Isnt that called...oh wait every fantasy MMO? (EQ, EQ2, WoW, etc?) You can solo and duo somewhat but Trinity is the main mechanic to explore all the content?
Unfortunately this is the 'easiest' way to "fix" it. Again its really a shame they kept the Beta off limits to the Foundry to some of us that could have pointed all this out. When they did the Mission Architect in CoH/V, again awesome, awesome idea to create our own comic stories! However Power Leveling was totally…
This eerily reminds when Cryptic did the Mission Architect in City of Heroes/Villains, basically the Foundry for Neverwinter. Great idea, horribly implemented and of course I pondered this during beta but most of us modders were left out of the Foundry beta. :(
or PAY to get priority log in...I wonder if that is why there are only three servers? :confused: Also makes you wonder ... who would be able to log in first when the HotN's and Guardians are crowding up the server? haha
LOL yeah kind of silly to store an armored spider or horse in your backpack. haha. I was also hoping for a stable like in D&D PnP * without monthly boarding costs of course. ;)