Yeah, it's the worst of both worlds. PVP'ers have to PVE and PVE'ers have to PVP. Think I'll just pass on it all together. Not worth the trouble for the same gear that most people already have. Just going to further flood the market with Best In Slot gear.
Like you guys aren't doing the exact same thing. Whatever, it doesn't matter in the long run. Time will most certainly tell, like it always does. You can live with your purchases, I've been burned too many times before.
That game was filled with valid complaints. "Just fine" is, last I heard, under 300k players down from 2 million? SWTOR is less nickle and dimed than even this game. and that's run by EA. Didn't think I'd ever say that. This game doesn't have the grace and replayability to fall back on either. With no guarantee that this…
@wartimeraider You said it yourself. The players reaction is what is important. Which has been negative across the board. You know you're in the minority too. Nice empathy though. /sarcasm. Your "See ya" solution only means so much to people who have been hearing that sort of attitude for YEARS on forums of games that have…
Same. It's like I want to buy stuff and have a blast in this game. It's such a sour taste though that I can't help but just turn away disgusted. 80$ for a mount and companion... God. Especially in a game with so little use for a mount and the companions act brain-dead. It's not a huge deal though. Wildstar and Elder…