Getting out the Banhammer again? Will I get another Catastraphy Cape? Maybe it will be caps this time? Just make it a free appearance change this time, I have to pay 55k AD before.
In upgraded my Shield maid to Purple and it's worth it. For no other reason then prolly being the only person on with a purple shield maid in the game. And I think she is the best blocker in the game.
You know they are using bots because there is mindless chat in the zone. But, it does not matter because you will see the real player running around in a zone 4 lvls below them because they complete no missions completed, have no gear, no profession ranks, and no companion, they are useless.
No one sees the upside to this? A flood of lvl 60 epic items means a flood of lvl 60 players to buy them To buy all that stuff. Which means there is no way for Crypic to lose the money. If this causes a flood of players to power lvl to 60 then great I think that is a net plus. There will never be a character wide because…
I cant wait until people see me kicking *** with my lvl 25 acolyte with life steal on my TR. I shall look on these posts and laugh as she is called op.