Level 61? lol "Fighting enemies more than 2 levels above you will result in a sharp increase in difficulty. (Down from 5 Levels)." http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/9129023-elemental-evil-patch-notes%3A-nw.45.20150317a.5 Character level matters more in this case.
There definately needs to be more variety. Even at Mod 4 people were feeling the grind of dalies. Mod 5 made it horrible for the existing 60's, even worse for those who didn't get drops and worse yet when a fellow guild mate gets gem after gem and you have nothing. Mod 6 I missed, but it was a terrible battle-royale…
Just wait until someone higher than the level of the dungeon goes in and mops the floor with everything. Charthraxis can be beaten with ~1700 gear level HR and a rogue. Maybe even less.
Seems to happen to characters who have already started the campaigns. As some, or alot of us have already done the quests to start them, the game doesn't know what to do since it can't give us the quests again.
Yep, my entire guild has the issue, I assume everyone does. Lame. They make it to where it's not or barely soloable, then force us to solo. This is game-breaking and needs to be acknowledged. It's not even in the known bugs thread.
This is WAI. "Traps now deal a percentage of Hit Points as damage and cause an injury." http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/9129023-elemental-evil-patch-notes%3A-nw.45.20150317a.5 Gives people a reason to let rogues disarm them, and for people to stop being idiots and running across half the dungeon.
Can you provide a screenshot to back that up? Also bear in mind that though base stats may be higher, there is the issue with multiple slots that are lost until the new weapon reaches the correct level.
I've actually been meaning to bug report this, I have tried many times with my guildmates to change the loot distribution to RR (very nice for PK since everyone will get something), so before we queue we change it, queue, enterx and not only is it back to need or greed, but the party leader has changed. We even went so far…
I just tried this in my Nexus 5, used three different browsers including Chrome. All three worked fine, even switched characters. Try clearing your cache for the app. Also, I'm running 4.4.4.
Did some limited runs this morning. Staying to the side or behind boss works, but you want to be in that 180 degrees range to be safest. The fire circles will drain you in seconds. As an HR, I have had to dodge through red just to get out of red (Karru), and that's not possible with these. A TR may be able to because their…
Not against this attack, I was killed 3X over in one shot and my soulforged never proc'ed. The game was still trying to damage me when it rezzed me, so it killed me again (not). XD
Perhaps it's coincidence, I will have to check after maintenance is over, but as an HR I found that if I just hug the wall, I don't get hit by it. Again, maybe I've been behind the boss and simply not given it a second thought.
No, I think he meant it. If it doesn't make sense that I would suggest you look up what homeopathy is. Contrary to popular misconception isn't not using natural means to deal with illness, that's the appropriately termed Naturopathy.
Hmm, time seems to pass differently for Cryptic: "estimated downtime is 3 hours" On launcher: from 7-9.30 AM Pacific (2.5 Hrs) then (1500-1700 UTC) I all the time travel in an inferior Delorian is making Dwight wibbly-wobbly; should have gone for a TARDIS. XD *waits impatiently for maintenance to end*
This is still happening. I submitted a bug report in game (can't find that I have any tickets though...), but want to give some feed back. I was at the campfire, looked away for a minute or two, looked back and the game looked frozen. As I sat there trying to decide if it was, there was some movement. It lasted about 15…
Sounds good, except the diminishing return the the drop rate, eventually it would get so low you basically wouldn't get it ever. Without doing the numbers (I hate numbers), even after ten drops the build rate would crawl to a near stop. Everything else sounds great.
Queue accept disappears instantly: (New as of yesterday, seems to be intermittent and will go away and may return) http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?734961-Que-system-not-allowing-access Chat tabs switch randomly after talking to a NPC or changing zones:…
Actually since two Plague Fires apparently don't stack together, a terror is nice to have because it also lowers defense and will not conflict with Plague Fire. If it's a situation of less damage and leaving it in, removing it every time someone else has one, or running a slightly less beneficial, but still beneficial,…