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Sea of Moving Ice Preview Patch Notes: NW.70.20161205a.9 (Updated 1/10)

terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 995 Cryptic Developer
Entries in a light blue font were updated on January 10, 2017. They are changes since the NW.70.20161205a.6 build.


Dungeon Key Changes

With all the player feedback from the initial Dungeon Key Changes announcement, we delayed the change in order to bundle it with a significant update to endgame dungeon rewards. Among those improvements are:
  • New (and some returning) rewards
  • Improved drop rates on certain rare items
  • Freed-up inventory space with a new "Useful Items" tab
While the ability to peek at the contents of a dungeon chest without consuming a key is still going away, our goal is to make the overall dungeon chest reward experience better.

To read about the feature in more detail, check out the official announcement & feedback thread!

The Xeg-Yi companion is now called an Energon instead.

Release Notes

Content and Environment
  • The collision on the ornamental tusks attached to pillars in Svardborg has been removed.

Combat and Powers
  • Augmented Thayan Bastion can no longer set up a potential infinite loop of reflected damage.
Classes and Balance
  • Control Wizard: Combustive Action now increases only Fire and Smolder damage against the target.
    • Note: This change is now reverted.
  • Control Wizard: The tooltip for Combustive Action now properly states that it affects all damage.
  • Hunter Ranger
    • Plant Growth now correctly ticks 4 times; previously, it dealt its damage over fewer damage ticks than it should have.
    • Plant Growth now roots players for half its duration, rather than full.
    • Split the Sky now properly activates effects that are triggered by Encounter powers.
  • Oathbound Paladin
    • The following powers now correctly generate Divine Energy for Divine Call: Absolution, Circle of Power, Relentless Avenger, Bond of Virtue, Banishment, and Binding Oath.
    • Vow of Emnity no longer needs to be toggled on and off. It is now an activateable debuff with a 10 second duration and cooldown.
  • Trickster Rogue
    • Impossible to Catch can once again properly be used instantly without breaking at-will combos.
  • The Shadow Demon companion's outgoing damage output has been adjusted to be more in line with other companions.
  • Moonbear: This mount's Insignia combination has been changed to Barbed / Illuminated / Illuminated.
    • This addresses an issue where it did not have any viable Insignia combinations.
    • Previously slotted insignias will remain slotted in this mount. They can be removed and replaced normally.
  • Manticores no longer sometimes become temporarily stuck after the second blizzard phase elapses.
  • Storvald's "Call of Winter" and "Hailburst" powers can no longer hit players in the safe area outside the arena.
  • The Celestial Golden Lion's mount power, Aureal Armament, now properly functions against the Dragon Turtle in Fangbreaker Island.

Items and Economy
  • Eye of the Giant: This artifact's tooltip text has been shortened. No changes have been made to its functionality.
Enchantments and Runestones
  • Transcendent Frostburn Enchantment now correctly states its 20% chance to trigger in its tooltip.
  • Marks of Uvar now correctly state that they can be found in the Storm Giants Reputation chest, rather than Serissa's Reputation chest.

User Interface
  • Typing /trade now properly changes the chat channel to trade without leaving the word "trade" in the chat entry field.
    • /wtt, /wtb, and /wts will still leave their respective strings in the chat entry field.
  • Artifacts: The Collection value of the Epic quality Horn of Valhalla is now 9, reduced from 18. This is now in line with other similar artifacts.
  • Companions: Manticore and Frozen Galeb Duhr are now in the Companions collection.
  • The names for the Reel actions now include the word "Hold." This should make it clearer that the player is intended to hold the key instead of tap it.
  • While the player is holding a Reel action, there is now an overlay on the icon to make it clear that the game has recognized the button press / hold.
  • Certain targetable objects no longer draw a red square instead of a targeting highlight.
Items and Inventory
  • Item tooltips no longer occasionally show their flavor text twice in a single tooltip.
  • When hovering over currencies required for Profession tasks, the tooltip now properly displays the required currency value rather than just 0.

Graphics, Animation, and Audio
  • The Apprentice Healer companion has had their sound volume lowered, and the randomization between their comments has been adjusted.
  • The Brightness setting now properly re-enables itself when playing in Windowed mode, if the player changes focus to a different program, then back to Neverwinter.
  • The Gelatinous Cube mount has had its sound volume lowered.
  • The Manticore companion now plays its flavor animation less frequently.
  • The Manticore companion has had its sound volume lowered, and its timbre has been adjusted.
  • The Silverback Bear mount now properly has audio on its flourish animation.
  • Various classes have had certain power audio adjusted. Primarily, certain frequent-use At-Wills with "roar" or "battle cry" type sounds have been adjusted to instead use a grunt more appropriate to a quick attack.
  • When playing their flourish animation, horses' whinnies are now more consistent in sound.

Performance and Stability
  • The audio system has had a backend update to resolve some known crashes.
  • The outdated driver warning no longer calls out old 32-bit drivers if the system is 64-bit and has newer 64-bit drivers installed.
  • Resizing the window while streaming patch data during gameplay no longer crashes the client.
  • Various graphics crashes have been addressed.
  • Various server-side memory leaks have been addressed.

Edit Jan. 5 ~11:26 AM PST:
* Removed header that specified that this patch wasn't going to live shards today.
* Removed "properly" from Control Wizard change note.

~1:00 PM PST:
* Added reversion notice to Control Wizard change note.

Edit Jan. 10 ~6:30 PM PST:
Updated to the .9 build. Not much of a difference, just the Control Wizard reversion and a companion name change.
Post edited by terramak on


  • gankdalf#8991 gankdalf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 930 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Classes and Balance
    Control Wizard: Combustive Action now properly increases only Fire and Smolder damage against the target.

    What did it do before? It sounds like a nerf? Sounds like thats totally useless now.

    What about fixing some stuff that is broken? like the renegade armpen capstone that hasnt worked for like 2 years? or some of the other stuff like that elven battle removes chill stacks and makes the CW crippled when it comes to damage and control in pvp?

    ▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

  • sorce#8115 sorce Member Posts: 1,009 Arc User
    Is there any word on fixing Insignia bonuses - namely Combatant's Maneuver? It's been broken since 10.5 was released.
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    Terramak said:

    Control Wizard: Combustive Action now properly increases only Fire and Smolder damage against the target.

    I understand why this happened but people were building around this. The way it worked allowed MoF/Renegade builds have something to build for that mattered other than boosting their relatively low DPS.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    terramak said:

    • Plant Growth now correctly ticks 4 times; previously, it dealt its damage over fewer damage ticks than it should have.
    • The Apprentice Healer companion has had their sound volume lowered, and the randomization between their comments has been adjusted.
    • The Manticore companion now plays its flavor animation less frequently.
    • The Manticore companion has had its sound volume lowered, and its timbre has been adjusted.
    Outstanding! So help me, I never thought I would miss hearing "They shall feel divine wrath" but with the advent of Mr. Leeches, I do! Unfortunately, the only one of those old clerics on the AH is selling for 20M...

    I can't wait until the manticore change. It had better be less obnoxious; I have more than a dozen powries in the bank (not including bound ones on all my alts), and I'm tempted to cut them loose on every manticore they can find! You haven't seen a REAL powrie in action until you've seen one with all Loyal Avenger gear, two R12 bondings, and an R12 indomitable. Manticores beware!

    Any chance you could write on a post-it note to take a look at the Serene Runestone? I have a few of them sitting around that I'd like to play around with, but with the way bondings work they're just not viable. I've gotten pretty good at positioning my powrie on the opposite side of an enemy so she can light him up while I act as the bait, but there are still plenty of occasions where she just doesn't stand a chance (e.g. whenever AoE is involved).
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
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    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • zactorzactor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 57 Arc User
    The Gelatinous Cube mount has had its sound volume lowered.

    NOOOO! its fine how it is, I like the bloop bloop noise it makes.
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  • rabbit#3096 rabbit Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    Lot of transmutation helmets and again dragonborn race got ignored! Only orcus mask available :(. Can you guys make it available for db race as well?! Please?! :'(
  • gankdalf#8991 gankdalf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 930 Arc User

    terramak said:

    • Control Wizard: Combustive Action now properly increases only Fire and Smolder damage against the target.
    Properly? Was it a bug? This is from 2014 patch notes:

    Combustive Action: Damage Debuff applied by Combustive action is no longer just Fire damage, but all damage. Debuff is now 6% per rank (up from 3% per rank).
    Rofl @michela123 I was just going to start looking for that patchnote myself when I saw your comment XD

    @terramak update your post and call this a nerf please, or a balance change, since it isn't our fault if your tooltip committee was too lazy to update the description of the skill after you changed what it did.

    Oh and if you want to actually fix CW bugs, here is a list:

    Hahaha speechless.

    ▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

  • rhodahrhodah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 117 Arc User

    terramak said:

    • Control Wizard: Combustive Action now properly increases only Fire and Smolder damage against the target.
    Properly? Was it a bug? This is from 2014 patch notes:

    Combustive Action: Damage Debuff applied by Combustive action is no longer just Fire damage, but all damage. Debuff is now 6% per rank (up from 3% per rank).
    Rofl @michela123 I was just going to start looking for that patchnote myself when I saw your comment XD

    @terramak update your post and call this a nerf please, or a balance change, since it isn't our fault if your tooltip committee was too lazy to update the description of the skill after you changed what it did.

    Oh and if you want to actually fix CW bugs, here is a list:

    I can only agree with that post. Nothing more to say. 2014 they changed that power to make it more useful and now CW is getting a nerf out of sudden. I just made enchantment and respecced to MOF / Rene build. Will you give me compensation? You made the MOF path useless and don't even know what you did 2 years befrore.
  • tom#6998 tom Member Posts: 952 Arc User
  • treesclimbertreesclimber Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    @terramak, @mimicking#6533
    I've read both posts and i have to say changes are great specially the extra inventory bag, im crazy about organization i can spend hours moving things just so they get in the perfect place, the only downside of these patch notes that i can point out so far:

    Shadow demon got his damage reduced by around 60%, it was praticly the only companion that justfied not using a damage resistance debuff companion, the change shouldn't be shadow demon gets damage reduce, rather all companions increase, even defenders, and i say this also to the good balance of the game, take for example:

    CW MoF oppressor a shadow demon in multi target would compose 10% of they're damage at most while in single target that would be dependent of course but we can say it would be around 40%, this in a dummie because on a dungeon companions miss a lot of buffs that affect players like Anointed army, Aura of courage(i got results similar to this already using: warlords inspiration and enouragment/damaran sheperd/boar/ghost/Indomitable runestone r12, so there is no reason to get those buffs now if even the least dps dps cannot profit from them).
    Now considering a Thaumalurge CW the % of that damage would be much smaller, summing up companions could fill the unbalance gap a little.

    Now you can say: that would make epic companions price rise up 3 or 4 times, well what's the logic in having epic companions selling by 25k on auction house and the epic "production" of a sellsword(considered by many the best companion in game) being 800k?
    I think you are putting companions hability apart, people care more for the bonding runestones on a companion than the companion itself and instead of seeing all the kind of companions running around we see only 5 or 6 that focus on player boost.
    Obviously you have a diferent perspective than mine, i think all companions should be very dps capable, even defenders, a bit less there is, so people would actually be proud in caring one to battle and not just a bonding trigger and have big amount of choice. Anyway these patch notes are great, thank you.

    Classes and Balance
    Control Wizard: Combustive Action now properly increases only Fire and Smolder damage against the target.

    What did it do before? It sounds like a nerf? Sounds like thats totally useless now.

    What about fixing some stuff that is broken? like the renegade armpen capstone that hasnt worked for like 2 years? or some of the other stuff like that elven battle removes chill stacks and makes the CW crippled when it comes to damage and control in pvp?

    On mod 5 or 4, can't remember they changed it to all sources of damage, no tooltip change tough.

    PVP player finding out of the deepknight's brigantine:

    Not even shocking execution will work now hehe.

    Post edited by treesclimber on

  • cellablockcellablock Member Posts: 253 Arc User
    well my friends and fellow players as a gwf love to smile another day ^_^
  • razor4lpharazor4lpha Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 89 Arc User
    Would you take a look on occasional chat server disconnects where one does not reconnect to queue and alliance channels at all (until relog)? The disconnect might take 1-2 minutes itself, but the most annoying part is the lack of reconnecting to all previous channels.

    Would be nice to check on the Change Toon Timouts too, it stays that way for ~2 minutes before finally disconnecting the user without any sign of reconnect happening while waiting.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    WHO ever used combustive for debuff wasnt abusing a bug. LIke the others said above was a patch note in tyrany of dragons
    combustive action increase damage from all sources. DEvelopers never bothered to change the tooltip.
    WHO made that recent change did he know the above information?
    NOW incorrectly increase fire and smolder damage only because cryptic forgot to change tooltip:)

    panderus posted the change at august 2014


    http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/542816/tyranny-of-dragons-preview-patch-notes-nw-25-20140728a-11/p1 and here the source.
    Post edited by mamalion1234 on
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Oh btw, the other bugs related to combustive action still aren't fixed. If a CW applies combustive action using oppressive force, the combustive action debuff is still applied to the CW. However, the debuff only effects smoulder damage now, so this is only relevant in pvp if you are MoF CW vs MoF CW XD

    Also, OF refreshes CA on every tick, which means if you apply CA with OF, it lasts 9 seconds.

    Undocumented Changes:

    Smoulder applied by Crit Conflag and Combustive Action is now properly converted to rimefire, instead of having rimefire added in addition to smoulder. However, if you cast Furious Immolation followed by Icy terrain, you can still apply both Rimefire and Smoulder.

    Feedback: MoF Changes.

    These changes are poor and uncalled for, essentially destroying a spec that was balanced and had no reason to be altered in this manner. This effectively kills the MoF rene spec entirely, allowing for only a 20% debuff to be reliably applied by swath and then ray of enfeeblement on bosses. There is no reason to make these changes other than to completely kill a spec that wasn't over performing to begin with.
  • sirjimbofrancissirjimbofrancis Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    Thank you for the change in Impossible to Catch to what it was before!
    Much appreciation from quite a few TRs.
    Lilia Drakon - PVE Executioner TR
    She Looked Lvl 18

    Here is my Blog
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    And, can't help but notice in the 2014 notes,

    " • Storm Spell: Activation Chance increased to 35%. Damage increased by roughly 100%.
    • Storm Spell: Chance to activate reduced to 20% (down from 35%)."

    What? O.o
  • dupeksdupeks Member Posts: 1,789 Arc User
    edited January 2017

    Feedback: MoF Changes.

    These changes are poor and uncalled for, essentially destroying a spec that was balanced and had no reason to be altered in this manner. This effectively kills the MoF rene spec entirely, allowing for only a 20% debuff to be reliably applied by swath and then ray of enfeeblement on bosses. There is no reason to make these changes other than to completely kill a spec that wasn't over performing to begin with.

    100% agree.

    Another communication "slip-up" perhaps intentional perhaps not, where they are misleadingly labeling an informed decision to change functionality a "bug fix". It's kind of insulting and seriously undermines credibility with the community.

    @nitocris83 this is the perfect example of an opportunity where you could step in and help provide accurate context (after doing the research).

    And I completely agree with the reactions so far. This effectively reduces build variety in this game for no apparent reason. There are plenty of broken / over-performing mechanics in the game that could be addressed, but Combustive Action was performing within reason (and as intended), which allowed it to be used as the core of a very interesting and team-focused build. A build that will be rendered useless with this seemingly arbitrary change.
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  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    Combustive Action is like the oppo-fix of Divine Glow, which used to stack, broke, and got a tooltip change to remove references to stacking, rather than fix the power.


    And, can't help but notice in the 2014 notes,

    " • Storm Spell: Activation Chance increased to 35%. Damage increased by roughly 100%.
    • Storm Spell: Chance to activate reduced to 20% (down from 35%)."

    What? O.o

    Cumulative patch notes from compiling them from multiple builds while the release was tweaked. It happens.


    Re: Shadow Demon pet damage
    It would be nice for other companions to have their damage buffed instead, *but* the Shadow Demon's higher damage made it very effective for AFK farming. I doubt the devs really want any companions to be able to kill stuff without their master's help.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • fernandoeliseifernandoelisei Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 76 Arc User
    terramak said:

    Note: Tomorrow's (Jan. 5, 2017) server maintenance is just a weekly restart. It will not update the server to this build.

    Performance and Stability

    • The audio system has had a backend update to resolve some known crashes.
    • The outdated driver warning no longer calls out old 32-bit drivers if the system is 64-bit and has newer 64-bit drivers installed.
    • Resizing the window while streaming patch data during gameplay no longer crashes the client.
    • Various graphics crashes have been addressed.
    • Various server-side memory leaks have been addressed.
    @terramak my friend, can you said if the problem with shadow will be resolved ???
    I used to play in full graphics, now if i active the shadow, the game crash in some situations
  • treesclimbertreesclimber Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    edited January 2017

    These changes are poor and uncalled for, essentially destroying a spec that was balanced and had no reason to be altered in this manner. This effectively kills the MoF rene spec entirely, allowing for only a 20% debuff to be reliably applied by swath and then ray of enfeeblement on bosses. There is no reason to make these changes other than to completely kill a spec that wasn't over performing to begin with.

    Not killing, you probably more than anyone know what stormspell is capable of, Swath beeing a always sloted for a MoF compare what you can give to the team with swath, specialy to SS CW's on the team, since:

    -Eye of the storm;
    -Orb of imposition;
    -Arcane power field (even as oppressor MoF damage endgame is a bad);
    -Maelstorm of chaos (haha, no);
    -Chilling control(not working);

    are rarelly used. Leaving:storm pillar, suddent storm, destructive wizardry and elemental infusion with less 5% from no lightning power in MoF tree. So i definitivly dont think it's a dead spec, i've had logs of Storm spell for 23% of my dps so it's not the end of the world, SS-> damage, MoF damage + team damage.

  • terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 995 Cryptic Developer
    Edited text in change notes to remove "properly" from the Control Wizard line.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    terramak said:

    Edited text in change notes to remove "properly" from the Control Wizard line.

    Cryptic note is cryptic. I truly wonder if the team will consider reverting a bugfix from something that was not a bug, or if they'll stick to their guns because debuffs are bad mmkay.

    Because it is very clear to me that Divine Glow received the treatment it did not because the stacking could not be fixed, but because Cryptic is desperate to reel in the power of debuffs. The change of Tide of Iron's debuff to self-only was not open to reconsideration during the class balancing for the same implied reason.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 995 Cryptic Developer
    edited January 2017
    A reversion is being considered, but isn't final.

    Edit: A reversion should be in a future build, barring unforeseen circumstances.
    Post edited by terramak on
This discussion has been closed.