I've been around after getting shafted out of a free courtsan outfit I'm not really suprised by this underhanded lie. Now that this affects everyone not just loyal gamers from the start almost everyone is mad. There were signs snd warning of how bad they treat us as customers on the xbox the issue was: *Only certain people…
Then you are far more lucky than me with 7 characters 95% of the time its been enchaments or lvl 61 gear i've only gotten 2 tokens and 3 companions out of this so far
I just want to know why can't I get something that's being advertised and pretty much this was the best thing you can get out of the claims from this event. The starlight parcels are a joke
yet I got the berserker title after getting the weapon which I didn't have yet and had everything else. Op is asking about getting the title not the set bonus