Really? one of the best things I liked about the game was the fast paced action, hitting targets and then using the dodge/roll/skimming skill to get into safe distance and hitting again. How much slower is it?
@herundrion @angrysprite thank you very much guys!!! This is a great relief. My DC is mostly DPS with some trash healing and it sounds like I'll be able to keep playing like that... Getting used to a new play style might be fun:D. I read the comments again and it seems the righteous path is the best for me... I just hope…
Ok:D thanks a lot people for the answers and help. I'm probably gonna stick with my CW for now. Just need to find the right companion now. Anyway thanks a lot.:cool:
I know what you mean. I did the orc skirmish and most of the mobs just kept chasing me. I felt more like a tank then DPS... I attracted the mobs and my companion killed them. Kind of strange a way to play a DPS class. I think they should nerf the aggro output on the SW. It's to squishy to survive for long with all those…
I would love to see Druid, Paladin and Monks. I would also love to see some new races like the celestial and the planetouched varieties. Archon/Aasimar/Eladrin/Genasi/Fey'ri as well as the Fey races.