Tigg and me torstin in tha darklin lands taday. I sees a darklin lookin kinda familiar. Searchin me mind... Shar... Shark? Nae.. Sharqua! Aye, tha wun lass they 'ad whut wagg'ed er fingers like their lads allays done. Rite frosty, but nae rude. Good ta sees a familiar face e'en if it be like tha noche wi'out tha moon.…
Thank you for keeping this up to date. Especially for those of us who aren't numbers folk. Thank you to those who are. You make the difference between picking powers and feats that SEEM to make sense and finding a build that works.
Gaming online since oNWN which was early 90s. Met husband over D&D in college. Raising 2 gamer girls for the next generation. Hope this place gives us a place to expand our little family based guild and maybe reconnect with some of those old time folks as well as meet some new ones, once we've all leveled and gone through…
The shards will merge in time, yes? Already got my two rolled up... good to see you, Dalninuk! RP will happen once we've all settled in. Still learning how to stay alive. Oh, and will have my ooc dalharil and her abbilen with us... Traditions never die, eh?
*peeks in, noticing mention of a long lost home* Patch faster! *whips hard drive to no avail* O' course I has ta take me furst step inta tha realms prop'r like... since thar be so menny o' ye darklins about! VENDOODLES, Darklins!!!! Aye, Greetins frum AXEPEAK!! ************************* ahem... welcome to those I…