rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
It isn't pay only, it is vip only for the first 2 weeks, the second 2 weeks anyone can make one/race re-roll one, and then it goes to the zen shop. It is only pay only if you do not make one during the first month.
dheffernanMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 216Arc User
None of the background choices seem to make sense for Gith, unless you're assuming the race made it to the surface rather a long time ago.
@Venture-1@Venture from City of Heroes if you remember that far back. Yes, *that* Venture. Yes, I probably trashed your MA arc. For me it was Tuesday.
It isn't pay only, it is vip only for the first 2 weeks, the second 2 weeks anyone can make one/race re-roll one, and then it goes to the zen shop. It is only pay only if you do not make one during the first month.
<div align="center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/YH9QCXK.png" alt="" /></div></img> ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂ There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it. <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
The Q&A livestream today. What I posted was what Thomas Foss said it will be.
<div align="center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/YH9QCXK.png" alt="" /></div></img> ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂ There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it. <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
One of the Gith races (Githyanki) had made a pact of loyalty with Tiamat meaning that there might be an accidental lore conflict within the game as far as the Tyrrany of Dragons campaign is concerned... unless new race-specific missions were to be given to let Gith players fight on the side of the Dragon Cultists which would be a nice change to the campaign zone and even open up possibilities of an Icewind-Dale-like PvP area there.
Regardless, I don't think the Githyanki would be too happy seeing anybody from Neverwinter showing up on their doorstep after having defeated their beloved Tiamat.
Lore-wise, some of the weapons and armors of the Gith appeared to be organic in nature - grown, not forged - which might give Alchemy crafters something unique to do on par with weapon and armor crafters.
"Talent is a flame. Genius is a fire." - Sir Bernard Williams
i would have much rathe seen a new playable class...like monk or shapeshifting druid or even a stand alone necro. A lot of this new race seems to conflict with Lore of D&D which this game is based on so why do it?
i would have much rathe seen a new playable class...like monk or shapeshifting druid or even a stand alone necro. A lot of this new race seems to conflict with Lore of D&D which this game is based on so why do it?
Why Gith?
Because the Gith race is on the cover of the Adventure mod 16/17 are based off of...
rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
And they really wanted to do Tabaxi, but there were licensing problems that made it impossible to add them.
GIth normally divided into war-ish githyanki and monastic-ish githzerai.
GIthyanki were warrior-ey. somewhat bonus to dex, con, and penalty to wisdom. dark vision 60. Also had psi-like abilities that improved by hit dice but were different from githzerai. Also had LA adjustment. More fighter-ey race.
In 5e.
Do not know the lore of Gith for 5e. Base stats - Int up by 1. I don't know why as this goes against being warrior-ey or monk-ey.
sub race. Yanki - Strength up by 2. Definately warrior-ey. Extra language or tool of choice. "In the timeless city of Tu’narath, githyanki have bountiful time to master odd bits of knowledge." Someone who is familiar with 5e lore can explain this. Proficient with light and medium armor. There another warrior-ey asepct coming out.
A few 'spells' that are just mainly powers, but WOTC 5e doesn't do too much psionics as of late ( I could be wrong on this ).
subrace. Zerai- Wisdom up by 2. Definately monk-ey. Slight bonus to AC if you aren't using medium, heavy armor, or a shield. Also a few 'spells' that are different from Yanki.
Mod 17 Gith stats. Base Dex 2. Choice of Str 2 or Int 2. Stamina gauge recovers 2% faster. Increase combat advantage by 1500.
(Playing as a Githzerai in a 5e campaign right now...) The INT bonus is because the Gith, as a whole, are smart, and know how to use that brainpower - enough to harness psionic power.
Quick backstory on the Gith: they used to be one race, enslaved by the Illithids (mindflayers). Eventually free themselves. One faction wanted to hunt mindflayers, the others wanted to adopt a more defensive stance - and that's where the split comes in. Now, they hate illithids, and each other.
GIth normally divided into war-ish githyanki and monastic-ish githzerai.
3.5e, githzerai had massive bonus to Dex, somewhat bonus to wisdom and a penalty to INT. Darkvision to 60 feet. psi-like abilities that improved by hit dice. Had an LA adjustment meaning that you had less class levels in a 'normal' 20 - level game. This changed depending upon kind of game being ran. Pretty much monk-the race. Power resistance a bit ( or spell resistance if used transparency ).
GIthyanki were warrior-ey. somewhat bonus to dex, con, and penalty to wisdom. dark vision 60. Also had psi-like abilities that improved by hit dice but were different from githzerai. Also had LA adjustment. More fighter-ey race.
So I'll help ya here.. The Gith both (subraces) had : +2Dex +2Wis in 3.5ed never any negatives. Some of the rest you have there is accurate or close. Psionics: What Gith are most known for could use either Wis/Int as the main stat in 3.5 ed
In 4ed (what Neverwinter game mechanics is based on) they had +2 Con and +2 Int Bringing the stats closer to the lore of Gith
When the transition from 3.5 to 4th happened the stats also transitioned... Gith have always been intelligent though.. They are some of the most highly trained mages in the Realms having spells and tomes from across countless worlds to study. Constitution because they are known to be relentless and tireless in battle.
Do not know the lore of Gith for 5e. Base stats - Int up by 1. I don't know why as this goes against being warrior-ey or monk-ey. sub race. Yanki - Strength up by 2. Definately warrior-ey. Extra language or tool of choice. "In the timeless city of Tu’narath, githyanki have bountiful time to master odd bits of knowledge." Someone who is familiar with 5e lore can explain this. Proficient with light and medium armor. There another warrior-ey asepct coming out.
Githyanki: meaning "Children of Gith" Are the Spartan like warrior race breed for war by the Illithids thousands of years ago. When the Illithids ruled over much of the known realms. Kept as slaves till Gith, a female with tremendous psionic power led a uprising that freed them. She began a crusade of Illithid eradication across the realms. She eventually made a deal with Tiamat and Dispater Lord Jailer of the 2nd layer of Hell. Giving her eternal servitude to him to be imprisoned for eternity. In return Tiamat has given the Lich Queens that rule over the Githyanki (there have been a few) Red dragons to serve them in their quest to eradicate Illithids across the realms. In the thousands of years since...
All Githyanki are trained in relentless grueling battle from a early age. They let the weak die in training for it is better they be disposed of now than bring weakness to a Raiding party. They are trained in magic, swordplay and battle tactics. They hunt and track Illithids across the realms and into the Underdark and destroy them everywhere they are found.They also pillage countless worlds for treasure and trinkets. They love tomes of magic and art, statues and jewelry from the worlds the pillage. They have bases across the realms for training and hatcheries for their young. Gith are born from eggs and do not age in the Astral Plane form where they live. They must go to other worlds and the Prime Material to age. The Githyanki also use flying warships in their raids across the realms. Astral flying vessels of different sizes while also having red dragons at their disposal.
A few 'spells' that are just mainly powers, but WOTC 5e doesn't do too much psionics as of late ( I could be wrong on this ).
WOTC official Unearthed Arcana has had the Mystic class (psionics) for testing in games and feedback for a few years now. Updated a few times by Mike Mearls who is kind of a big deal in D&D...
subrace. Zerai- Wisdom up by 2. Definately monk-ey. Slight bonus to AC if you aren't using medium, heavy armor, or a shield. Also a few 'spells' that are different from Yanki.
Githzerai meaning"those who spurn Gith" Are the traditionalist followers of Zerthimon. He was opposed to Gith's tyranny of their race after gaining their freedom from the the Illithid. So starting a civil war with his race for their new freedom. His followers fleed to the plane of Limbo and live in multiple Adamantine floating fortresses created out the plane of chaos itself by sheer willpower and training alone. The fortresses are some of the most impregnable in all the realms floating in sheer chaos and shut off unless they open them. Its from their fortresses in Limbo that the greatest warriors and spellcasters come together to plan the attacks across the realms. They are "monk" like in their beliefs of peace and tranquility except with 2 things. They believe the Illithids must pay for their subjugation of their race for thousands of years. Also stopping the Githyanki from pillaging countless worlds and the tyranny of the Lich Queens. They spread the word of Zerthimon to countless worlds always looking for new allies in their pursuit against Illithids and the Githyanki.
Mod 17 Gith stats. Base Dex 2. Choice of Str 2 or Int 2. Stamina gauge recovers 2% faster. Increase combat advantage by 1500.
Cryptic couple of things right, but crappy in other things. Base dex increase by 2 is justify-able as well as choice of Str increase of 2. The increase to Intelligence by 2 is a no. This is getting into before the stat mechanics that Cryptic screwed the pooch on. Stamina gauge. I know some classes use it ( paladin, fighter, barb when blocking ), but what about the other classes?? Causing I'm thinking this is falling flat. Combat Advantage of 1500. It is understood that they do raiding parties, but both races do their thing differently. More toward self-sufficient rather than REQUIRING FLANKING.
Lore aspect from race text gives a good summary. Slight problem. Definate difference between Zerai and Yanki. Not like this game presents it.
This is a officially licensed D&D game. The stats of this game do not necessarily need to be exactly the same as D&D table top. Maybe you haven't noticed but... You cannot get thousands of HP in D&D... It is "based" off of not a exact replica of.
All Gith (both sub races) are trained to be warriors and mages.. Int and Str and absolutely the stats for them. Further they are the magic/physical damage stats of the game .. So win win.
Dex use to be a stat for them when AC and initiative where king.
Gith are known to be relentless in all pursuits in their life, combat and mental and physical conditioning. They use to get +2 Con just for this reason... 2% stamina regen may not be enough.
Gith are master tacticians and martial combatants. They attack with coordinated relentless precise strikes. If that doesn't say give then bonus combat advantage I don't know what does.
I have been playing D&D for 30 yrs.. I have been DMing for 20 now.. Gith where created by fans of the game in the late 70s. It's fantastic they didn't get skipped over for Undermountain. They rule over the middle of this module...(spoilers) I have ran this module for a couple groups and have had Gith player characters in my games. The only thing I have seen really wrong is the Githzerai on Stardock... O.o I am a DM and any good one changes up the story as they see fit to fill in plot holes or fit their arching story.. So I just rolled with it.
Also there is the Sha'sal Khou Gith: Gith of both sub races that join together in the pursuit of reunification of the Gith as a race.
I would suggest Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes for a lot more on the Gith. As it has a large portion of it dedicated to them.
You unlock the race for Free and permanently if you log in after mod 17 hits for vip. You have 1 month to unlock. After the first 2 weeks non vip can log in and unlock it for free. After the 1 month passes after release both go away and you have to buy it from the zen store. So vip get a month to unlock it, and non vip get 2 weeks to unlock. I'm pretty sure this is correct.
One of the Gith races (Githyanki) had made a pact of loyalty with Tiamat meaning that there might be an accidental lore conflict within the game as far as the Tyrrany of Dragons campaign is concerned... unless new race-specific missions were to be given to let Gith players fight on the side of the Dragon Cultists which would be a nice change to the campaign zone and even open up possibilities of an Icewind-Dale-like PvP area there.
Regardless, I don't think the Githyanki would be too happy seeing anybody from Neverwinter showing up on their doorstep after having defeated their beloved Tiamat.
Lore-wise, some of the weapons and armors of the Gith appeared to be organic in nature - grown, not forged - which might give Alchemy crafters something unique to do on par with weapon and armor crafters.
So the Githyanki do not worship any gods at all.. Especially Tiamat. They have a alliance only with her and the red dragons. The dragons serve only for wealth from the raiding they do and the Gith are not allowed to subjugate the dragons further. They build their cities in dead husks of ancient gods in the plane of Limbo. To show their disdain for all gods and that the realms are theirs to conquer. The gith would slaughter those cultists without a second thought...
Also Githzarei can create almost anything from the chaos of Limbo. Limbo is filled with masses of swirling gasses and liquids, rocks and trees. All swirling in turbulent winds of chaos. They use their sheer force of will and psionic power to pull things together to create what is needed. In their meditation they keep everything held together in huge fortress cities. They keep animals of all kinds and maintain a peaceful setting despite the chaos outside of the walls.
I want a new class. That new race ain't nothing really new just a skinny Half Orc or a tall ugly elf.
silvergryphMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
@noworries#8859 I would like clarification on something from the Dev Blog:
The gith race will be available free to VIP for the first 2 weeks of the module and afterwards free to everyone (including VIP) for the 2 weeks after that. After the initial 4 weeks, players who didn’t log in for the free gith will have to buy a pack to get access to this race.
Specifically referring to the section I quoted in bold type, does this mean you only have to log in during the relevant time window to permanently unlock the race? (This seems to me to be the most obvious interpretation.) Or, does it mean that you have to actually create a gith during that time window to permanently unlock the race? Or, does it mean that you can create as many gith as you want during the window, but after that you have to buy a pack to make more gith?
@noworries#8859 I would like clarification on something from the Dev Blog:
The gith race will be available free to VIP for the first 2 weeks of the module and afterwards free to everyone (including VIP) for the 2 weeks after that. After the initial 4 weeks, players who didn’t log in for the free gith will have to buy a pack to get access to this race.
Specifically referring to the section I quoted in bold type, does this mean you only have to log in during the relevant time window to permanently unlock the race? (This seems to me to be the most obvious interpretation.) Or, does it mean that you have to actually create a gith during that time window to permanently unlock the race? Or, does it mean that you can create as many gith as you want during the window, but after that you have to buy a pack to make more gith?
This sounds rather clear. If you have VIP you will have 4 weeks to make this class for free. None VIP will have have two weeks to make this class for free. Anyone after the first month is up will then have to pay if they wish to get this class. Being VIP means you get the first two weeks advantage time after that everyone gets a two week window to also get this class. During the second two week period for free. After all that it will be a pay to make class from that point forward.
arazith07Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,719Arc User
Most likely, they will have a lesser pack available to claim that unlocks the Gith race, gives a title, and MAYBE a reroll token, then when the 2 weeks are up have a pack with other items in it like the Dragonborn pack.
I'd suggest to change Gith Advantage into Gith Dominion, and the 1500 CA into 1500 Power.
That would still be aweful compared to the dragonborns' +3% damage.
They should probably address the disparity in racial bonuses at some point. I like to joke that being hideous is the trade-off for the Dragonborn inherent superiority, but you know there's a real issue when new races are introduced and players are completely uninterested in their bonuses...because Dragonborn.
I'll reiterate my suggestion that the racial bonuses not related directly to ability scores be severed from race selection and instead grouped into a "background bonus" category. E.g. 3% damage should be tied to a "Martial Training" background accessible to all races, while Dragonborn would retain their option to customize two ability score bonuses as a unique perk. The more useless bonuses could either be reworked or left as options for players who use them for role-playing reasons.
So looking over the other paid race packs that the Gith will be after the initial free unlock I think their racials should be increased to be more appealing.
Dragonborn: Draconic Heritage+5% inc healing, Dragonborn Fury+1500 crit +3% damage, +2 to two stats of choice
Moonelf: Wanderlust- AP and Stamina increased by 2%, Moonelf Resistance+10% CC resist, +2Int +2Dex/Chr
Renegade: Faerie Fire 5% chance to apply for 4 secs -1500defense -2.5% damage, Trance Increased HP regen out of combat, +2Dex +2Chr/Wis
All of these cost 6000 zen and the clear BIS is Dragonborn with 3% damage and +2 to two stats. Not to mention Metallic Dragonborn which are even better. As of right now Gith..
The stats are fine IMO, but I think both Gith Advantage and Gith Endurance should be increased to compete with how good Dragonborn are or at least a close 2nd. Possibly 3-5% stamina regen and up to 5000 combat advantage. If I was paying 6k zen in the future for a race unlock for a class would I pick 5% stamina regen and 5k combat advantage over 3% damage? I defiantly wouldn't pick 2% and 1500... Thats why so many think it's a worthless class.. The bonuses don't stack up vs. the Dragonborn when they will be the same price as a unlock. This should also be the same for any "paid" races coming in the future.
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
<div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
<div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>
Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande
RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
Regardless, I don't think the Githyanki would be too happy seeing anybody from Neverwinter showing up on their doorstep after having defeated their beloved Tiamat.
Lore-wise, some of the weapons and armors of the Gith appeared to be organic in nature - grown, not forged - which might give Alchemy crafters something unique to do on par with weapon and armor crafters.
Although... a playable Mind-Flayer race would definitely be a welcome addition to be offered in conjunction with Baldur's gate 3.
"Mmm! Brains!"
Why Gith?
Because the Gith race is on the cover of the Adventure mod 16/17 are based off of...
The INT bonus is because the Gith, as a whole, are smart, and know how to use that brainpower - enough to harness psionic power.
Quick backstory on the Gith: they used to be one race, enslaved by the Illithids (mindflayers). Eventually free themselves. One faction wanted to hunt mindflayers, the others wanted to adopt a more defensive stance - and that's where the split comes in. Now, they hate illithids, and each other.
So I'll help ya here.. The Gith both (subraces) had : +2Dex +2Wis in 3.5ed never any negatives.
Some of the rest you have there is accurate or close.
Psionics: What Gith are most known for could use either Wis/Int as the main stat in 3.5 ed
In 4ed (what Neverwinter game mechanics is based on) they had +2 Con and +2 Int
Bringing the stats closer to the lore of Gith
When the transition from 3.5 to 4th happened the stats also transitioned... Gith have always been intelligent though..
They are some of the most highly trained mages in the Realms having spells and tomes from across countless worlds to study.
Constitution because they are known to be relentless and tireless in battle.
Githyanki: meaning "Children of Gith" Are the Spartan like warrior race breed for war by the Illithids thousands of years ago. When the Illithids ruled over much of the known realms. Kept as slaves till Gith, a female with tremendous psionic power led a uprising that freed them. She began a crusade of Illithid eradication across the realms. She eventually made a deal with Tiamat and Dispater Lord Jailer of the 2nd layer of Hell. Giving her eternal servitude to him to be imprisoned for eternity. In return Tiamat has given the Lich Queens that rule over the Githyanki (there have been a few) Red dragons to serve them in their quest to eradicate Illithids across the realms. In the thousands of years since...
All Githyanki are trained in relentless grueling battle from a early age. They let the weak die in training for it is better they be disposed of now than bring weakness to a Raiding party. They are trained in magic, swordplay and battle tactics. They hunt and track Illithids across the realms and into the Underdark and destroy them everywhere they are found.They also pillage countless worlds for treasure and trinkets. They love tomes of magic and art, statues and jewelry from the worlds the pillage. They have bases across the realms for training and hatcheries for their young. Gith are born from eggs and do not age in the Astral Plane form where they live. They must go to other worlds and the Prime Material to age. The Githyanki also use flying warships in their raids across the realms. Astral flying vessels of different sizes while also having red dragons at their disposal.
WOTC official Unearthed Arcana has had the Mystic class (psionics) for testing in games and feedback for a few years now.
Updated a few times by Mike Mearls who is kind of a big deal in D&D...
Maybe you haven't noticed but... You cannot get thousands of HP in D&D... It is "based" off of not a exact replica of.
All Gith (both sub races) are trained to be warriors and mages.. Int and Str and absolutely the stats for them.
Further they are the magic/physical damage stats of the game .. So win win.
Dex use to be a stat for them when AC and initiative where king.
Gith are known to be relentless in all pursuits in their life, combat and mental and physical conditioning.
They use to get +2 Con just for this reason... 2% stamina regen may not be enough.
Gith are master tacticians and martial combatants. They attack with coordinated relentless precise strikes.
If that doesn't say give then bonus combat advantage I don't know what does.
I have been playing D&D for 30 yrs.. I have been DMing for 20 now..
Gith where created by fans of the game in the late 70s. It's fantastic they didn't get skipped over for Undermountain.
They rule over the middle of this module...(spoilers)
I have ran this module for a couple groups and have had Gith player characters in my games.
The only thing I have seen really wrong is the Githzerai on Stardock... O.o
I am a DM and any good one changes up the story as they see fit to fill in plot holes or fit their arching story.. So I just rolled with it.
Also there is the Sha'sal Khou Gith: Gith of both sub races that join together in the pursuit of reunification of the Gith as a race.
I would suggest Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes for a lot more on the Gith. As it has a large portion of it dedicated to them.
After the first 2 weeks non vip can log in and unlock it for free.
After the 1 month passes after release both go away and you have to buy it from the zen store.
So vip get a month to unlock it, and non vip get 2 weeks to unlock.
I'm pretty sure this is correct.
Also Githzarei can create almost anything from the chaos of Limbo. Limbo is filled with masses of swirling gasses and liquids, rocks and trees. All swirling in turbulent winds of chaos. They use their sheer force of will and psionic power to pull things together to create what is needed. In their meditation they keep everything held together in huge fortress cities. They keep animals of all kinds and maintain a peaceful setting despite the chaos outside of the walls.
Neither grow weapons or armor though...
Just hope next D&D Book bring a intersting race because this on i pass...
Specifically referring to the section I quoted in bold type, does this mean you only have to log in during the relevant time window to permanently unlock the race? (This seems to me to be the most obvious interpretation.) Or, does it mean that you have to actually create a gith during that time window to permanently unlock the race? Or, does it mean that you can create as many gith as you want during the window, but after that you have to buy a pack to make more gith?
Champions Online Advanced Forum Search
I'll reiterate my suggestion that the racial bonuses not related directly to ability scores be severed from race selection and instead grouped into a "background bonus" category. E.g. 3% damage should be tied to a "Martial Training" background accessible to all races, while Dragonborn would retain their option to customize two ability score bonuses as a unique perk. The more useless bonuses could either be reworked or left as options for players who use them for role-playing reasons.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Dragonborn: Draconic Heritage+5% inc healing, Dragonborn Fury+1500 crit +3% damage, +2 to two stats of choice
Moonelf: Wanderlust- AP and Stamina increased by 2%, Moonelf Resistance+10% CC resist, +2Int +2Dex/Chr
Renegade: Faerie Fire 5% chance to apply for 4 secs -1500defense -2.5% damage, Trance Increased HP regen out of combat,
+2Dex +2Chr/Wis
All of these cost 6000 zen and the clear BIS is Dragonborn with 3% damage and +2 to two stats. Not to mention Metallic Dragonborn which are even better. As of right now Gith..
Gith: Gith Advantage +1500 Combat Advantage, Gith Endurance +2% Stamina regen, +Dex +2Int/Str
The stats are fine IMO, but I think both Gith Advantage and Gith Endurance should be increased to compete with how good Dragonborn are or at least a close 2nd. Possibly 3-5% stamina regen and up to 5000 combat advantage. If I was paying 6k zen in the future for a race unlock for a class would I pick 5% stamina regen and 5k combat advantage over 3% damage? I defiantly wouldn't pick 2% and 1500... Thats why so many think it's a worthless class.. The bonuses don't stack up vs. the Dragonborn when they will be the same price as a unlock. This should also be the same for any "paid" races coming in the future.