Be consoled that "Wolves now yelp when hit" while you're stuck in Alchemy with no hope for advancement. :confused: I don't know about anyone else, but I'll be taking out my frustration on those yelping wolves...
I've been stuck at Alchemy level 6 with full exp bar since a day or two after this profession went live. I've reported this both on the forum and in-game a few times to no avail.
So, obviously we are all missing the designed, implemented and well-debugged gameplay feature that allows us to get out of the seeming stuck state. They are just not allowed to give us any hints LOL
Thanks for the words of wisdom, NOT! Most of us were not aware we didn't like it until we were inflicted (many 2 weeks or more ago) without any warning whatsoever. Now we're stuck, and have been so for a long time, without any recourse or assurance that the problem might be resolved. Sure, if you read this chain you might…