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  • Lootboxes have become pretty hot topic in gaming industry recently and we wont know how will it affect f2p games. The concern, however, is not if game is f2p, or p2p, but how it tricks human mind, especially minors. The problem with Neverwinter is - not many things in shop, besides wards and Vip, are worth buying,…
  • From my observation this happens if you ignore feeding the wards for 90% of the time and try to feed huge amount in last seconds. Reason: 1. Wards have minimal charged value you cant go below - this is their default state. 2. They also have maximum value you cant go above. 3. They also gradually lose charges over time…
  • Faster aquisition of daily RAD was a goal? I think one of the goals was the opposite - cutting RAD from low geared ALTs to combat inflation caused by too easy 2x eToS / 2xeSoT on 8k toons. I also dont know why people act as if normal dungeons didnt give AD anymore - they do give gear to salvage and if you craft your daily…
  • Yeah, devs said TR is next character thats gonna get rework, yet mod 13 is labeled as SW rework mod - do they mean we get the rework before mod 13, or devs changed their mind?
  • 1. I agree mSP and FBI should not be in the same queue as Valindra, SoT etc. Im not sure if pairing them with ToNG is a good idea either, but I dont have a better one. It would be best to move them to completely new queue, but Im not sure about its rewards - nobody would risk getting stuck in random tank + heal + 3 dps…
  • Periapt of Everfrost Resistance can be taken on all alts. Unless your alt cant do story line to Lonelywood, but then its not ready for FBI, mSP and CN anyway, even if it has 11k
  • Yes. You need to complete campaign quests in Lonelywood - the Shrine line, iirc and you will get it on mailbox.
  • I like random queues. I would like them more if epic dungeon RQ were split in 2 - "upper" dungeons - FBI / mSP with ilvl as it is now and "lower" dungeons - everything else, with lower requirements. I dont know how to split rewards between these two without hurting lower geared playerbase, but I believe upper dungeon RQ…
  • Tbh I believe thats exactly one of the points of Random Queues - to stop people from easily getting daily salvage cap with multiple 7500 toons. Im waiting to see how that impacts economy in the long run. Im willing to sacrifice some AD income from lower geared toons in exchange for being able to convert AD : Zen without…
  • Yeah I play as a TR since beginning of Mod 2 and except of running stealthed to dungeon door in GG I havent felt useful. That was 4 years ago. But then again, TR is probably fated to be poor class in PvE, since whenever devs tried to buff him he became terror in PvP. SW doesnt have this issue, so maybe one day its gonna be…
    in Sw dead Comment by wentris October 2017
  • Slow reduced from 10 to 5s, but how about damage debuff - does it remain for 10s? I sometimes use this skill in PvE to debuff boss when my party lacks survivability, would be sad to see it got nerfed too.
  • I have taken a break over 1.5 year ago, since I mained PvE TR and found this class way more fun than any other, but it was pretty hard to find a party and even if I felt I was not useful enough, provided how much effort it cost me to refine my toon. However I kept looking at forum every now and then and this thread brought…
  • They, as well, won't enjoy it if they are completely useless in dungeon, dying over and over, because they lack gear AND they will ruin the run for others. If you do not meet gear requirements on your strongest and best equipped toon think - would a PuG from queue consisting of 5 people with your gear and experience be…
  • I just hope they'll look carefully on OPs performance now. I have been playing an bubbleless OP for quite some time for the challenge and I can tell you - he is a terrible tank without it, compared to GF. Some major flaws of OP tanking, that were invisible, because of bubble will see a daylight now. Long story short -…
  • Why would they need to do something like that? There is a warning. Even if a new player enters the area he'll die in 1 attack and not come there again - the only thing he'll get is a thrilling memory, since on lvl 6 you dont even get injuries, iirc (and even if its no problem). If it happened to me I'd laugh at it later,…
  • Is it possible to obtain a purple insignia anywhere in game, except of a lockbox?
  • Because certain patch long time ago (I believe it was mod 6) broke the animation. By default Courage Breaker should zoom out the camera for TR. The patch made it so camera remains the same for TR, but zooms out for everybody else in the area. Its not only the zoom, but camera becomes fixed at certain point and you can even…
  • Almost nobody buys cward for 1k zen. Everybody waits with such a major purchase for -15% anything / refinement item from invoking, so cward costs 850 zen = 420k with 500ad/zen. Then again to make ah sale comparable to zax sale you have to include ah cut, so eventually you will get a price around 450k ad. To answer the…
  • I really love Tiamat changes. At first I though it may exclude weaker people from any chance of doing it, but then again - even zerg channels cant always have 25 people willing to do it at the same time, so it will probably look like that: 10-20 people from channel filled with PuGs from PE - that ensures a smooth run,…
  • Wild guess - Hawk shot + Goristro jump. Or another mechanic relying on distance from target + goristro jump.
  • "OP buff auras" is pretty short as for full possibilities for OP buffing. Especially ping-pong with DC power buffs + OP Aura Gifts + bonding companion - if you build OP solely around buffing (~250k+ HP + max. base power) you can get pretty impressive Aura of Courage procs and give your allies dozens of thousands of power.…
  • And its far from max - no break the spirit, no holy ground, no aa, no forgemaster flame, no aura of courage (which damage is "joined" to floating damage, iirc), no blessing of the battle, weapons of light, aura gifts power buffs - it could have been double as hard as this hit, if not more. Plus 1 more thing that, I…
  • My most hated mobs are White Dragon Cultists - the ones which spin - deflecting damage, pushing you back, shooting freezing orbs and immune to cc while spinning, except of prone :) At least you can control Zythars and they are way easier to kill, however they are pretty high on annoyance scale.
  • Also, remember about consequences of buffing heralds. Significant part of rp in market comes from WoD. Heralds buff = less reso stones = higher rp prices = people complaining. Significant part of dragon hoard chests (for weekly quest) comes from Heralds. Buffing them = less chests = higher chests prices on AH = people…
  • Yeah, perhaps they have gone there when the difficulty became trivial again. But I can assure you that during challenging times we had more fun than we do now. I was advocating for more content and better rewards (a peridot for finishing eGWD in mod 6?) back then, not a difficulty nerf - and a DR bug fix, but just a simple…
  • "Some AD/Zen balance" - are you serious? Its one of most important issues in game for both devs(real money) and players. Getting interested in the game are big words that can mean anything. 2xAD events bringing satisfaction is a very short-sighted vision. In longer term you are going to have increased prices for basically…
  • Many people struggle with Tiamat. Channels can defeat all 5 heads in <60s after they're first time spawned. I think its not the mobs HP/Defense that should be altered, but some caps on possible buffs/debuffs from outside sources. Casuals are bad at understanding buffs mechanics, while experienced players excel at it and…
  • 2 x AD weekends are wrong. People would just hoard all their salvageables until one, then salvage them all at once and just click refine button every day. Im pretty sure after 2xAD weekends long time ago there already are people sitting on alts filled with salvageables. This would effectively double the AD coming from…
  • Drowned Shore - The Water Node is probably the best enchantments farming spot in game - you have some enemies there, so your fey/hoard/salvagers/whatever other enchantment you have is always on ICD and there are also, iirc, 5 profession nodes you can get more enchantments from. Its a bit too good on PC (swarming with…
  • No, the valid solution would be removing all kinds of BoP marks/enchantments/rp and making it BoA instead - and thats a start. Some reduction in possible rp items is another thing - why there is a peridot and minor resonance stone, which have the very same effect, but can take up to 6 bag slots? I have dragon hoard bag…