After looking at the actual damage to the AD payouts in leadership I have a question. Can anyone tell me why I should even bother with leadership anymore? I've got a lot of ranks with a lot of toons and it doesn't seem like there's any reason to work on it anymore. Leadership always had useless gold payouts, weak refining…
I miss my fourth pip. I'm sure eventually I'll read through all the new feats in the paragon trees and find one branch I like, but if it was my main I'd be pissed.
Thanks for the info. I am going with a similar setup. lot of power, lot of recovery, and I got a little crit. I took a little different route though. my angel has a high defense and deflection. And I've got a piece of equipment for extra hp. It's working pretty good so far.
This Is Robyn the Hood my HR. And here she is with her new bow from the Coins of Waukeen event. And here's another pic of my GF The Impregnable Tank in front of Berrick's Ice Forge in the third expansion.