Several things. First i sadly dont own a pc :( second, i dont expect any mod 6 on xbox any time soon. But moot points, i see what you are saying, but im still curious why change? I mean if the whole point of failing is to learn, they'll learn more from trying and learning by failing then just following orders. I am…
If all the enemies die quickly why would you care how? As a trapper we can destroy mobs before you even get there, why would we wanna wait for you to do the same slower? Looks to me success is the only thing that matters, i dont care if ur tank wants to go first, i wanna get it done before i get kicked lol
I agree! It is annoying as all heck, like cw's powers, the damage is less important than the immobility these effect cause. In any game if you dodge an attack you dodge those effects too. Like a fizzle in mtg. Been bothering me for a long time
I wonder if they would kick you out of the dungeon? Im sad to think its good odds. Have fun, i totally would join but i dont have 5 hours to try and get through one dungeon today
I cant keep playing. My GS is 12.2k, need some T2 armor so i can do eLol to continue. Been avoiding dungeons as you waste hours just to get booted. Last night 4 dungeons no completes. First kick was because i wasnt a healer, not bad as no time wasted.... Second kick, get half way through and a HR (my class) shows up with…
I don't like it, im all about speed and that attack seems so slow... and has no roots right? I just dont like it and it bothers me. It may actually be good, but ill never use it. Also i dont seem to be handicapped cause i dont use it. I like my encounters, they do massive damage and keep me immune to everything, i can…
Its definitely not high for the first events. After spending over 50 hours in nothing but those first events. After over 100 completes in each, many of us got NO companion. How can you say in one hour (time based) you get everything then after get nothing and then say its not time based? Coming from the world,of RNG in…
I just do the one package reward crafting, do it on each of my 5 chars. You guys make wonder if i should just use the medals or wuteva and just get medalsof honorfor the box to get the writs
You mean the 5 (i think its 5 could be 7) writs of accommodation? I mean it may take a little bit, but with the dailies and the defense packs you get that many, and still maybe get one of the other companions while you're at it. Its a guaranteed companion in an event, after 3 events and 50 hours with no companion im jumpin…
Oh also is it possible you just didnt notice the withdraw option? Once you post your offer you then gotta go to that menu screen and push y to withdraw zen
How it works is you offer some one to buy your Ad (or you to buy their zen ess same) for x ad per zen. Check what price you are selling your Ad for. If it is at a lower than the current offer no one will by. I know i said this backwards. So example : you offer 162 Ad per zen, current market is 172 per zen, no one will do…
On one thread a mod said something about this to make it less like to kick maybe? Im not sure but im just sayin i heard something about loot being lootable and drops being binding
I know for a fact it has nothing to do with time alone. The shorter the fight the less likely i get great sucess, im pretty sure its like AP and depends on the class, im 90% its damage for my HR
I keep,learning ways to improve. You can makeur char better with active companion bonuses and some,can be very expensive. Champ,of north and dragon pack are expensive (this matters to me as i attempt to purchase without spending money) refining enchants, trying to earn drops, crafting, being a merchant on trade house. Im…
I would say the first response sounded likehe has personal experience. Dude if you can it that many times and haven't got it, dont see anyone else getting it, the wiki says LoL, its probably LoL and you found a bug. The reason why u are getting such a low response is im guessing very few people on xbox and on forums…
Well lets think, if you can do it every 20 hours it would be 20 hours times 360 (amount of coins right?) Is 7200 hours, divide that by 24 to find amount of days, thats 300 days right? I dont think he is anywhere close to angel in xbox
Can't tell if that's sarcasm or not lol. Honestly this was the first time in a long time i tried an epic dungeon as last time i wasted 4 hours. And haven't hqd a chance to play today, so could be a random fluke of great people
The most amazing thing happened last night. Joined the que, first amazing thing was i didnt just jump half way into someone else's dungeon. Myself and one other (tr) appear, we wait for the others. They appear, as there is another hr (i am one) i wait for the vtk on him as his gs is several k lower. Never comes, i can tell…
Can u get an artifact belt from a dragon before unlocking artifacts in campaign? I have 3 dragon bone and one steel, should i try and buy 3 gems and two more steel before i unlock the artifact campaign to try and avoid the grind fest for the gems? Im kind of regretting doing dragon horde enchantment campaign this morning
Eso was really bad when released, heard thats why they delayed xbox version. I wont have the money to try it. I also doubt itll have any means of getting money based currency like neverwinter. I love first person, a big call to me, but i love hording money which neverwinter calls to me
Its a move that allows allies to heal i think, healin roots ive heard someone say. Im pure dps with my hr. I always come on top dps. Funniest was when i was allowed to stay when i jumped into a group right before boss fight. I got second in damage without even doin the masses prior to the boss