Yes, Ive got a truly good feeling about where Shadow is heading. And thanks for the input, next vid will most certainly not have a 30 sec intro :P. Listening is learning!
As I wrote earlier I had the same issue as some of u have mentioned in this thread. During Beta weekend I uninstalled, redownloaded and reinstalled the game twice. I did anything I could think of, checking router/connection/firewall/antivirus u name It, nothing worked. The longshot was to do a cleansweep and reinstall…
I totally agree on ur description mate. Ive spent my entire weekend making chars, deleting chars, uninstalling clients, reinstalling clients. Logging in and out. restarting game close to 100 times I think. I know its beta or else this would all be in french! My inetconnection is 24/3 and is working fine and my computer is…
Ive spent my whole Saturday in limbo logging in and out, making and deleteing characters. Ive gotten 2 hours gameplay tops. Cant remember a beta giving me this much headache since AoCbeta.
After annother 10 restarts or so I managed to enter Blacklake distr. Quested for a whole hour without any issues. But when returning to Protectors Enclave same story as mentioned in above post... Frustrating but very beta. Been at it for almost 8 hours now, restarted crazymany times, still not able to interact with any…
Same issue here.. Cannot interact with environment and getting ported back to same spot and flagged as afk after 2-3 minutes. Been like this the last7 hours. Restarted game 10+ times. Stupid!
Downloaded and installed without any issues. But patcher stopped at 94% for an hour+ so I figured I'd try to restart patcher. BIG misstake.. now Im recieving 2kb/min. Funny thing, it just magically fixed itself! Patched and ready to go!!