I love how this company thinks its completely ok to alienate its customers by not giving any response. I am also sick of people white knighting them, saying "its a beta". I mean jesus, a month is more than enough time for at LEAST a response.
they need to fix this **** asap, otherwise I am gonna start spamming the **** outta general saying not to buy lockboxes. which is their biggest money sink i would think...
lol, no kidding @mok33. Its been over 2 weeks now, NOW is okay if I start getting a bit annoyed? Do I need your permission or opinion? and the right answer is NO!
To Jhenox, oh yes? They should not have made the zen store available at such an early juncture then, if they hadn't at least gotten the bugs involving the items fixed. All you have to do is look at this AH fiasco, to realize that they released the game too early. It is one thing for there to be bugs, it is another to not…
Support? What is this support you speak of? I've also been waiting. 2 weeks ago my Nightmare Mount stopped working, something I opened 50+ boxes to get... And still no eta or ticket response to when it will get fixed...
Ya, but as I said, expect a long wait. I want them to unbind my mount so I can slot it to another character as It has been more than 20 levels (was 30, am 51 now) so i can put it on another character.
ah yes, so clever. Its just to bad your wrong. You seem to be assuming that I have spend zero dollars on this game, when I have spent around 20 just on bags and a character slot, and another 30 or so on nightmare keys. So unless you have any useful input, shut up. Cheers!