1. b 2. After seeing a few more videos but.....(moving on to 3) 3. I don't like the fact that all combat is basically rooted. I can understand having some of it rooted but all of it? This makes the active combat seem like a moot point now. When I think of an active combat system I think of the type of action you get from…
OK where to start. Since I could only watch the tutorial video because the original posters video apparently was just for live stream, I first have to mention how easy it was. Even for starting out that was a bit too easy. On top of that, if I am starting out and you bring out something like the Harbringer and he dies that…
I don't plan on buying anything until I determine this is a game that I will enjoy. And I can't determine that until I actually PLAY the game. It is one thing to sell early access items to beta players but I am not super keen on selling this stuff before you even release the game in any playable form. That said I can deal…
At this point I have lost interest for a number of reasons. At this point I am waiting to see what comes down the pipe. Black Desert, Archage and Pathfinder looking more my tea.
Thing is this is a game design that has gone from a group play to an MMO. The dynamics of that shift alone changes alot. The whole point of an MMO is further player interaction. I think that is also something that, if we are going to keep on with this "this game I haven't played yet but is based on a roughly on a game I…
A pickpocketing mechanic doesn't devalue cooperation in the long run. In fact it, in numerous ways, would add greater value to it. I get sick of that glass cage theme park idea that so many folks have about this type of experience. Nothing stops you from cooperating with people. BUT that doesn't mean that every PC needs to…
I disagree. I will however agree that finding the correct counter play for other players would be challenging. But finding it, in my opinion, is part of the fun.
1. & 4. I believe we should get content in the order it is introduced in the PHB's. 2. Since we won't have open world PVP I hope that PVP can be brought into Foundry content to varying degrees. Also I hope to see PVP maps (arenas) that are a variety such as team deathmatch, capture the flag, control point. I would like to…
In that case it would be nice to have NPC's able to toggle in between green and red like I mentioned in a past thread of which I don't remember the name of. Also I would be nice if there were campaign rewards for playing the whole campaign and regular mission loot rewards. Also the ability to save story items through a…
So I can't make a foundry mission that is part of an over arching quest where the players get to choose to go what looks like the easy way with no NPC's or the hard way with a bunch of monsters to track a someone they are after, but then have the "easy" way be absolutely full of traps and puzzles so that it is a test of…
Well keep in mind that in the forth edition books it gives a lot of pre built business. That gives the wrong impression right off the bat. Instead of it saying this is a way you can setup your character the options look like very set in stone broad strokes. That is a turn off that makes peoples eyes glaze over almost…
Do you know anything else about that mechanic? Is it mostly flavor or will there be perks to go along with that? I am not complaining either way mind you :D
I have said it before and I will say it again. 2nd edition is where it was at for me. The main bad thing about though was THAC0. Aside from that it is my favorite rule set.
In 4th edition you have other types of weapons and the like. In Neverwinter..... Honestly from what I have seen I am starting to get worried about the ability to customize our characters. I mean I have faith in cosmetic customization but... Someone chime in here.
Well what I would like to see is for people to compete as traveling salesmen to try and gather enough funds to rent actual store front properties in game. You get to keep your store in that building for a month guaranteed but others can beat you out of the spot by doing better sales. On top of that it would be cool if you…
In just english or.... Cause if there is one reason and one reason alone that I am willing to learn other languages, then it is to learn how to curse in those languages.
That is why I would really like to see player ran shops as an option. I have brought this up in so many threads I am sure that is becoming sickening to some folks to see.