> @daccura#4102 said: > So if my KF does for example 100k dmg and I hit a group of mobs - the main target gets 100k dmg and all the other mobs get 30k dmg evenly split between them? > Also if I hit a boss with no mobs around it - it does 130k dmg? > I am not sure because I am on PS4 so an answer would be really nice. > >…
Hey Guru's with ACT. Can you see the increase from flames of empowerment? I am asking because I dismissed my companion took off brutality ring cursed the dummy saw the hit with killing flames repeated this several times to get a baseline of the hit. Next I cursed the target hit it with my at will 6 times let the dummy…
> @reefriednunt#3177 said: > > @xxgolden1xx said: > > Hey all I am relatively quiet in the forums I believe those that come before deserve credit. Fernu, Kolat and Baratheon these individuals helped make me great even if they didnt know it. My baby warlock has learned a great deal from them I stand upright chest puffed out…
Hey all I am relatively quiet in the forums I believe those that come before deserve credit. Fernu, Kolat and Baratheon these individuals helped make me great even if they didnt know it. My baby warlock has learned a great deal from them I stand upright chest puffed out TY. https://youtu.be/K5X2Frhm0OY
I agree with the OP. They were designed to decimate foes. At least that's what I thought. In my mind I thought a CW and HR would excel in trash mobs but get smoked in single target. That is not the case though a very good HR can keep up and or even beat us in single target ie...svardborg or MSVA. That isn't the only class…
null 1 hour really? I just asked a question and you come with your shield up. You should play a Guardian Fighter. (Heads up you don't need a beetle anymore since we don't need that much Defence anymore) Can't save em all Cpt.
If a GF is holding aggro the puppet does hit incredible hard. I switched back to damnation last night and mopped the floor against a fury built warlock. In CN, the log showed wraith claw hitting for over 7 million.
The thing that bothers me about the people complaining is that there is always an argument involving the SW. If a SW uses damnation the only way a SW beats them is because of the broken puppet. If the SW uses Fury KF is broken. What do you want a temp lock that will heal you? The SW is supposed to be the hardest hitting…
https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=59EF5B060AEEE395!645&authkey=!AEdbn6TY0y6gNc4&v=3&ithint=photo%2cpng Just in case it didn't work on the last one...
look at my avatar or profile pic since I can't post a link yet that is a screen shot of my Paladin or look here https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=59EF5B060AEEE395!645&authkey=!AEdbn6TY0y6gNc4&v=3&ithint=photo%2cpng