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Official: Wizard fixes coming to Preview

rgutscheradevrgutscheradev Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 188 Cryptic Developer
Hello everyone!

Currently on Preview you should be seeing a bunch of bugfixes to Wizards (list below).

Still to come is a more thorough balancing pass -- mostly changes to magnitudes of various powers, but a few functional changes as well. I'll post more details when that lands (I'm hoping in a few weeks).

The focus of this pass on Wizards is on bugfixes and balance -- it's not complete revamp of playstyle or how the class feels. We just want to make make sure Wizards are competitive with other dps classes, and hopefully also give a few more viable choices to Wizard players.

Please help us by letting us know:
  • If any of the above fixes didn't work out.
  • If there are other big bugs we missed.
  • If there are other important things the Wizard needs.
As always, we won't have time to make every change we want to make. But hopefully with everyone's feedback, we'll be able to make the most important changes, and get the Wizard to a better place!


  • archmage#5149 archmage Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    >Arcane Power Field daily is now properly modified by the caster's stats.>
    What does this mean?
    Arcane Power Field is a feat. It is a feat that was never used since mod 16.
    The reason was never used is because it is bugged and does not give the damage bonus.
    That is why arcanists use the inferior choice of Chilling Presence feat.
    I will not talk about thaum because is dead and buried and a waste of everybody's time,
    1.The most important thing that arcanists need is cutting in half the animation of Arcane Empowerment.
    Even though noworries stole 2 dots from us when he cut the Steal Time animation, we got an improvement in damage by making the casting time reasonable.
    Not only the casting time puts us at disadvantage during arti calls, but being locked in place for such a long time kills us.
    We understand that wizard specificity is long casting time, thank God we do not have concentration too as condition.
    But half of Arcane Empowerment animation is already long casting time. We must do 3 perfect rotations afterwards to keep up with 1 button daily classes.
    And those 3 perfect rotations from our side result in false cooldown times of encounters during Arcane Empowerment.Meaning encounter enter in cooldown without doing dmg, stay in cooldown, or does not show being in cooldown. I presume the problem is between server/client response for such fast actions and it is not much anybody can do about it.
    2. For ST balance just increase Storm Spell magnitude -fast and easy.
    3.For AOE balance we need a new aoe encounter. Lightning Bolt does not work, an increase in mag would be useless.
    Thank you for taking the time to look at our class.
  • aster#8001 aster Member Posts: 119 Arc User

    >Arcane Power Field daily is now properly modified by the caster's stats.>
    What does this mean?
    Arcane Power Field is a feat. It is a feat that was never used since mod 16.

    Its refear to the class feat and when you go in daily.

    Arcane Power Field was set up to not accept mods of any kind. So it ignored your power, any buffs you had, it couldn't crit, ignored combat advantage... Fixing that should give it a chance to be useful.

    "The more I care for life, the more everything around me dies."
    AsteR (Barbarian) Mizzrym AsteR (Paladin Healer) AsteR Lezenfan (CW) Nahida AsteR (Bard healer)Carbonated AsteR (SW dps)
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  • archmage#5149 archmage Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    That makes no sense. Arcane Power field should work as additive to Arcane stacks mechanics.
    Then how is now Arcane stacks calculated.
    And should be an additive to the feat A Step above Mastery too.
    Arcane Power Field has no business calculating my stats.
    It is a feat that should add bonus to other stacks, then the resulted bonus should calculate my stats.
    I do not understand how this feat now works with basic class mechanic of arcane stacks , and if it works with A Step above Mastery.
  • erevel09erevel09 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    Did you by any chance take a look at smolder/rimefire mechanic of thaumaturge? I didn't play one for a long time but I remember that whenever there were more than 1 wizard in group smolder/rimefire would allow procs from the other wizards, even when they were nor thaums. Increase in magnitude over time would also be welcome.

    Maelstorm of Chaos feels like a waste of time for me. Every arcanist uses basically 4 dailies: Arcane Empowerment for bosses with large health pools, Oppressive Force for mobs and stuns, Icy Knife for quick fast 1-shot and the one that pulls every mob from the area (forgot the name). Never saw anyone using Maelstorm. In my opinion it should just be changed for something else completely. Maybe Lightning based daily?

    Did you take a look at Lightning Bolt encounter? What is your take on it? I think it should work similarly to Cleric's Javelin, because as it is right now, whenever it's used on not-even terrain it just glitches. Not to mention it's not exactly easy to aim the thing while moving.

    Speaking of dailies, is there any chance to increase the cap on affected mobs by dailies such as Furious Immolation?

    Fanning the Flame in theory is a nice encounter power, but problem is - mobs are dead before it can actually do it's thing. Not to mention low magnitude.

    Any chance that Chilling Cloud at-will would deal AoE damage with every hit, instead of just the final one?

    Thank you for trying to make wizards better :)
  • rikitakirikitaki Member Posts: 926 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    @aster @archmage Arcane Power Field: one of you is talking about the flat magnitude damage, the other one about the damage bonus to the arcane stacs. (Both are mentioned in the tooltip, but each of you decided to look only at the part you were concerned about.)
  • archmage#5149 archmage Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    rikitaki you are smart, you are right.
  • fresh7s#5800 fresh7s Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Conduit of Ice. It’s magnitude is low dps and fails to proc chill like icy terrain does.

    Icy terrain root duration is very short, could it be doubled?
  • fritz#8093 fritz Member Posts: 439 Arc User
    Really hard to give judgement without knowing the changes to magnitudes and cooldowns. And yes, the CD bug has to be gone first.
  • rikitakirikitaki Member Posts: 926 Arc User

    Fireball now gains a 10% bonus to damage when used in the Spell Mastery slot.
    ...and other 10% bonus to damage when used in the Spell Mastery slot...

    Sincerely, these "fixes" do not make any sense. And I think you have absolutely no idea about what the Mastery slot actually does. The named spells have mostly some alternative functionality on mastery slot, including a change in magnitudes. It did not miss the respectful bonus, it is a different spell.
    e.g. the Fireball. AoE in normal, single target in mastery. It does not need additional 10% increase in damage in mastery - as it has completely different mechanic and magnitude already. And no sane wizard with a tinge of self respect would prefer it to RoE anyway.
    (If you want to buff the Fireball, bring back the wider AoE bonus on mastery slot. You know, to return at least some reason to slot it in - for solo-play.)
  • krevgkrevg Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    I appreciate the acknowledgement that wizard is not in a good place as a dps role. However, after reading through the proposed changes, it sounds like a few adjustments to powers that have very limited use by wizards in the slots described (mastery, and every power should do something special when in mastery). The only changes I really see people benefiting from are the ones to chill strike, and fireball, and possible arcane power field, if the other bugs with that power are being fixed also. I'm shocked that there is any consideration to further nerf spell storm, which is one of the few powers arcanist wizards run almost all the time. So overall, this reads like a pending decrease/nerf to me not an increase in wizard damage. I've been playing CW/wizard since right after NW launched in 2013...do any of the developers even play this class? These changes seem to miss the mark by a lot to me. Just please go back and read Eldoth's comments on the wizard class. He has posted them numerous times, and sadly, the comments remain the same over many mods, because they still haven't been addressed.

    First and foremost, please do not make the change "Storm Spell now correctly deals reduced damage on non-crits." unless there are plans to increase the chance to process, increase the magnitude, or make some other adjustment to at least keep damage where it is, although, honestly, it should be increased, not decreased. This change would be another step in the wrong direction for wizard in my opinion, and the proposed storm spell nerf makes me sad. Wizard has always been my main, and I play the two I have less and less, and these changes aren't going to encourage me to play them more.

    Other classes get class features that increase damage significantly, we get class features that do a few percent, or one that has only a change to process, and now even that one will do less damage a good percent of the time, when it does actually process.

    Personally, if these changes bring yet another nerf to storm spell, I say leave them out of the game all together.

    - Mike aka Talia (main CW), Taja (alt CW), Tarragon (DC), Tabbatha (OP), Tanya (GF), Tasha (SW), Tanara (HR), Tamir (GWF), Tabrie (Bard) and Tagear (TR)
  • hehateme999#2396 hehateme999 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    Not optimistic about these changes at all. Fix the encounter cooldowns on daily use please.
  • vasile1991vasile1991 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    Please fix the camera approach bug.

    Easily reproduceable when in a dungeon and the player travels through a teleport from an area to the next (within the dungeon).
    If the player dodges and presses F to use the portal while having that wizard specific "in combat animation", there's a strange camera transition which can take even up to 10+ seconds from some far out of bounds dungeon location to the wizard's new location.
    Post edited by vasile1991 on

    Viperion - DragonTribe guild.
    Playing Ranger/Paladin/Bard/Fighter.
  • razor4lpharazor4lpha Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 89 Arc User
    Enfeeblement only has a 6 seconds long effect, so it does not match the description for years now.
    Arcane empowerment casting is long, the encounters we cast often don't deal damage but go on cooldown, the cooldowns regularly lie to us - come off cooldown, then go back.
    Singletarget Fireball on tab makes very little sense for thaum, enfeeblement is still probably the best option there - having an aoe Fireball with bigger range would at least make it viable in aoe/solo.

    The main pain with the class(es) in general is the dot/spike damage, dot ticks are fairly far apart (often 2-3 sec between ticks), so most of them won't deal any reasonable damage before the whole group or the mob with our dot is killed ending the dots themselves. Dots would make a little more sense in singletarget spells, as those usually don't die as fast as group mobs.

    Similar stuff with control spells, they make little sense on singletarget power as most of them will be immune to them - even if we are compensated with some additional damage in these cases - the control effect is just wasted.
  • venuslightheartvenuslightheart Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 50 Arc User
    Will you be fixing the CW movement bug? When you fighting, suddenly you unable to around, only teleport. You have to teleport out or go to character screen. It very annoying and only issue with CW.
  • arran#4326 arran Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 69 Arc User
    *yawn* like magnitudes are the issue with the class, try talking with real wizard endgamers at some point *yawn*
  • nova#2306 nova Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    So this is it huh... this is what we waited 2 1/2+ years for, since the old EP mentioned Wizard changes would be coming "soon"

    rikitaki, sorcio2, mignon, and arran make an excellent points. Again a lot of these points have already been made in previous threads that have been closed by the Cryptic Team. I don't know why we're chasing our tail in a never ending cycle..

    - Conduit still doesn't produce Chill Stack 100% of the time
    - Chill still doesn't apply 100% of the time when using Chill/Cold based abilities
    - You can still stack Rimefire/Smolder by using Fi
    - Dodge Mechanic on Wizard bugs out
    - Ray STILL doesn't match the tooltip after the M6 fiasco.. we can change mechanics but not tooltips???????
    - fireball on mastery over ray? lol come on don't make me laugh to death..
    (to name a few)

    This is the result we have of Cryptic inviting players who don't play a wizard on what changes they want to see in the wizard.
    Well played.

    I Really hope this isn't all the Wizard changes...
    Nova - Thaumaturge Wizard
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  • nova#2306 nova Member Posts: 152 Arc User

    *yawn* like magnitudes are the issue with the class, try talking with real wizard endgamers at some point *yawn*

    functionality too. but he said in the OG post some functionality.. to what we don't know yet.
    Nova - Thaumaturge Wizard
    Bardtholomew - Minstrel Bard
    Mariah Carries - Devout Cleric
    Darth Bane - Thaumaturge Wizard on Xbox
    Neverwinter's Prophet - MMO Specialist
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  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User

    Azarith I reported you for spam.
    Please take your never ending posting addiction to general threads where details are not of the essence.

    I'm sorry that you seem to not like people trying to be helpful. I posted simply because other posters in this thread were NOT paying attention to details stated in the original post and thinking that this was the only fixes that was ever going to happen for wizard. It's Arazith btw.
  • hayyyyahayyyya Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    First of all thank you cryptic for the insult that u just did again towards our beloved Class, 2 years for this. I couldnt be happier to say no towards the at least 5 invites to make the class better, it doenst Matter what Feedback u give over years, it doenst Matter what Feedback u give in a closed Beta and of course it doenst Matter what is still to come if you start the road of changes like this insult then u just show how much u care about actualy Feedback.
    The most u hurt those people that actualy take there time to give Feedback and show interesst to make thinks better.

    Maybe u understand this. FIRST u Roll out everychange there is than u start testing again on preview so people can give more insight and then u go back to the drawing board. Those changes u just did nobody needs to Test cause there close to non existend.
  • dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited September 2022

    Please help us by letting us know:

    • If any of the above fixes didn't work out.
    • If there are other big bugs we missed.
    • If there are other important things the Wizard needs.
    There is only one bug list posted so far, so I will quote it:
    nova#2306 said:

    - Conduit still doesn't produce Chill Stack 100% of the time
    - Chill still doesn't apply 100% of the time when using Chill/Cold based abilities
    - You can still stack Rimefire/Smolder by using Fi
    - Dodge Mechanic on Wizard bugs out
    - Ray STILL doesn't match the tooltip after the M6 fiasco.. we can change mechanics but not tooltips???????
    - fireball on mastery over ray? lol come on don't make me laugh to death..
    (to name a few)


    I Really hope this isn't all the Wizard changes...

    Here's my list, purely based on the patch notes - I haven't tested these on preview (and servers are currently still offline):
    • Cooldown bug
    • Steal Time: shockwave visual is missing
    • Steal time: hourglass icon circling around enemies is unrecognizable because there is a bright light behind/inside of it
    • Steal time is missing its shhhhh.... poof! sound when it is in the mastery slot (and seems occasionally inconsistent in normal encounter slot)
    • Fireball visual is gone (I have not personally looked at this)
    • Stuck in at-will: storm pillar version 1: not class specific, getting stuck in charging at-will results in unable to do anything until you cast the at-will again
    • Stuck in at-will: storm pillar version 2: class specific, unable to use powers or walk but can use teleport, only fixed by restarting the game
    • Stuck in at-will: ray of frost edition: not class specific, because this is a targeted ranged attack, this results in nothing happening at first - until a new mob enters your vision/reticule and your character suddenly casts ray of frost at it, continues until you cast the at-will again
    • Shield is missing its re-activatable version. Instead, the re-activate effect happens when you cast it for a second time, after the full +- 25 second cooldown.
    • Arcane power field doesn't double the damage buff from arcane stacks, as it doesn't work over the stacks from A step above mastery. (I have not tested this, but it's already been mentioned in this thread by others, and it was tested by Janne at some point.)
      Lightning bolt does not work (well/at all) on uneven terrain - at the level of pebbles (not slopes).
      Lightning bolts visual and the described area it should affect do not appear to match up, it might benefit from a rectangular casting area indicator like Fighters Shield Slam encounter.
      Right clicking the mastery encounter power slot in order to change the power populates the options list with whatever type of power you last right clicked. Example: right clicking a daily slot, then right clicking the mastery slot shows the daily powers list instead of the encounter powers one. (You are not able to select anything other than encounter powers though.)
    Additional thaum bugs that I do not know anything about because I don't play thaum, but have also been reported before and are not in this list:

    Shatter Strike does not affect the following powers when they are used against control immune targets: Arcane Singularity, Furious Immolation, Conduit of Ice.

    Shatter Strike doubly affects the following powers when they are used against control immune targets: Icy Rays. (It wasn't specified whether both Icy Rays casts were aimed at the same control immune target)

    Theories I've seen for the 'cinematic camera' bug where your camera travels at a cinematic pace from one part of the map to another after the player goes through a portal / gets teleported to a different part of the map:
    • Was in combat animation when activating the portal
    • Had recently dodged/teleported/shifted (all same thing).
    • Was mounted when activating the portal
    • Stamina bar was not full
    This seems to occur most often in Lair of the Mad Mage.

    P.S. Nova they specifically stated this is not all of the changes and there is more coming in a few weeks.

    Edited: Fixed the unordered list tags not working together with the font tags. Now it's more readable.
    Post edited by dillygirl on
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    Three issues that drive me crazy:

    Lightning bolt is incredibly unreliable. Most of the time it does nothing at all.
    Icy Rays likes to show itself as available when it's actually on cooldown.
    Icy Terrain has a realllllly long cooldown. It drives me batty. It would be nice if it was reduced a little.
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  • fns2005fns2005 Member Posts: 350 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    Thaumaturge should have more buffing/debuffing capabilites. Many wizards miss the old Renegade Master of Flames - where is wasn't all about damage, but helping the team make the run more smooth. Changes to Thaumaturge feat/class feature choices should keep in mind the option of more dps choices OR more buff/debuff - or a combination, depending on your top and bottom row choices. The current smolder buff is very low. Thaumaturge, doesn't have to be as strong as Bard at buff/debuff, but it's a shame currently Hunter Rangers have more group utility than Thaumaturge.
    Post edited by fns2005 on
  • sageone#7098 sageone Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    i would ask if the cw can be reviewed again and to have the following changes implemented:

    Ray of frost magnitude increased from 55 to 60

    Scorching Burst magnitude increased from 30-80 to 45-80

    Chill Strike Spell mastery magnitude increased from 225 to 300

    Shatter Strike: Powers with control effects now deal 200 magnitude (up from 150) against CC immune targets

    Ice Storm: Instead of the knockback effect have it freeze all enemies within its radius for 4 seconds for 650 magnitude and for cc immune targets let it do 750

    Maelstrom of Chaos: Reduce the animation time and increase the area of effect. Currently the animation time is so long that by the time it hits the enemies have already moved from the location.

    Imprisonment was disliked only because it didnt do any damage. All you had to do was add damage to the power and it would have been acceptable. Give us back Imprisonment as an aoe with 325 magnitude and Spell Mastery makes it ST 450 magnitude with the arcane conduit effect.

    None of these are big changes except for Ice Storm and Imprisonment but i believe they would go a long way in making players a little bit happier with the cw.
  • mynaammynaam Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 937 Arc User
    No agro bug fix. BIS only changes , mid level players will continue to suffer hard. why do devs only test for bis players and neglect the rest!!!!
    This will not help player bleed
    There are more than BIS players in this game
    RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
    FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
    Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)

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