Here is a link to the armor/ weapon enchant guide:
Depends on how much you play really. I sell epics on the AH, buy keys, unlock chest, then sell most of what i get from them. I combine the enchantments/ runes until at least R5 using the wards from the boxes (sometimes i get lucky and can get them to R7). I have sold a few nightmares/ fire birds and many blue/ purple…
Np, it's mostly why I made this guide. The enchantment system is not covered very well by the game or the wiki. Once you hit level cap and start working your way through dungeon tiers it becomes a really big part of your character. Going from a few un-slotted/ R1-3 enchantments to r6+ can equal 100's of gear score which…
Without knowing exactly what item you are trying to enchant i cant give specific advice. However, here is some general advice, both weapons and armor can have a specific slot dedicated to a specific type of enchant; weapon enchantment or armor enchantment, Not all weapons will have the weapon enchantment slot and not all…
Yeah i can see that as a very likely outcome. The T1 arms for a cleric are already down to 50ish k AD. With some of us already in T3+ gear and a gear score over 10k the only thing left to improve your character is Enchants.
Added the second tier version of Negation (its the only one i have made). You earn these with out spending any money though it is kind of unreasonable at a 1% combine chance. The coalescence ward is sold in the Zen store, however, it is also a dropped in both the Enchantment pack and Rune pack from lockboxes. Due to this…
Updated the list: Added Bilethorn weapon enchant Also it looks like the founder enchants are normal offense/ defense slots not weapon/ armor specific. I also still have not found the soulfourged enchant or shard. If anyone has one please post the stats and i will update the main post.
Several ways really. Just do the quest chains and dungeons. There are vids of people making it to 60 just by playing the game in under 2 days played. or... Pre-leadership patch; Lots of AD spent (millions)... poof 60 Foundry till 60 Foundry till over leveled then back to smash quests; mobs dont attack if they are grey to…
I believe that the terror flame is the plague fire enchant, also most of the weapon enchants i have seen are the brilliant energy or the founders enchant from the first weapon they get. Note: Some of the enchants have very subdued glowy effects, like the negation armor glowy is a light blue pattern of runes that move all…
The basic white tool assets are located on the professions vender on the second tab. The green or better assets, so far, only come from the cash shop packs and later via the AH. At some point in each professions level you will be able to combine 4 green for 1 blue, then later 4 blue for 1 purple. (Mailsmith start with…
The first time you invoke each day, and only the first, you gain an Ardent Coin and a Celestial Coin. You can only ever gain one of each per day. The rest of the rewards; exp, AD, items, ect have diminishing returns each time you invoke with in that day until eventually all you receive is the buff. The Ardent Coins do not…
The purple leader companion (Healer), the angel, is only available with ardent coins. It cost 360 of those coins and you can only ever earn 1 coin per day by praying to your god at a fire. Once the devs assign a price for the books on the Emporium vender all companions will eventually be able to level to Rank 30. It is…
Here are the full list of abilities for the Iuon stone of might and the rock defender: Galeb Duhr Defender (Max Rank 30) [Zen Store; 3000z] This dwarven rock elemental escaped his titan captors and the Elemental Chaos. He now seeks adventure by your side. Dhulm's earthy exterior deflects even the hardest of physical blows.…
Currently most people don't know that the lock boxes are sold for 200 AD on the AD vender with no buying cap and are selling them on the AH for more. This will not last long so expect the AH price to drop to below 200 AD unless the boxes are removed from the AD vender. Current AD trade for Zen is between 450-500AD per 1…
Mats and resources i can find and also buy off the AH. They are also explained with the skill usage/ loot tool tip. The basic (White) people assets are covered with the first profession task and as you level up you can advance the white rank 1 to next rank but not next quality. It's the tool assets that i cant find. I have…
Is there any other way to get the profession tools (like the infantry weapon) other than from a random chance in these packs. I hit level 9 leadership and level 4 mailsmithing but still have no idea where to get the specific tools beyond throwing money while praying; If this is the case crafting is done for me.