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  • At the end of this week we will have had two months of players providing feedback on this issue and we still haven't heard a single word from a dev on it. If nothing else this shows some serious flaws in communication. Even a simple statement like "we're aware of the issue and discussing it internally" would do a lot to…
  • What's a "major problem" or not is kind of subjective. Some people will be more bothered by certain things than others. In any case you should stop get offended on behalf of the devs just because people point out flaws in the character models.
  • None of those things presuppose any kind of malicious intent though. I really don't believe that this is some ploy to suddenly appeal to a different demographic, these changes weren't even advertised in any of their promo material for Module 3. All this is is the devs trying to give the players what they asked for…
  • Yes, you never mentioned it, except you used the word 'someone' in combination with italics and ellipsis to make it look ominous. I'm not a fan of the new models at all, but you were suggesting some kind of sinister motive behind the change and that's just going a little far. "Never attribute to malice that which is…
  • Ah, Cryptik is trying to reach the coveted pedophile demographic? Sure thing, buddy. You sound demented. You also don't seem to know what kids look like. If you want to see an MMO with actual little girls in it go check out Tera.
  • If the devs only read a single post in this thread it should be the one by naicalus. He pretty much details every problem with the new system in a very rational and calm manner. This isn't even a matter of taste, of liking one look better than another, this is about the objective quality of the new models and about the…
  • This thread has a couple.
  • You kind of skipped over the most important issue here. Regardless of what people think of some of the new customization options, which can certainly be tuned and improved upon as you say, the real problem is the removal of the old options. Not only can people who liked the old presets no longer create new characters that…
  • The Feast of the Moon and the Reign of Misrule.
  • Really helpful guide, thanks for writing it. Just a little nitpick: The roll you describe doesn't exist. It's actually impossible to roll a secondary stat higher than 16 (http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Ability_Score_Rolling), so the 16 DEX 16 STR roll is the highest you can roll STR on a Half Orc rogue, which of course…
  • I have the same issue, however it's worse for me since the game insists on putting my old Cryptic account name in the login field instead of my email address or PWE account name, but it won't let me log in with that ("Please log in using your Perfect World account name."), which means that every time I want to get on…