I don't understand why people feel the need to exaggerate so. With 10 characters and 1 login, game or gateway, per day, you can be netting 100k AD per day. Not too shabby.
I strongly disagree with this. We need druid, monk AND bard before we have the bare minimum of DnD archtypes covered. I'd also like to see assassin and sorcerer.
You realize that this will never happen right? Like never, ever ever ever ever. Not even if neverwinter around for 20+ years? This is never going to happen. Period. It is a HORRIBLE idea. Personally, I like the kick feature. People just afk in dungeon without bothering to tell the team why. Leaving us down to 2 (or 4)…
I strongly disagree with this. I took my paladin from 55-61 last night, and didn't have to slow down at all. Wearing nothin but HAMSTER <60 greens and the free gear for hitting 60, I was able to take multiple level 71-73 mobs no problem while getting my campaign quests started. The paladin class is very, very strong.…
I've always hated underwater combat in MMOs. ArenaNet spent an immense amount of time developing content, skills & specialized systems in GW2 specifically designed to make underwater combat suck less and guess what? It still sucks. It sucks bigtime. My necro accidentally falls in a deep puddle, bam my elite skill (aka…
My control wizard stomps on rogues. There's so much wrong with your post that i can't tell if you are trolling or stupid, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. 2/10, good effort.
just got home from the gym, got the servers down notice. I take it this has been the case for a while? Do we have any communication on the issue at all?
Pressed 'o', went to social, right clicked my name, clicked leave party nothing happens. I can't freaking play the game because i am stuck in this godawful party with afk leader and offline members. Unbelievable.
I'm pretty sure that's a display bug. When i first hopped in queue I was like ~6600. Then I jumped up to ~24000. Now I'm down to 5400. It will just take time I'm sure you and I will be in by the time it's 5PM. edit: I just jumped up to 24511 for no reason. Queue is either broken or display of queue is broken. I hope to god…
Because Every. Single. MMO. is in business to make money. When your goal is to make money, spending money on things like backup login servers that will never be necessary or used again after the opening rush is not a worthwhile expenditure. Your lost customers and damaged reputation argument is complete BS. No one is going…
Do we know the base multipliers on crit? If crit doubles damage then 1% crit = 1% damage and it's trivial to figure out (8% & 6% would be the best combo). However, if crit is only 50% increase then 1% crit = 50% damage (8% & 6% is still the best). That math is simple enough. Imagine a scenario with 100 hits for 100 damage…
Actually no, no one is complaining about that. If you had bother reading the posts, the complaint is that you can't discard them and you are forced to pick them up. No one cares that they have optional keys & lockboxes. Tons of FTP games have them. Forcing you to waste inventory space with no way to get rid of them however…
Probably because there are so few people willing to shell out $60/$200 for a F2P game. By the end of this week I imagine queue times will be drastically lower across the board.
I'd like to take this moment to once again thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for spending your hard earned cash to beta test for us free players. Looking forward to joining in once the kinks have been worked out this Tues :)
Not worth having 2-3 extra total points when your main stat is HAMSTER. I agree with the 16-16 roll being the best. Half orc trickster rogue inc on the 30th. edit: Thanks fr0gurt for the incredibly informative post.
From everything I've read it does not appear to be p2w. At least not yet. There is nothing even close to the crystals in Allods. However it is very borderline with crafting and companion systems heavily favoring those who invest cash.
Anytime someone volunteers $200 of their hard earned cash to beta test for free players like myself, I feel honored and privileged to have such cohorts with which to battle demons. You better believe every Hero of the North I see in game will get a /salute.
Yup. Nothing wrong with level speed boosts. Max level pvp/pve is what matters and from what i've seen in this thread, said weapon will be useless by then.
Quit whining WoW nerd. Putting some effort into PvP will not hurt anything. Worst case scenario they can make skills work differently in pvp and pve, just like they did in other popular MMOs.
It's an action mmo. What exactly were you expecting? Video game classes have never and will never play like your favorite pen & paper classes. It's simply unfeasible.