Greetings Adventurers! During this morning's stream, two questions pertaining to Undermountain were asked and we wanted to share the answers obtained post-stream:
-Enchant exchange bind status: Our current tech does not allow for stores to have a concept of bind status, therefore the exchange cannot be set up to check bound to bound and unbound to unbound. It has a set parameter of any enchant going in, regardless of bind status, providing a bound enchant coming out. Because of potential for major exploitability, we cannot set the parameter so that the enchant the exchange provides back is unbound.
-"Equip" missing from tooltip: Tooltips have been undergoing some adjustments where stats are intended to be split on the items view so item stats are on top and stats from gem slots are listed under the gem slot. An unintended side effect of this is that unslotted enchantment lists all of its stuff without saying which goes to what slot so this is a bug being looked into.
Allowing for instance once each for Armor / Weapon enchantments would be helpful since they are so "expensive" to bind.
I would also suggest that enchantments that are being completely phased out of use should trade for an unbound enchant of choice, but maybe that's too complicated.
2 simple questions
1- Will the exchange vendor be permanent ?
2- Will we be allowed to exchange an infinite amount of time the same enchant ?
I know for a fact, that it isn't a big problem to set those flags, but if the developer wants to claim so, there isn't much the players can do about it.
Or as others have said, make it a permanent addition.
I do think if it were a permanent fixture then it would make it a little easier on those who choose to use it and end up with bound enchants. I also agree that maybe at some point it should have a small fee for use when the next big thing causes everyone to change their enchants around.
My question is, how many times can you exchange the same enchantment after it comes out as BtA? @nitocris83
And why can no one tell how you can exploit (major!!) in a new system? Afraid about a new hunting gate? So be honest:
Its not for the safety for the players. Its for the safety of Cryp and to make money.
But its still a very very bad decission.
logistics is simple. value between enchantment types will very soon balance out. every enchantment will cost the same around one or two days of launch.
so maybe yes, it will be "exploited" a fair amount for a given length of time but the long term effects of that will be fair to everybody. not to mention, it gives people incentive to come back to the game and dump hard earned cash again. saying no to unbound is just shortsighted
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Correct me if I am wrong but the majority of enchantments are unbound to begin with so the impact of this exploit would be minimal.
Over the years more things have been getting bound. This feels more like an attempt to keep moving in that direction which historically angers players and makes honest players quit.
Others have posted reasonable solutions. Either put the effort in to making the system register bind status or make the vendor permanent.
I too wish to be recreated, and to be loved long after my death.
2. Why not wait until April 22 to kill the Foundry since the new mod won't go live until the 23rd? Is it really necessary to do it on the 11th?
3. Could you consider featuring some Foundry quests before it goes away? None of have been featured in four years making certain achievements unobtainable.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
That said, as I am 100% sure you won't step back on that choice, will you mind to provide an alert to players that the unbound good they are going to trade will turn on a bound claim?
I see the potential major exploitability in an unbound system (you actually aren't safe from another major one) but you can't ignore all the players not/partially logging on preview (claims were unbound at start) and reading forum/patch notes: they could be highly disappointed about exchanging an unbound item to get a (useless to me) bound loot without being warned about.
I am quite sick about legit players loosing access to many features but i guess I have to stop dreaming
Many enchantments/insignias were reworked and the stat curve in mod 16 was changed significantly. This means almost everyone is now stuck with items that are no longer useful to them and many of them are no longer worth anything close to the value of the ones they will need to replace them with in the new module. Tons of players who were assured by their friends/guildies/other people that they wouldn't have to sell off the enchantments on their characters also lost an insane amount of money over this and are rightfully going to be furious.
Bottomline: Cryptic needs to come up with a better solution for preventing exploits than just HAMSTER over the game's entire population like this.
Also: ^^ This a million times this.
PVP Rogue,
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Ingame Handle: trgluestickz
Discord Name: Hurricane🌀Marigolds#2563
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Alliances: Imperium & Order of the Silent Shroud
Platform: PC
you can do 2 npcs insteed of one. one to trade bound to bound and the other unbound to unbound. both can stay active on mod 16 during the first 2 weeks before get closed.
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> Greetings Adventurers! During this morning's stream, two questions pertaining to Undermountain were asked and we wanted to share the answers obtained post-stream:
> -Enchant exchange bind status: Our current tech does not allow for stores to have a concept of bind status, therefore the exchange cannot be set up to check bound to bound and unbound to unbound. It has a set parameter of any enchant going in, regardless of bind status, providing a bound enchant coming out. Because of potential for major exploitability, we cannot set the parameter so that the enchant the exchange provides back is unbound.
> -"Equip" missing from tooltip: Tooltips have been undergoing some adjustments where stats are intended to be split on the items view so item stats are on top and stats from gem slots are listed under the gem slot. An unintended side effect of this is that unslotted enchantment lists all of its stuff without saying which goes to what slot so this is a bug being looked into.
Ok, so because of "potential for major exploitability" you won't change it.
That is a big difference between can't and won't. You can change this but have made the decision not to, with the excuse of exploitability as the reason.Sad.
Second question. It's been a few months after Mod 16. If an old lockbox would grant me an Eldritch runestone, does it still drop AND I can't even exchange it?
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- The game is six years old, so this is hard.
- I'm the only person working on environment now, so this is hard.
- I'm being reassigned to a different project, so this will be even worse for the next person.
When they do this over and over, combined with tight deadlines they are unwilling to change, of course they can't fix something that is critical to the user base but unimportant to them.
I really want to be positive about this game, but it is getting harder and harder to not see the writing on the wall about what Cryptic is willing to do for us.
Learn about Neverwinter and the Lore of D&D on YouTube
Check out my acclaimed products for the tabletop D&D game, including: Game Master's Guide to Evolving Magic Items and Jungle Treks or Chultan Death Curse: Revised for Tomb of Annihilation!