"Now I throw the ball to first base, whoever it is drops the ball, so the guy runs to second. Who picks up the ball and throws it to What. What throws it to I Don't Know. I Don't Know throws it back to Tomorrow—a triple play."
Answer: Arabel Why: Arabel in Cormyr is where my groups I play (played) in tend to find as our first bigger city. A lot of our adventuring tends to come out of the Dalelands and we'd get to Arabel and have that "Country Boy in the Big City" type of moment. It's one thing to see a cart or small caravan of traders coming…
I most definitely plan to try others peoples content. That is a given because games like City of Heroes/Villains, Elder Scrolls, and Trials for example have shown the creativity of people. Not to mention the adventures I have had with friends over the years, DM's at various Cons, and friend of a friend gaming sessions. The…
Would be a very welcome birthday present to make it into the beta. Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVEXzBQsppQ Love the Helm's Hold video. :-)