Two little thingies that seem to cause no-reward even if you achieve to kill Tiamat : - Killing a head during phase 4 when other heads are still up at the end of this phase => don't ever finish the head off if you are not certain that all of them will be down at the end of the phase. - Killing all heads during the second…
The encounter is a piece of cake if groups are formed early, people actually listen to those who succeed on regular bases, and especially when the kids are asleep ;) But even with all these prerequisites, the encounter is immensely bugged : - Clerics wont make Tiamat fall - A random head won't come out
Still 0 belts, 0 artifacts, 0 books from my 200-300 eLoL runs. 2 Gems, 3 gems lost in Bugged Arcane Chest. RNG still hates me :s Please give us a belt after 500/1000 Lostmauth kills !
Yesterday at around 12:15 PM, I opened an Arcane chest with Dragon Gem in it. Key got consumed and I didn't get the loot, any chance someone can have a look at it, give me the dragon gem or refund the key ? (which is worth one whole day farming). Anyone had something similar happening ? I had empty slots in my inventory.