Yet another cry... "I dont have it", "i dont know how use it", "i died - other class OP". As usual, from non-exp PvP players. DC artifact it's not real problem (like glyphs bugs etc.). UPD. it's really annoying. Instead "i died - need change my behavior" guys cry - "i died - need change others".
Yes, I absolutely disappointed new AS version. :( New HW - 50/50 - wide range, but slow casting (need press 2 buttons vs 1). Spamming at-wills for build divine... not impressed, but i can live with this. New DG - like this. Stacks of empowered visualization - MUST be changed.
Well, we see - you with legendary horn (10% increase dmg you DF) get from DF bleed 28% dmg, I on last CN boss (live server) 49% dmg w/o weapon artifact. With at-wills stealth drain DF not best choice. I just pause refining my horn artifact.
It's hard. More players in IWD open zones and prefer 1v1. CC build TR work, but its like under-CW. Want CC - build CW. Btw, no CC DC (chains just broken now - no root).
I do not know what to write - many bugs and no time to test (more test TR). Not that bad as TR changes, but... Yesterday: 3 fights DC vs GWF. My char(Virtuous tree) die 3:0 (but long fights and nice dmg) . But after i see: other best geared DC (Righteous tree) win 4:1. :D It's not too much ? :eek:
I spec go to CN today, on live server, with enabled combat parcer. Damage from Duelist Flurry Bleed all fight - 36%, avg crit 53%. Last boss damage Duelist Flurry Bleed - 50% of all my dmg, with avg crit 55%.…
Absolutely not need ItC for perma. As usual, just no place (BoS, Shadow Stike, Path of blades). If devs want nerf perma - can just nerf BoS. W/o BoS just no time to refill stealth meter.
Deflect _chance_ not 75% ! Deflect severity work only when deflect proc. So, you have ~50% (depend of you deflect stats) chances die from one shot (you defense is low). If you stay close to boss, its happens. One time soulforged can save you, then you die (no stealth, no ItC). Yes, you can dodge, run away from boss with…
I think: devs still try balance unbalanced (PVE and PVP). :mad: 1. Drain stealth from at-wills (or other method) maybe good for PVP. But not PvE ! Btw, i not see big problem with perma-stealth tr-s, but... 2. Nerf ItC ? Why ??? TR have low defense and no stealth now. How survive ? Especially in fight with hi-AoE boss ???…
Nothing personal, just ask. :) But i too think - its bad example video (fight part) for guys, who try build gf. Especially when this first char and they dont know how gf can kite normally. Its more "for fun" fight, not "kiting example". P.S. And as DC or TR i know how GF can by helpfull and make you fight easy. But its not…
Not sure about fail build. Fail tactic on boss fight independ of build. Two GF cannot free space for TR and GWF on boss and make big mash on small place. As result GWF die. And yea, you get hi summary damage. BUT ! Before boss fight we see damage scores: GWF - 12,8m, TR - 11,5m, GF (Ant) - 9,9m, other GF - 7,7, DC - 1.5m.…
HP is good, but... i use MH. :) As usual, party group more wait heal then debuff. Buff is visible, heal is more then visible. :))) Debuff - only icons on the boss. ;) You get more compliments about good healing ("wow, great healing" etc...) and no compliment about debuff. Unfair, but... So i change my plague fire to vorpal…
Not sure, how Righteousness now work - too low experience in M3. But solo artifact quest not very easy for my 14k DC without potions use (but with divine AS). As difference, for my 12,7 TR its very easy. I think, today need back to Dread Ring for well know old campaigns - compare new and old impressions (before patch i…
At this time i use Plague Fire (Vorpal too pricey for me). Small warning (not sure about this bug because i not use Sacred Flame - still not fixed ?)
CW not have armor - they MUST jump, use teleport etc. If no AP and potions couldown, they can die fast. And sometimes cannot stay in AS - damage from boss too high. You help CW, CW help you. :) P.S I say more - TR also can die in 1 sec, when deflection chance not proc. As default, defence - not first priority for TR. But…
I not use BoH: if party stay in DV AS - no need additional healing (max HW for someone), if someone no stay - no sense cast BoH on one player, simple use HW. With Etheral Boon + Divine Fortune any HW cast/cooldown generate DV. P.S. I recommed rearrange HUD - place you party member icons in screen center, and you fast see…
Well... For verify, yesterday go to 2 dunges (cloak and pirate) in team (all 60 lvl) 2 DC + 3 HR. LOL. I cannot believe it - HR generate tons of agro. More time (90%) adds and boss ignore clerics and fight with HR. I can spam sunburst in big group of adds, go between adds and HR, etc... - no reactions. About DPS - i think,…
Few 60 lvl rangers i have seen in PvP - imba. I now start leveling one. But not sure about dungeons - need try how Marauder’s Escape help in a limited space.
I think, this work in premate group. But random... i try and disappointed. Not help with experienced TR. P.S. Yet another problem - rangers. At this time - 60 lvl ranger - imba. "Ranger in the garden", WTF ?! :))) - See a gopher? - No - I too not see it. But he is. (c) one russian film