The NPC thing isnt even the only game breaking problem some people (myself included) are rubberbanding/lagging so hard the game is practically unplayable
Are you 100% sure you're not changing the Y-axis of the group in layout mode? if so go to detail and change it there if the rest goes along change them again right afetr that.
2/10 score for this event sorry Pwe but this failed the enclave is a HORRIBLE location for this since it lags to begin with and then you spawn even more stuff in it mobs die WAY to fast so only CWs are getting any sort of reward fail jusr fail
Stream was enjoyable as always. even though there was some awfull lag for me though i did point out the lag in the chat. looking forward to next time edit: oops noticed i wasnt following properly even though i won a give away haha oh well
I'd like it if you reviewed mine the code is in the Sig I'd mostly like comments on: - the grammer (not native english here so il probably make some mistakes) - thoughts on mob costumes/names - decorations inside
more updates: - 2 extra fights were added - made the room in which you fight magus's subordinates bigger -fixed a small mistake of mine with a teleporter shortcut that would have you end up in the void
mine is in my signature its 'technically' my 2nd one but i removed the first when i realised how awefull it truly was (fell into the pifall most first timers fell into) and deceided to just make something new. i also post any changes i make the the quest in said thread
I would like it if you could play mine i still make some changes every now and then (and post those in my thread in my signature) I'll warn you upfront that most of the story is at the end (read the dairy dont pocket it untill the end)
well i just finished and here come my thoughts. - I like the idea of choosing an army to lead and to fight the problem is the soldiers dont really follow you probably maybe make them go forward through the patrol option? (i ended up going in alone somehow when soldiers were chilling at the start had to lure the gobs to…