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Official: Wizard fixes coming to Preview



  • archmage#5149 archmage Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    It is not the devs job to find the next best build and rotation.

    If you look at the script and do not see enough to smile about , it is on you.
    I am happy with the changes in ST and in AoE and I do not need to test anything to know my future build already, the benefit is that obvious.

  • fritz#8093 fritz Member Posts: 439 Arc User

    It is not the devs job to find the next best build and rotation.

    If you look at the script and do not see enough to smile about , it is on you.
    I am happy with the changes in ST and in AoE and I do not need to test anything to know my future build already, the benefit is that obvious.

    If there's a new build out there with noticeably more output I'm more than happy to ditch the current meta and playstyle. However given @rgutscheradev's comments that the current top build is "on par", which is definitely not the case, makes me feel less enthusiastic about what the devs are trying to achieve with this rework.
  • archmage#5149 archmage Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    -noticeably more output -

    I did not said that it is a build with noticeably more dmg output .

    I said- enough to smile about.

    A bit of help in aoe. Not enough to close the gap, but enough to smile about.
    In ST we got more sustain damage, and a playing field that is fair.

    We never received so much work and attention.
    But -noticeably more output -no, is not the case.

  • fritz#8093 fritz Member Posts: 439 Arc User

    -noticeably more output -

    I did not said that it is a build with noticeably more dmg output .

    I said- enough to smile about.

    A bit of help in aoe. Not enough to close the gap, but enough to smile about.
    In ST we got more sustain damage, and a playing field that is fair.

    We never received so much work and attention.
    But -noticeably more output -no, is not the case.

    Dunno. Feels like it's a wasted opportunity then. I retired my Wizard a while ago because I had trouble getting into groups even with BoA. Now reading that all is fine and dandy makes me cringe, especially coming from a dev. I agree that bis Wizards with BoA where somewhat viable, but never top-end competitive. It wasn't enough of a gap to deliberately exclude them from groups, but you know how zone chat works. There was a bit of a revival with ranged in demand for dragons, but since BoA is now gone I'm seeing that trend reverted.

    I advertise with my TR and Warlock and get into groups instantly. Maybe it has more to do with player expectations and wrong assumptions, but whatever the issue it doesn't help the class either way. I personally think too many Wizards struggle in the 60k - 70k range to put out reasonable damage where other classes have a much more linear progression thanks to higher power magnitudes. I'm a little bit frustrated that this isn't acknowledged and changed.
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    Well I did spect not only changes to magnitudes or numbers but also changes to some powers for example Lightning bolt for something like Chain Lightning (targeted spell with jumps) to make AoE more fluid and more front damage fast like other classes and not the slow buggy lighning bolt.

    Also I spected changes in feats to alow new playstyles, options to gain recharge speed, etc. As I see now, they will make thaumaturge viable and spellstorm a bit better in aoe. Not enough for me for that long wait, and we know when this is finished you wont look at wizards in 5 years or more.

    You can buff shield, Maelstrom and other HAMSTER powers what you want, they will be useless.

    I think the nerf to Arcane Empowerment was neccesary mainly because of the lag / CD issues cant be fixed for everyone due to lag / ping but you need to compensate that with the single target powers dmg we use during AE. Or extend the duration 2-3 seconds.

    I hope you still have more in the room :D
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
    Elemental Evil Survivor
    Undermontain Survivor
    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • eugeecoeugeeco Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    The TL;DR of it all is Arcanist is getting AOE buffed, some bugs fixed (slight DPS improvements), and their flagship daily nerfed slightly. I do suspect that slowing down the recharge is to avoid a limitation of the engine that causes phantom cooldowns. If that's the case then buff the damage bonus to compensate, especially if they were good where they were.

    On the Thaum side it's just buffs across the board, and Smolder will no longer be a pile of HAMSTER; I'm anxious to test if Ray of Frost + Directed Flames is going to be a return to the glory days of freeze-burning your enemies to snowy ash. Even Fanning the Flames might not be garbage. As soon as this hits Test I'll be over the parsing and comparing.
  • rotor556643rotor556643 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Why my comment was delete?
  • rotor556643rotor556643 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2022
    Ice knife need up to 2200

    Eye of the storm need remove the cooldown, because mage doesnt have stat bonus and small dexterity

    Ray of enfeeblement and Entangling Force do not deal full damage during Arcane Empowerment due to the fact they have dot damage, need fix

    Arcane Empowerment need remove the cap on action points during the duration of the daily skill

    Assailing Force and Nightmare Wizardry need up chance

    Chilling Presence up to 1% for stack

    Arcane Mastery up to 1% for stack

    Icy Terrain up to 450

    Ray of frost up to 70

    Control Mastery change, instead of a bonus to control, add 5% crit damage

    Before Arcane Empowerment Combat skills have double cooldowns, need fix
    Oppressive Force need up magnitude

    Snap Freeze need up magnitude

    Ray of Enfeeblement up to 500

    Entangling Force up to 600

    Repel up to 600

    Storm Spell need up magnitude

    Striking Advantage need remove cooldown

    Storm Pillar NEED generate AP if you don't hit any targets

    Arcane Empowerment: increased damage bonus from 10% to 20%; need speed bonus x5, if x3 need up magnitude to 630

    Steal of time need up to 400

    Storm Pillar up to 50-90
    Post edited by rotor556643 on
  • arran#4326 arran Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 69 Arc User

    The top Wizard builds (which basically means the Arcane Empowerment build) are doing quite well -- competitive with the other top dps builds. We're certainly not seeing them at 30-40% below everyone else across the board.

    What makes you think you have ever encountered a top dps player? Are we going to pretend your ccp friends get invited to good groups? A fresh level 20 looks strong next to them...
  • rotor556643rotor556643 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    > The top Wizard builds (which basically means the Arcane Empowerment build) are doing quite well -- competitive with the other top dps builds. We're certainly not seeing them at 30-40% below everyone else across the board.

    ~20%-25% on ru server (our players are stronger than in the euro), its a lot
  • fritz#8093 fritz Member Posts: 439 Arc User
    Wonder whether @rgutscheradev might be willing to get a little more specific as to what data they're looking at, because it's too vague of a statement really.
  • krevgkrevg Member Posts: 98 Arc User

    I'm hearing this said a lot, but we're not seeing it in our data.

    The top Wizard builds (which basically means the Arcane Empowerment build) are doing quite well -- competitive with the other top dps builds. We're certainly not seeing them at 30-40% below everyone else across the board.

    That said, I do want to take a closer look, and to get another data pull from when the Band of Air changes have sunk in (that hurts more than just Wizard, of course, but Wizard is definitely one of the classes that can use Band of Air effectively).

    If you look at your data, you will see that a nerf to Spell Storm is clearly not in order. This nerf only serves to LOWER the dps of end game wizards. Overall, these changes are unwanted, as they do not fix any of the long standing CW bugs, and only reduce any real players dps. Making changes to stuff people don't use, in hope that they may use it, really doesn't help the current situation. I've spoken with other end game CWs that all seem to agree on this. I'd love to see some meaningful fixes to CW, and possibly some boosts to some areas, but this is not it.

    I'll also add, as someone that plays all classes, it is MUCH easier to do decent dps on most other dps classes than CW with similar gear. Last thing I want to see is a further reduction in dps (which these changes rally amount to with the Spell Storm nerf).

    I strongly urge the development team to take another look at wizard, and talk with some of us that know the class before pushing out these changes. I do play many versions of CW too, having 10 loadouts on my main, Talia. Overall, this is a very disappointing set of proposed changes.
  • d4rkh0rs3d4rkh0rs3 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    The devs have demonstrated a willingness to listen to the player base and integrate much needed changes, most recently and most specifically with the Bard.

    My suggestion for your consideration, especially those less excited about the Wizard changes here, is to wait until the patch hits Preview to test. Once tested, it will be helpful to provide objective feedback.

    We experienced a process with the Bard changes where a patch went to Preview and further adjustments were made afterwards.

    If you’re as passionate as I think you are, please be supportive.
  • shockerizershockerizer Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    I agree. Thanks to the devs coming in and chatting.

    Getting with Wiz's that have been playing a long time will certainly be a big help.
  • fns2005fns2005 Member Posts: 350 Arc User
    > @darthpotater said:
    > Well I did spect not only changes to magnitudes or numbers but also changes to some powers for example Lightning bolt for something like Chain Lightning (targeted spell with jumps) to make AoE more fluid and more front damage fast like other classes and not the slow buggy lighning bolt.
    > Also I spected changes in feats to alow new playstyles, options to gain recharge speed, etc. As I see now, they will make thaumaturge viable and spellstorm a bit better in aoe. Not enough for me for that long wait, and we know when this is finished you wont look at wizards in 5 years or more.
    > You can buff shield, Maelstrom and other <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> powers what you want, they will be useless.
    > I think the nerf to Arcane Empowerment was neccesary mainly because of the lag / CD issues cant be fixed for everyone due to lag / ping but you need to compensate that with the single target powers dmg we use during AE. Or extend the duration 2-3 seconds.
    > I hope you still have more in the room :D

    Chain Lightning would be awesome! ⚡️
  • fns2005fns2005 Member Posts: 350 Arc User
    > @sageone#7098 said:
    > i would ask if the cw can be reviewed again and to have the following changes implemented:
    > Ray of frost magnitude increased from 55 to 60
    > Scorching Burst magnitude increased from 30-80 to 45-80
    > Chill Strike Spell mastery magnitude increased from 225 to 325
    > Shatter Strike: Powers with control effects now deal 250 magnitude (up from 150) against CC immune targets
    > Lightning Bolt Encounter: Remove it altogether or change the animation and targeting to guarantee it hits
    > Entangling Force: In Spell Mastery change it so it grants an additional attack where you can slam the enemy into the ground after raising them in the air.
    > Icey Terrain: reduce cooldown by 3 seconds
    > Ice Storm: Instead of the knockback effect have it freeze all enemies within its radius for 4 seconds for 650 magnitude and for cc immune targets let it do 750
    > Maelstrom of Chaos: Reduce the animation time and increase the area of effect. Currently the animation time is so long that by the time it hits the enemies have already moved from the location.
    > Imprisonment was disliked only because it didnt do any damage. All you had to do was add damage to the power and it would have been acceptable. Give us back Imprisonment as an aoe with 325 magnitude and Spell Mastery makes it ST 450 magnitude with the arcane conduit effect.
    > Also keep in mind that all the other classes have multiple encounters that hit for more than 500 magnitude and arcanist and thaum both barely have any. I think between the 2 paths they have 2 encounter power that are over 500 and for one of them that is only in Spell mastery slot
    > None of these are big changes except for Ice Storm and Imprisonment but i believe they would go a long way in making players a little bit happier with the cw.

    Entangling Force - Star Wars telekinetic smash, yes please! 🙏
  • cornelius#6021 cornelius Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7 Arc User
    I did some tests on the ST and the first impression is bad. The thaum is weaker than the arcanist who has had his dps reduced at the same time.
    6 months to obtain such changes, which concern adjustments of magnitude and cd only, we could really have hoped for better. We get a large list of changes that masks the weakness of their impact. The objectives seemed clear to me, however, to improve the aoe of the cw in a substantial way and the ST in a more limited way. For the ST we have the opposite.

  • aster#8001 aster Member Posts: 119 Arc User

    I did some tests on the ST and the first impression is bad. The thaum is weaker than the arcanist who has had his dps reduced at the same time.
    6 months to obtain such changes, which concern adjustments of magnitude and cd only, we could really have hoped for better. We get a large list of changes that masks the weakness of their impact. The objectives seemed clear to me, however, to improve the aoe of the cw in a substantial way and the ST in a more limited way. For the ST we have the opposite.


    Did you test in preview?
    "The more I care for life, the more everything around me dies."
    AsteR (Barbarian) Mizzrym AsteR (Paladin Healer) AsteR Lezenfan (CW) Nahida AsteR (Bard healer)Carbonated AsteR (SW dps)
    M22-M23 -M24-M25-M26 Alphatester
    Official Content Creator
    Wizard Reworker
  • fritz#8093 fritz Member Posts: 439 Arc User
    The changes will probably hit preview on Friday. I mean yeah currently you'll see less output simply due to Storm Spell changes. Not much to test though.
  • cornelius#6021 cornelius Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7 Arc User

    I did some tests on the ST and the first impression is bad. The thaum is weaker than the arcanist who has had his dps reduced at the same time.
    6 months to obtain such changes, which concern adjustments of magnitude and cd only, we could really have hoped for better. We get a large list of changes that masks the weakness of their impact. The objectives seemed clear to me, however, to improve the aoe of the cw in a substantial way and the ST in a more limited way. For the ST we have the opposite.


    Did you test in preview?
    >Yes i did

  • archmage#5149 archmage Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    There is no buffing wizard in d&d.
    There are buffing spells, but it is a cutting choice if it is worth to use a spell slot, and usually it is not.
    That skill is a vestige of premod 16 skillttree and unfit for current gameplay.
    Even back then it was a CHOICE if one would take this feat for Master of Flame buffing build.

  • fritz#8093 fritz Member Posts: 439 Arc User

    There is no buffing wizard in d&d.
    There are buffing spells, but it is a cutting choice if it is worth to use a spell slot, and usually it is not.
    That skill is a vestige of premod 16 skillttree and unfit for current gameplay.
    Even back then it was a CHOICE if one would take this feat for Master of Flame buffing build.

    A buffing controller as mentioned is interesting (and I don't care about D&D lore), especially since I think two competing DPS paragons aren't ideal. We once had a buffing meta and in case a buffer is able to up party damage by 20% such a spec becomes very viable in trial content.
  • archmage#5149 archmage Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    Now there are 7! , SEVEN support classes with different buffing abilities.

    If my role is dps, to deal damage, my Class Skill should help me to deal damage.
    Why am I mandatory buffing the other dps to deal more damage than me?
    Because I like to be passed on party and raid invites?

  • drago#9606 drago Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2022

    The changes will probably hit preview on Friday. I mean yeah currently you'll see less output simply due to Storm Spell changes. Not much to test though.

    A quick glance at an ACT log from earlier in this week on preview showed a 50% crit rate for Storm Spell, and roughly half the damage on a non-crit vs a crit. Assuming it was (the equivalent of) 100% crit rate to this point, it would be around a 25% damage reduction from it. Not massive in the grand scheme, but 1-2% overall dps loss needs making up somewhere else.
  • cornelius#6021 cornelius Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7 Arc User

    The changes will probably hit preview on Friday. I mean yeah currently you'll see less output simply due to Storm Spell changes. Not much to test though.

    It was first impression not definitive, i"ll wait for complete implementation to give me an opinion.
  • sageone#7098 sageone Member Posts: 49 Arc User

    Ray of Enfeeblement and Arcane conduit are the essentially the same thing. Before we had Arcane Conduit we had Imprisonment and the only reason players didnt use it was because it didnt do any damage. When the players asked for you guys to add damage to it you decided to replace it with Arcane Conduit which is not what the players asked for. PLEASE give us back Imprisonment (chains enemies in place for 3 seconds) and simply add some damage to it (250-300 mag) and when it is in Mastery have it change to ST with more damage.
  • sageone#7098 sageone Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    Also there are quite a few enemies that have very cool lightning attacks like in Vollusk and DBV. Maybe taking one of their animations and tweaking them a bit would work better for the Lightning Bolt Encounter. Or maybe the Clerics burning arrows and just change them blue and white.
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