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  • @thezer0flux For trash clearing use Blitz from stealth as the opener, followed by smoke bomb, and you will see your number go even higher. Boss fights i only use single target so lashing blade, wicked reminder, and dazing or deft strike, depends if i need the extra dodge.
  • Biggest thing is to realize Astral Shield Fully empowered hightens yours and others damage mitigation to a point where you take zero damage, and a TR stealth lashing blade hits for 8, yes 8 lol. I use Astral Shield, Bastion of Health, and Dive Glow. Use divinity i will cast a bastion, and astral and a glow. Now fully…
  • Thats on the Astral Diamond Exchange
  • Another way is to buy a bit of zen, then play the market. Sell your zen when the conversion to astral diamonds is high, and then buy zen back when the cost is low. I tend to go for a difference of 10 for example sell 1,000 Zen at 175 per 1 zen getting me 175,000 AD, then buy Zen when the AD per zen is for ex 165. Netting…
  • @strictly evil, @waffennacht, yea thats exactly what i am doing now after our convo's i unlocked Shores, running it when i can. I have my first artfiact quest running, if i dont get the one that i want i will buy another gem bone and steel to try again.
  • @strictlyevil awesome thanks for the tips!
  • @sinibyte and @strictlyevil THanks! i appreciate the feed back it looks like everybody has a little bit different approach. Does the artifact mainhand increase gearscore that much for example leveling it to blue? i think i have enough mats to get it to blue on day 1
  • @majnumbthumbs1 good point, i can buy the Dragon gem and bone of AH for diamonds (not too expensive) and it wont take more than another week to unlock shores after i get the main hand.
  • Thanks @mamoset didn't think of trying youtube, i appreciate it.
  • Well i dont have a link for a build but you want to go Iron Vanguard Sentinel, you want as high as possbile Con and Str with dex as your third choice once Str gets to 24ish. Feats - this is a rough guess and there is some points left over for your discretion.…
  • Yeah honestly i have a fresh DO spec'd virtous, only have a 8000 GS and i have never had an issue except for people who stand an try to take the red telegraphs. I run with Healing Word, Bastion of Health and Astral Shield and no issue yet. I kinda let a warlock die because i kept saying over the mic to stop standing in the…
  • @truckiesnake Sorry was traveling all weekend, I will probably be on Tuesday evening/night if your still interested.
  • Hello, Very interested I have two level 60's a 11K gear score TR, and have been #1 dps in every queue Tier 2 i have ran to date. Almost have Lostmauth almost unlocked And a fresh lvl 60 cleric (heals) i am working on now to catch up in gear. I dont play everyday but have been playing MMO's for years and really really enjoy…
  • I've been looking for a guild for a bit, I have 4 level 60's (TR 11K, GF 11K, DC 7K alt, Warlock 7K alt) I am on in the evenings, and every other weekend I play almost all day saturday and sunday. Currently I am maining my TR and Devoted Cleric just hit 60 on my DC this week so I need some gear but that wont take me long.…
  • @magenubbie thank you so much for response!
  • awesome thanks everybody, now just thinking ahead for my alts, i wonder if you have to complete every quest in the normal zone quest content to be able to get the campaign quests. or is it purely tied to completing the 3/3 prior and then doing the quest from the npc for the next box
  • @wade8765 when they go into stealth wait a second and dodge roll or whatever HR get to move out of the way of something and then run or dodge again their lashing blade should not hit you, either by way of dodge or out of ranch, there stealth will be over and your bow skills can out dps his dagger throws. if he gets close…
  • Yeah i mean if your paying attention, every class can move, run, glide, dodge, blink, shield up when the rogues lashing blade is about to hit. You see them stealth, or you can see them for a split second before the attack goes off, thats when you hit your class movement ability etc. same with a rogues dash behind someone…
  • The only time I agree on kicking is when someone who no matter what we say or ask will not do what needs to be done to win a fight. For example killing adds in lair of mad dragon. We gave it 4 tries and after the first wipe we asked that once the adds pop out we will call it out and dps please go kill adds until its…
  • Apparently you can do the first quests assist the harpers, and them the middle bottom box and the middle box of tier 2 of the tree is tied to Ebon Downs.
  • Thanks @david44567
  • NVMD the wiki finally made sense. I have to do the quests in Ebon Downs before I can do the middle bottom quest of the bottom tier, just in case anyone else was curoius
  • I have never played Neverwinter on PC but on XBOX the pvp rocks. I have pvp'd so far with a guardian fighter (Misstress Murder) lvl 45 pvp'd since level 10 numerous times, TR(Feytality) lvl 21 brackets 10-19 and 20-29, and a CW bracket 10-19. I am not the greatest pvper at all and it takes me alot of practice to really…
  • @draven165 and @tshark66 thank you so much for the responses I see what you guys are talking about now. Ya'll are awesome!