Nice pipe dream mate.. Wish i had some of what your smoking. People are people.. That should explain everything right there.. That statement alone explains it.. (People are people) Not a single one of us are completely "Moral" by anyone's standards. Every last one of us (me included) are raving lunatics. If you keep this…
welcome to the wonderful world of PC Game development.. Where you the customer gets to pay to bug test the game :) You should feel honored that you can find the bugs for PC game developers !! Also at the same time you can pay them for doing it!! YAY!! ^^ Is one thing that has had me shaking my head for more then a few…
This is why smart people don't dump lots of money on games that are in "Beta".. Cough.. for that matter this is also a reason why smart people don't dump lots of money into online games period. You might as well just take that money out of the bank and light it on fire. you actually get more for your money that way. (the…
I find it interesting that they say the issue was just found when i have seen lots of posts stating the fact that these issues have been around sense closed beta. I don't know if that is fact or fiction. But i have seen too many posts stating it to simply write it off as fiction.
I find it interesting that they say the issue was just found when i have seen lots of posts stating the fact that these issues have been around sense closed beta. I don't know if that is fact or fiction. But i have seen too many posts stating it to simply write it off as fiction.
someone say creeper? 3-6$ 8$ ?? Mehh That is pretty tame considering how many threads of people i have seen complaining about spending 400$ or more.. I could see dropping 20$ on a online game but the games been out for ?? 20 or so days?? and people already have spend 400+$ on it?? That is a case of too much money and too…
All i will say is.. Glad i never spent any RL money on this game. I can understand why those who did are a bit annoyed. Then again if your (in my opinion) stupid enough to drop lots of money on a online game(especially one still in beta), I really don't have much sympathy. The old saying applies here = Too much money too…
Just a quick question.. Do you honestly expect a rational answer to the issue from ether the 1. Community or 2. Dev's /owners of the game? I will just point out one thing.. Both groups are Human .. Not a species known to take a rational thought out response to anything.
Nothing in the world is more dangerous then Knowledge... Absolutely nothing... Depending on how you look at it. Its a good thing the majority are ignorant..