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  • If you are a rogue you won't have that issue at high lvl the Rogue gets a CC breaker where you can get out of the move so don't worry your OPness comes at 60. Oh also if you pvp make sure you stick with another rogue and both target 1 guy it's GG for that guy.
  • This game wasn't designed for PVP and rogues are the only true hard hitting dps for PVE. Also CW shut rogues down with no issue not hard CW have 3 stun abilities back to back. Darth choke, to freeze ray to stun bolt rinse and repeat. Also CW can blink like crazy rogue can only roll 2 times.
  • I have a rogue and a CW just lock the rogue down I had a cleric with me and rogues couldn't kill us cause if he jumped cleric I would CC him to death and he jumped me I'd wait for the silence to end and then blink and cc him to death. The PvP in this game is very bland and boring and from what players have told me this…
  • Hey bud welcome to the founders gang I had the same prob you have to go to my account and like group preferences and change it to what founder pack you bought have a great day and enjoy the game it's pretty awesome.
  • Awesome thanks a ton!
  • I was stuck between GWF and TR and seeing that the GWF doesn't do decent damage anymore guess i'll just roll TR to start because I bought Hero of the north for the renegade drow so I could be a awesome looking rogue.
  • Awww what a rip oh well probably better cause I won't be home all weekend for the first neverwinter beta