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  • Hello, I tried to upgrade several BTC enchantments that were previously reclaimed as account-wide at the reward agent. For most of them, after upgrading to celestial, it was not possible to hand them over again to the reward agent to make them account-wide reclaimable: it says that we don't have enough enchantements to do…
  • I did not go through the campaign but I have something to say: it is insulting to have 2-stat enchants with more item level. Let me be clear: I really appreciate to have more variety (and I will definitely upgradde some new enchants to balance and min-max stats) but the enchants should have the same item level at equal…
  • My main concern with this nerf is that it will be again very difficult to proc goristro horns/serene hood/sharp circlet of dragon hunter etc properly, and even more on the classes with low magnitudes encounters (e.g cw, sw ) . As for the class balance, this nerf will undoubtfully nerf the classes that took the most of this…
  • there is a persisting multicolor flashing halo on our characters in the new zone. It is related to the illusion weapon and armor enchants slot in the fashion tab of the character
  • Hello, This is to inform you that there is an incompatibility between using an AOE targeting gem and using "on release" in the gameplay menu. If you are playing with "on release" option, you can place the AOE of the gem on the ground but you cannot activate the gem, rendering it useless... It is very annoying to be stuck…
  • I like the idea of a new ribcage (crit strike/ crit sev) because the avernus version is a pain to farm (the droprate of lures should have been increased because it is an "old" module, like it was done for Chult hunts) and most of the players are longing for it (because it gives stupid massive stats %...). At the end,…
  • I mean you get 5 boons for little to no effort in this mini-adventure. So on this point I agree with you. And adding more filling elements could have a workaround. I also did not really understand the plot at the end of the campaign, there were some gaps in the story : the dragon lady wanted her beloved friend back (he was…
  • For new players: - new players cannot get enough diamonds to gear up to 40k, which is the requirement to get more diamonds. So no motivation to keep on playing unless you pay real money - Rework of enchantments was badly done: too much gap between low ranks and high ranks (and there are concerns on combat enchants that are…
  • I agree partially with the op. Demorgorgon can definitely be kept in RTQ if the portals and the monsters that come from the portals have less hit points (20% less could be fair): when dps are lowbies and assuming some of of them comply with the mechanics, they have a lot of trouble to close the portals and get surrounded…
  • The adventure was nice but it was lacking enemies to kill (getting quests' items was too simple) so it ended too fast. Only the last quest was a bit challenging and I enjoyed it more because I do love using grapples. It might deserve a bit of fine tuning, e.g enemies should spawn when we collect the items
  • Sorry in advance if already reported, but the new enchantments are put by default into the refinement window, without any warning, because the game considers them as "old" r2 and r4 enchantments . Some guildies lost their newly acquired enchantements when they converted the old enchantments and refinement stones in bulk.
  • she can still do the campaign quests and Sybella's quests. Indeed the RADQ and RTQ seem to not work anymore.
  • One main point of failure is when the low-level dps are not able to destroy the portals and get killed by the creatures that spawn from them, especially the glabrazus (sorry if wrong spelling). If there is something to change, it is not the tank part, but reducing just a tad bit the hit points of the portals.
  • Indeed the medallons don't stack anymore and take one slot each. This needs to be fixed asap.
  • Bug at the second door-portal (after grapple):* some red AOEs (spread) can appear and will one-shot people * sometimes, the boss was not present on the platform after crossing this portal Also, sometimes people have a hard time activating one of the grapples
  • I want to keep the current VARIETY of the current armor/weapon enchants, rather than sacrificing them to have a poor choice or half-bugged combat enchantments. The current live choice is perfect for the different situations and roles, only a very few enchants are not used at all and it is mostly because they are bugged…
  • I have nothing against the new interface for enchants. I don't mind the rework of "normal" enchants as I was somehow expecting some new ranks. However, removing the current choice of weapon/armor enchant and removing the possibility to slot both weapon and armor enchantments is a slap in the face. We DO like our…
  • Actually the current most important difficulty for upgrading is more between 35k to 45k gs. After, you will be of course less efficient than a maxed-out player, but you can do the job (even if yes, it will take long before you reach the super maxed out status). So definitely players between 30k and 50k need to be taken…
  • I do love what you have put in the shop, even if I don't understand why epic and legendary shards have the same value... These rewards will allow people to upgrade their characters and alts more easily . For more currencies (30?), you could consider adding a coalescent ward to the shop. There is just one thing that puzzles…
  • I agree with what you said. I made another post suggesting to make reagents account-bound (it would also motivate to farm on another class to avoid the boredom), and/or to have a need/greed option on the reagents, and/or to have a scroll after each successful run, allowing to buy a reagent after 50 runs or whatever. And of…
  • It seems that for the moment, we have a new Bard class, revised tutorial, rework of campaigns turned into Adventures, and characters will be now capped at level 20 (which will imply some new adjustements to the damage or damage resistance of mobs/bosses/mechanics. It is a pity because apart of some mobs like archers who…
  • I totally second this. There are many good aspects in this combat rework:* more summoned pets and more passive powers of pets can be used (no more dumb power or %damage stacking) * more kinds of enchantments and runestones can be used (no more dumb power stacking) * more kinds of weapon and armor enchants can be used * you…
  • I know you are trying to help but it seems you have reading issues and don't get the purpose of this whole thread, i.e being able to build stacks to start with, and to build them quickly. It is useless to achieve your stacks when all the ennemies are dead (because killed by faster-proccing classes) or when the party is…
  • I don't want to flood this thread but there is definitely a proccing issue considering I was in combat advantage position to test the horn. Of course, killing flame was proccing it immediatly but it was not the case for some other encounters that have low base first hit (like HG, BoVA or HFR even if all of them don't…
  • I second the idea of decreasing of the HP requirement to proc the ribcage and the goristro horns and similar gear. This kind of gear can very painful to proc if you are Dot damage class (I would speak for myself as a warlock), especially when the first hit of most of your encounters is not strong (and so are the others).
  • Encounters/dailies/at-wills magnitudes have been increased by around 30% but I hope you are looking (or will look) at the procs with fixed magnitude coming from feats and class features , because for some classes these procs are very high contributers to total damage, and are are at risk of not being as effective in the…
  • Wizards needs some buffs in aoe and a fix to their bugs. Single target is fine if played properly : don't compare yourself with best broken classes of the moment, even if you are regretting the time you were in that same position.
  • This issue is still not fixed, despite the arrival of Baby Zariel on live. Both normal and master versions of Zariel are impacted by this problem of legendary dragon key not working.
  • > @the1truehunter said: > I think you don`t understand the concept of Story mode trial. I think you don't understand me either. I said the level of difficulty is ok considering the required item level. I just ask ask for a buff of the shades because this phase is not relevant in its current state and I would like it to…
  • I agree that current dps class balance is pretty good, except arbiters that can be miles ahead if played properly^^. I am sure they are thinking of nerfing DCs but they have to consider that many DCs don't understand their mechanics (like burning/radiant shifts) and are very weak. The barbarians (played properly)have an…