Greetings adventurers, Asterdahl here! Today the epic trials
Assault on Svardborg and
Assault on Svardborg (Master) are now up and accessible on the preview shard! We hope the most enterprising among you will tackle this challenge! We're in our final tuning pass now, any bug reports and feedback you can provide will be invaluable. Please use this thread for providing feedback and bug reports on issues you may have encountered in the trial.
We look forward to seeing you all tackle the Jarl and receiving your value feedback! If you're giving feedback or bug reports, we'd like for you to follow some formatting outlined below, to ensure that we can note and address these issues quickly.
If you're looking to provide feedback on loot, please see:
OFFICIAL FEEDBACK THREAD: ASSAULT ON SVARDBORG (LOOT EDITION)P.S. If giving any sort of feedback on the difficulty, please include what classes were in your group and as specific information as you can provide about your item levels!
Type: Bug/
Feedback (Please only choose one)
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Examples:Bug: When Hroogandr appeared, others in my party saw him but he was invisible on my screen!Feedback: It only took three of us to survive Hypothermia, too easy! We were a 3500 Devoted Cleric, 3700 Oathbound Paladin and 3900 Hunter Ranger.Thank you for taking the time to check out the preview build, and thank you for taking the time to hop on the forums and give us your feedback.
The Manticore pet was able to disable the boss similar to how other pets and powers could stun SH dragons and FBI bosses.
Bug: Adds getting stuck in first phase
In one try, one troll in the first phase got stuck in the environment and was not attackable, which failed the encounter. No more adds would spawn.
Feedback: Fight dynamics
So far I like the fight. You have to pay attention to many mechanics at once, but I think it's manageable.
Mechanically, it's fairly simple, hypothermia can be avoided almost entirely with good dodge timing, even if no one cares about it. Unavoidable permafrost traps seems to be a challenge as melee characters don't pay attention to such things, but with practice it should be fine. I don't think it's a bug, but a feature instead, and if there's a way to avoid it i haven't find it yet.
The special "ring" attack with runes empowering a special attack can however be mostly ignored, except during the very final phase, in the eye of the storm. In that case, even if all runes are dealt with (sitting on them is enough?) it's a potential party wipe. The damage should be looked at in that case. See in the video.
There's however an unfair element, right after the adds phase: there's an attack to hide from but nothing to hide the party. This caused wipes on every try we did.
As usual, stacking DCs with anointed army and hallowed ground greatly trivialized the content as damage immunity and high damage reduction provide a way to ignore a lot of the challenges and mechanics. As you can see in the video, on our second attempt in master, we had 3 clerics and a lot of stuff could be ignored. IMO the problem isn't the design itself but the damage and CC immunity of anointed army that should be removed entirely.
The fact that we can't enter the boss arena if one player drops should be looked at. It's 10 players content, there will always be such things.
Here is a video of the run. It will be available once Youtube is done processing it in an hour or two:
Bug: it seems there's no overtime limit when we enter overtime.
Bug: apparently some players found a way to revive their dead character using portobello's wand. They first log out and then they're back. I can't give any details as I don't know them but it also happens in FBI boss fights.
We went in with:
2x Pala, 2x DC, 2x CW, 2x TR, 2x GWF
Our average ilvl was about 3.7k.
We completed the master version in about 7 min. The fight itself was pretty easy. I would say FBI was a lot harder in the beginning. The trial wasnt really a challenge so the 3.2k ilvl as requirment doesnt fit to it in my opinion. A 2.8k ilvl would fit better. All in all FBI is harder than the trial in my opinion.
The difference of difficulty between normal and master version wasnt noticable.
"Storvald" doesnt have enough HP in my opinion too. The current HP (about 540mio) isnt enough. I would suggest to increase it by another 150-200mio. Why increase it? Our team was just average, we didnt even have a buff gf. If we would had one we would have completed it in about 5-6 minutes.
The adds also just melted in the beginning of the trial. You really need to increase the HP of them too.
Other than that i think it was a bit of fun. Need to play more to get more feedback cya later!
Or is my theory wrong and every tribe doesn't reward you with a the tribe's special regeant (rare /epic/ legendary)
And will you be able to not claim a reward if you don't like the contains and try again later?
It kinda feels like an instanced HE since you never actually go anywhere as a group. Its still better than POM or Throne since it doesnt required so many platforming elements.
I also take offense that someone tried to use this thread to claim that DCs "trivialize the content" and are now calling for nerfs. Shame on you!
Martin ConDion PVE only Ranger
Guild Founder: -HunterS-
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Thanks for the feedback so far, I've got a fix locally for the issue of enemies being stuck in collision, it should be pushed with our next Preview build. I'll let you all know if the plan for that gets changed.
Working toward a goal, in this case new gear or boons, is fine. Its part of the fun in a rpg however what is even more fun is actually playing with the best equipment you managed to get. Somehow that part got lost in Neverwinter (maybe Lostmauth ate it). Here the only real activity is working toward the best gear, always. You finally get it, you step back, you take a deep breath and relax and next thing you know you're back in the wheel grinding away ad infinitum.
Guild Wars 2 has been out for awhile now, it takes exactly 1 month (without too much rush) to create an Ascended weapon in there. I know cause I made one recently. Said weapon can be considered bis as far as dps goes and thats it. Once you got it you got it. How do they keep making money without releasing new tiers of gear ever few months? C'mon Cryptic, steal the good ideas of others, your game has one of the best combat systems around, graphics are good, IP is good. Its the combination of those things thats still keeping me here and its your development decisions that drive me away. Find the balance already, the Golden mean.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
The progression doesn't make sense with the new challenge. If I'm still gearing up, heading towards a 3100 iLevel, things get a little wonky here.
At 2800 iLevel, I can face down the Ice Giant Jarl, and "finish" the adventure in normal mode
But then I need to get a 3100 iLevel to hit FBI, which takes me backwards to search for the Ring of Winter, which ends up NOT being at FBI, and I need to go to Svardborg to get it. But per the story line, I already did that when I had a 2800 iLevel.
Then I can access the Master version of the assault at 3200 iLevel AND having finished FBI.
To me, it seems like that needs to be reversed, or there needs to be some way to access FBI prior to facing down Svardborg here. Have you guys considered a "downgraded" version of FBI to help better fill the gap between being 2500 and doing eDemo, to then a "normal" FBI, "normal" Assault, then the master versions?
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80