a lot of ppl still forgets or ignores how easy is to stack and have huge crtic to be honest think dread and vorpal will be better then any others for bis players with good crtic and bondings
looks like most of dcs will just switch to dps ,buffer debuffer only reason why most of ppl played dc was AA i cant see any point of it now since we never needed dc for heals we needed it for aa
wont u get the same results like on sure strike if u use this formula for any at will on any class?theoretic 50% improve with trans bile and this 50% quite far from reality ,bile preformed bad on my gwf 19% of my damage so aprox like terror or holy or quite worse then 20-40% of lightning
i do have gf and mof renegade cw but dont see the point of making them bis at all what will i gain ?only weapons enchants are worth to improve and i do have perfect plague To be honest i always say to ppl who dont have plenty of time to make supports because they dont need high ilvl and no use at all to make them a lot…
and then u cant find dc or tank and ppl just leave cause its hard to find them in 3k+range and worst of all we dont need them to be even 2.5k dcs can have perma aa
I would love to see diminishing returns returns back in game because if anything breaks game its a uncapped stats and 1 specific class not some 9% or less damage buff of enchants
if u did not know instigator used to be quite good even could outpreform destroyer in aoe dungeons and sentinel used to be good to but we have only one good build on gwf and few powers now Im not in the mood for more useless changes
SInce plauge is "fixed" when do u plan to "fix" dread? dread ignores cap as well and it is 8%(and some ppl say it can stack to if more ppl have it) i guess its time for everyone to replace plague for dread
If not 4k ilvl or dc u can forget about playing it , dont forget u need 3x rank 12 bondings to This are reasons i still dont have sva or fbi unlocked i just dont have will to progress SKT because its pointless il never have relic weapon or gear on me because im not 4k ilvl or dc