I am having the exact same problem. Upon trying to save Jaza, I get disconnected from the game upon trying to hop onboard the airship. Where and when it disconnects can vary but this quest portion is currently undoable. Something got jarred in some update. Does put a damper on doing the AI quests though.
Started having loading into game issues today myself. The game typically has no issues with game play. Be nice to be informed on when this new issue will be fixed.
for my first time through i didn't get the initial read on how the journey would work. I do now as my primary character is almost level 70. The repetative areas are alright for the most part. Fiery Pit is a great area to be honest. The air mote area is cool but that last section can be deadly with those giants. I think…
Is anyone successful getting in lately? Two days now after update and no luck. Took a shower even and didn't touch anything, came back to see the same thing. Windows 10, drivers are up to date, cannot see character selection screen. Also point out no music playing. I don't recall if the beginning load in use to start the…
Have the issue of not going beyond the screen shot after cryptic. I cannot log on at all and already know my drivers are up to date with the latest. Hopefully this can be resolved. I deleted neverwinter and loaded it back in again to see if that would do the trick, no luck. Kind of upsetting since my abilities of being on…