Yeah I can agree with that, I just feel that the WoW model is not very efficient. By all means, I'm not saying that it isn't a good game, the success of WoW pretty much blows that opinion out of the water. The problem I find (and the reason that I didn't ever get into WoW heavily), is that leveling was way, WAY too easy…
^^^THIS x 1,000,000,000^^^ People are in such a rush to get max level and get the top tier stuff ingame... So that they can sit in town toting this gear so that the new players can look at them in awe. Once they get bored/ people stop noticing they jump on the forums and complain that there is not enough end game content.…
Had a nice little laugh at this thread! :D I think you'll find that the majority of mainstream MMOs are going to have this kind of setup. As this allows for easy porting over to console. To be honest, I wouldn't be overly surprised if we'll be playing WITH them in games within the next couple of years.
Hardcore - Striving to be top Casual - Looking to have fun That's the main difference in my eyes... I don't think time has much of a factor, as you'll get Causual Gamers with loads of time on their hands & Hardcore Gamers that have to work around jobs and/ or family. You'll find that the majority of Gamers are pretty much…