My lvl 60 GF 11.1 GS just gets hammered as soon as I see a wizard or rogue in PvP. The wizards crowd control in PvP is just stupid. Can't get anywhere near them even though I use my charge skills, they just knock me away or evade. Seems hopeless. And rogues just kill me in a matter of seconds. Trying to block with the…
Not really. Just pointing out that it's a bad time to do it. Doesn't ruin my world, but apparently I offended you. So at least I achieved something today, hah.
I agree that it might be a bit "meh" to get the same mechanics from every boss. But again it's a beta, so personally I'm waiting for the full release before I make up my mind to keep playing or not. Right now Im still having fun with me friends in Foundry quests.