NWS-DMXNCNAVJ
Tower District Contest Entry: Undercover Brother - NW-DCD6OI9JE
I am new here, and I seen the reply to this, but wanted to add my own thoughts, something I think slipped Eldarth's mind possibly (unless I'm wrong about the idea here). The idea for this from what I understand, is that we try out new things that haven't gone live yet, and leaving comments about bugs and problems with features or new items in an effort to try to keep these bugs and problems from going "live".
IF they let "Preview" quests go live, then it basically serves no purpose to have the preview area. IF they let it go live, then no one would even use the "Live" version of foundry, because the newest stuff will always be available in the "Preview" section.
I am new here, so there is the possibility that I'm not understanding the point. It may be that your saying your unable to make it go live through the live "Preview" area. IF that is what your saying, I do see your point. The normal live game area of "Preview" should be a part of Foundry Preview, to get those bugs and problems as well.... as I see people talking about how things don't work the same "Live" as they do in the Foundry on the normal live area of these forums. Letting this section be tested in the live Preview area would probably go a ways in fixing these...
IF that's not possible, then perhaps letting people publish from the normal Foundry into Preview first, for testing would perhaps work better, and keep this area just concentrating on the Foundry area itself.
No disrespect meant, I know I could be missing quite a few valid points because I've only skimmed around for a few hours, and there is quite a bit of information all over the forums that I haven't even put a dent in.
What I am suggesting is that once the patch from the Preview goes to the Live server -- THEN Quests that were created/updated on Preview (at that patch level) should be exportable to Live Foundry (Not "published"). That would encourage Foundry authors to really experiment and create new quests using Preview server knowing that all that work would not be worthless.
Like so...
Preview Server -> (export to) -> Foundry Server -> (Publish) -> Live
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
That would be great. How would they be able to determine which is which though? Meaning, How would they know which Foundry quests were done with the stuff already on live, as opposed to the one's that might have newer stuff in them.
I get exactly what you're saying though, and I think that's a great idea (remember, I'm new, so if I'm saying stuff that was already said on another thread, I apologize). With Preview, the stuff that is available might be available on live, right after the patch, but then there will be more stuff added to Preview Foundry that won't be able to go live afterward...
Which leads to the obvious suggestion. How about asking that stuff created on Preview be able to transfer to live, in that gap between when live and Preview have exactly the same content? Perhaps give it a week or two before adding new stuff into Preview.
My only thoughts are, they might add stuff to Preview at the same time they add older stuff from Preview to live, which would make it nearly impossible to know whose quests are good to go as opposed to the one's that already used new stuff. Next suggestion: IF that is so, then if it's possible to Publish quests on Preview, have those published quests, and only those published quests transfer over to live during the patch.
I know all of that sounds common sense, but sometimes common sense is lost when concentrating on heavier efforts.
The patch version. The quests would contain the patch version they were last created/edited using. When that patch version goes live, the quest can be exported to the foundry on live server. If the quest were edited on Preview after the newest patch version was installed, it would no longer be exportable since that patch version doesn't exist on live server yet.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Being able to bring stuff onto the map while you are walking around in it is very beneficial, and should help with detail, encounter, npc, or whatever else your dealing with, as far as map placement goes.
I feel like the auto spawn points have been improved in comparison. I've had quite a bit of problem with falling under the maps on regular server, hasn't happened in Preview.
While working in the map, I have crashed a few times/bug reported. It seems to happen when I pull something from the editor into the map. I don't want to say that's specifically the reason though. It might be tied into the "freeze" you get on the normal server while placing items on the map, when you save to get through it, but while in the map pulling things in Preview, It doesn't freeze, it just crash's. It's what it feels like is happening, but obviously could be unrelated.
There are these huge rocks, that don't really fit in any maps (way bigger). Was just wondering what one would use them for? I think I would prefer narrow but just as long mountain type rocks, to place around your map (like on each side).
I would love to help out testing the new stuff on preview, but when I log in on the preview shard and click foundry my client crashes. This doesn't happen on the normal shard, so........
Seriously... Just make it possible to turn a monster into a solo encounter. It shouldn't be hard.
Minions with HP x8
Standard with HP x4
Elite with HP x2
Increase their attack speed and dmg.
The Mysterious Woman - NW-DP6MVIC26 (Venture in the fey wild)
Those are high elves, also known as eladrins. The closest beings to the feywild.
They are a core race from D&D 4e. You can find them in "The Mysterious Woman" quest.
But first we need to focus on things that impact the usability and stability of the Foundry.
There is a HUGE list of requests that we look at and prioritize on a regular basis. That list includes things like Boss fights and team content but also includes features that make it easier for players to find content they will like.
For this update we focused on much needed improvements to the editor and search. The top requested feature was a tag system. That alone was a lot of work.
Adding a solo encounter with more HP sounds easy but we already have that. They are ogres and we see what people want to do with those. There is also the consideration of what a boss means to various players. HP bags tied on to existing encounters may not be a solution for Bosses that allows for Boss encounters.
We really want to give the authors the ability to create boss encounters and build content that is designed for teams. There is a lot to consider when we do this and I wouldn't feel comfortable just adding an HP, ATK-UP HAMSTER and call it Bosses.
Just give us a LUA interpreter, mob ability data (ready, cooldown, action), and we'll do the rest. :-)
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
I love the way the architecture looks, especially the bridges and outer balcony. My problem is that there is no way to set an exterior graphic on interior maps IE: the balcony just look out into white null space, bridges also, not to mention the floorboards. Is there any chance of finding a way for us to at least set day or night skies that will reflect in the null space of the elven set? I really do love the way it looks but I find the null space very distracting and just unpleasant to look at. If nothing else can you change the white to the green you use in the inner balcony, at least then it just looks like foggy forest, the white is just garish!
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"Fade to Green" Detail won't work for some reason?
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Is that a thing? How would I do it? the set is used in the flow mission in feywilde and it has a nice pink glow which is still better then the white, all I see is the white null spacwe
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
Editing target lock - not focusing on target while moving viewpoint will deselect a target. This makes it difficult to line things up in 3D mode.
XML NPC import/export - Data doesn't have to be the model details but the reference data for creating the models. Recreating models for different campaigns without copying the whole campaign can be tedious if not impossible.
*Note: I haven't checked out the new changes yet, but I'm excited to try out the free cam feature.
I am pretty new to the foundry, but I have to agree about the boss fight. What is the point of creating a really great mission if there is no payoff at the end? The ability to create custom bosses using a NPC template would be really nice. What we have now is just another encounter like all the other ones in your mission. Some kind of system that we could add powers or abilities to existing creatures to make unique and memorable final encounters is something that I think the entire community could get behind. Since I have been playing the game, I have seen a few surveys in my in box asking for feedback. I would be willing to bet that if given the chance to choose between a few options that boss fights would come out on top. And, I read the reply to this topic and understand that it is something that you are already looking into, but I just wanted to add my oppinion to the discussion. Thanks for all of the great work so far.
Check out Details and look for effects or filter "fx' and you should find all sorts of colors for "fade to..."
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics