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M20 New Sharandar and Ruins of Malabog Adventure Zone Bugs/Feedback

The crossing between Faerûn and the Feywild has been blocked, severing the connection between New Sharandar and Neverwinter. Iliyasha Guidingstar, the Iliyanbruen envoy to Neverwinter, needs your help to restore contact with her home in the Feywild and get to the bottom of this new menace that threatens New Sharandar.

We would love to hear any feedback on the adventure zone, campaign, heroic encounters and the quests!

Specifics on environment collision, encounter difficulty and quest flow would be particularly useful.

Thank you and enjoy!

Formatting Your Feedback and Bugs
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Bug: While attempting to complete the 'What was Lost' quest, the ranger never appears and the quest is impossible to complete

Feedback: The heroic encounters should happen more often and drop better loot.


  • liadan1984#8734 liadan1984 Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    Intro zone: second camp fire, just before the Gemstone Guardian.
    Wandering group wanders too close to the campfire, and agro's/attacks while you're resting/recovering.
    Co-Guild Leader
    Ghost Templars L20
    Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
    Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
    Alt: Warlock
  • liadan1984#8734 liadan1984 Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    Find the Illiyanbruen Ranger
    When you are interacting with the ranger, and someone else comes along and interacts and completes their interaction, it also completes yours, and drops you out of the interaction screen.
    So, if you are actually wanting to read, rather than just skip through...

    Can go back to the Quest Journal to read the information, but the actions of people outside of my party shouldn't interfere. (FWIW, I'm not in a party)
    Co-Guild Leader
    Ghost Templars L20
    Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
    Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
    Alt: Warlock
  • grizord2#2543 grizord2 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2021

    Apparently generic mobs (from the zone) have too much HP, while Big mobs have too low, causing then to die way faster than the generic ones, ex: BHE boss and the boss from the intro quest.
    Ps: This is also a recurrent problem in any other zone.
  • the1truehunterthe1truehunter Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 211 Arc User
    adinosii said:

    There is too much new gear that is just like older gear, same bonuses, just higher IL......Maybe it's just me, but I would have loved to get something a bit more...interesting.

    I had the same opinion at the first sight and then I understand that they should have a reason for putting such gears. The purpose of having those gears is to help new players. We may get some interesting new gear pieces in episode 2 or 3 that may potentially be a bit higher in item level and have similar bonuses with tier 3 bonuses from Avernus hunts. At least that was the path thei followed in the past. I do agree with the fact that some bonuses are still power based and they need their bonuses adjusted to fit in the new combat system.

  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User

    adinosii said:

    There is too much new gear that is just like older gear, same bonuses, just higher IL......Maybe it's just me, but I would have loved to get something a bit more...interesting.

    I had the same opinion at the first sight and then I understand that they should have a reason for putting such gears. The purpose of having those gears is to help new players. We may get some interesting new gear pieces in episode 2 or 3 that may potentially be a bit higher in item level and have similar bonuses with tier 3 bonuses from Avernus hunts. At least that was the path thei followed in the past. I do agree with the fact that some bonuses are still power based and they need their bonuses adjusted to fit in the new combat system.

    This is dungeon gear though...so far there really isn't a reason for anyone to run the new dungeon outside of story. I would have liked to see something other than power.
  • xenocide#6577 xenocide Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    Not sure if this is a bug but the new gear is showing 2 different combine ratings on the stats>

    Also, I couldnt find keys for malabogs castle or master of the hunt in the campaign store on on the campaign page
  • towahntowahn Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I have to say at this point I am not surprised that there is a list of known issues a mile long with the new combat rework and we get a new mod instead of a huge much needed bug fix. *long sigh*
  • This content has been removed.
  • evemjevemj Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    New Sharandar, 2711,1223 = some sort of invisible collision
  • elderislt#1066 elderislt Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    Wat if I finish sharandar in live on 70% I spent my time becose I wana finish sharandar champagne, and now it's just bumm disapier, so all my time which I spend on this compagne daznt mater? :D
    BABY ZARIEL.... 270k base HUNTER
  • edited January 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    Disregard. The game had put it into my belt slot automatically. Dunno why. False alarm.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • dazdranagon88#4986 dazdranagon88 Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    Will the passage of the previous campaign be taken into account, and will the gifts be preserved?
  • sylantax3sylantax3 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    Which do we use? Owlbear doesn't work, and Mimic seems to work, but then when I get into the preview game, it crashes before I can actually start the game.
  • kevin#3443 kevin Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    sylantax3 put in a ticket and try arc repair
  • liadan1984#8734 liadan1984 Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    hustin1 said:

    Lots of questions...

    1. What about the original campaign? Is it gone for good? The dialogue when you enter the NEW New Sharandar makes no sense if new players never see the original campaign.

    2. What about the rewards from the original campaign? Some of those only come from places like the Witch Fen. If those are unattainable now, that is a VERY big deal.

    3. Uh...are you aware that powries on live are **female**? Did they all put on belts of gender changing? BIG plot hole here. Major.

    And some comments..

    1. The aggro radius seems unusually large, sort of like when Chult first launched. It's getting really annoying.

    2. The Iliyanbruen prisoners don't look at all like Iliyanbruen. One looks like she's from Chult!

    3. Something about the new map appears to be off. It doesn't look "Feywild-ey" enough. It looks too much like the Prime Material Plane. The Feywild is a separate plane, a.k.a. the Plane of Faerie. I'm not talking about the furnishings so much as the environment. The very air should seem different. In the background, there seem to be way too many rocks and not enough green. It's a shame the Foundry isn't up anymore because I would direct you to Children of the Fey (see my sig) where I tried to take a stab at what a different part of the plane might look like.

    I did, however, save a capture of it to my MediaFire account before it went dark:


    Another comment regarding the original campaign:

    The old Sharandar currency (Fey Trinkets) are still required for guild building upgrades.

    But, as we're unable to access the old Sharandar area and quests, getting this currency is going to be near impossible.

    Co-Guild Leader
    Ghost Templars L20
    Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
    Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
    Alt: Warlock
  • jman3l#5579 jman3l Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    @avathar#2753 because the old sharandar campaign is gone, what happens to those boons from the old campaign? Please tell me we will keep them, and also how will newer players get those older boons? Will Strongholds be updated to take the new currency for stronghold coffers? These are two glaring issues I see. Other than that, the area and campaign looks beautiful.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    The Sinister Relic is a problem. The collection page says it is available in the tradebar store. It isn't.

    On that subject....how are people supposed to be able to obtain the "old Sharandar" items that are in the coollection, if they are not available from vendors and the area is not accessible? Case in point: Witch fen, for the Redcap items?

    You should NEVER list anything in a collection that is totally unavaliable...
    Hoping for improvements...
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    I took both my main (50k cleric) and an alt that I raised up to 40k (warlock) through the intro quest. It was a breeze on both characters, note that I have no played Warlock outside of leveling her up to 80 in M16, so my experience with the class is next to none. Not only this, but a few is us were talking with Rainer on the PE Discord and he was able to do the quest on all classes at 30k without too much difficulty (though a bit slow as a Paladin).
    I think that the mobs need to be increased in difficulty, especially the HP of the two "bosses". If the recommended item level is 40k, a 40k character should be having some difficulty and not just cut through them like butter. At least enough to where someone who has a lot less than 40k can't also complete the content.

    As far as the Ruins of Malabog zone goes, I would like to see the zone turn more sinister and more the colors seen in the old zone, the further out from New Sharandar you get (but leave New Sharandar as is)
  • thany#4351 thany Member Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    arazith07 said:

    I took both my main (50k cleric) and an alt that I raised up to 40k (warlock) through the intro quest. It was a breeze on both characters, note that I have no played Warlock outside of leveling her up to 80 in M16, so my experience with the class is next to none. Not only this, but a few is us were talking with Rainer on the PE Discord and he was able to do the quest on all classes at 30k without too much difficulty (though a bit slow as a Paladin).
    I think that the mobs need to be increased in difficulty, especially the HP of the two "bosses". If the recommended item level is 40k, a 40k character should be having some difficulty and not just cut through them like butter. At least enough to where someone who has a lot less than 40k can't also complete the content.

    As far as the Ruins of Malabog zone goes, I would like to see the zone turn more sinister and more the colors seen in the old zone, the further out from New Sharandar you get (but leave New Sharandar as is)

    OMG dude. 50K cleric and 40K warlock is far beyond 30K on live... And you want to increase difficulty ? Don't get me wrong. Your's advices were bad before, and now, well it's even worse.

  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User

    arazith07 said:

    I took both my main (50k cleric) and an alt that I raised up to 40k (warlock) through the intro quest. It was a breeze on both characters, note that I have no played Warlock outside of leveling her up to 80 in M16, so my experience with the class is next to none. Not only this, but a few is us were talking with Rainer on the PE Discord and he was able to do the quest on all classes at 30k without too much difficulty (though a bit slow as a Paladin).
    I think that the mobs need to be increased in difficulty, especially the HP of the two "bosses". If the recommended item level is 40k, a 40k character should be having some difficulty and not just cut through them like butter. At least enough to where someone who has a lot less than 40k can't also complete the content.

    As far as the Ruins of Malabog zone goes, I would like to see the zone turn more sinister and more the colors seen in the old zone, the further out from New Sharandar you get (but leave New Sharandar as is)

    OMG dude. 50K cleric and 40K warlock is far beyond 30K on live... And you want to increase difficulty ? Don't get me wrong. Your's advices were bad before, and now, well it's even worse.

    Everyone's item level increases with this new mod. 30k on live is more like 45k on preview. 30k on Preview is like 20-24k on live. Everyone who has done all the other content should be well beyond 30k on preview.

    Have you actually gone on preview to test out the new mod? They themselves are the ones recommending 40k, and yet 30k can do just fine. They need to either raise the difficulty to actually match the recommended or lower the recommended. Considering this is brand new and there is no content for 40k+, I would rather they increase the difficulty, as this should be harder than Avernus.

    If you are having trouble on preview, be sure to check your character sheet to make sure you don't have the bug that shows your damage as 0. (there is a work around where you respec).
  • gweddeoran#4924 gweddeoran Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited January 2021
  • sylantax3sylantax3 Member Posts: 10 Arc User

    sylantax3 put in a ticket and try arc repair

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