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  • in regards to hellfire ring i doubt it will be cut in half... it would be completely against the whole idea of slowing down encounters but making them more impactful when they are used.. if you cut it in half it would run at about 11 sec cooldown.. thats a bit too low for their average CD time on SW encounters. I could see…
  • teal Companion will wonder off attack mobs in other areas (usually not the highest threat near you), run horrifically slow all the time and can't seem to keep up. I find when i move he runs so slow that i can't engage mobs (specially large groups of them) without having to stop and wait out of the aggro radius for what…
  • yeah thats happens alot on live servers right now..it really annoys me.. it makes me want to just take even longer.. you know WALK all the way and collect every single thing JUST to make them wait long as possible. They want to be arseholes and run through not even killing a single thing as though its a race with a prize…
  • Demogorgons Girdle of might is not displaying proper stats on it for Legend version.. its displaying +1 con +1 str when it should be displaying "+2 STR +2 CON"
  • Also i noticed that the bonus for hags rags shows as "snipers Perk" (Ranged powers do 3% more damage) but the buff for terrored arms isnt showing like hags rags as anything (Encounter powers do 3% more damage) .. my question is both of those buffs in effect during combat even though the terrored arms encounter damage buff…
  • I think someone needs to bring the change on attribute pre-sets and how bonus's on attributes are not working properly. I noticed being Scourge Warlock that my main attribute that affects my DPS output has changed from what i see.. its no longer constitution but INT.. ok thats fine, so i did a reset and changed the…
  • i tried to access preview but no point.. login server just keeps timing out after having to wait 2 mins each time.. what a dissappointment
  • uhh if they did that.. it would give no incentive for anyone to actually buy zen just vip and most would just buy $10 vip and get all this ez free stuff.. It would also complete destroy balance.. It would cause inflation in AH or completely crash it .. surplus of top end items to point nobody will appreciate it, because…
  • uh their calender shows that it wont be hitting preview until Mar 5th .. i just checked cause i looking see if there was anymore info on changes since i read the new dev blog announcing a change to the boons system (which seems from what they explain pretty good) Its listed right after the thing on feb 25th where they talk…
  • SOOO my templock i am working on and have been for last 7 weeks since i joined this game will essentially be totally and utterly crippled? All the time and money into a BROKEN class.. like HAMSTER.. I will have to start over again with some other class .. make a NEW BUILD and get VIP for that toon AND spend MORE MONEY? I…