Literally have no idea what any of your gear is since I don't speak German. Tried googling "eidwahrers" and found squat. Funny thing is, Google translate can PRONOUNCE IT but apparently can't translate it. Which I found no end of hilarious to be honest.
Firstly, thanks for all the linked information. I will most certainly read them when I have some time to do so. Secondly, See, that's the thing, I stand there and let my pet just wail away while I stand there with my character sheet open and I'm observing zero stat increase other than power. Not recovery, not Defense, not…
To answer your first question... I have no idea what you're doing wrong. The feat shows up just fine for me as does Bravery's passive. I wish I could give you an answer here but I don't have one. If there's a bug... then it happened just this morning because last night I respec'd back to Sentinel and it works fine for me.…
I basically concur with everything Spacejew said. SS's only saving grace is it's lack of animation delay and fast attack speed. It's only real use is applying debuffs quickly in PvP.
Some are. I don't remember names (I'm horrible with names) but I take 5/5 Deflect Feat, 5/5 Def Debuff Feat, 5/5 +dmg to Marked, 5/5 Weapon Master Buff and Capstone. Then 5/5 at Will buff and 5/5 Encounter Defense Debuff from Destroyer. Stack 4/4 Titans, reflect armor enhancement, plague fire, 3 radiants with 4 Tenebrous,…
Not trying to convince you. = ) Just pointing out for the reader so they understand what may or may not be known to them. You can charge daily pretty fast... IF... you're the one being attacked. That is so not always the case for us. = ) When I was still trying to tank as a GF I found a good way to establish aggro on…
Feats are a different story but since this is a PvP thread I will say that by and large Instigator falls behind PvP wise. Unless you're running a pre made which can take advantage of what you bring to the table.
It depends on your build I guess. 10 seconds to stun is nice... if you need 10 seconds to kill someone. Still haven't met that person but if I do this will be my go to set. = )
Just a few things: - Weapon Master is actually +10%. I don't know if this is a bug or if the ToolTip is wrong. - Punishing Charge, if used on a group of mobs, can fill your Daily.
The 4 piece is alright but any 4 piece that relies on the use of dailies is HAMSTER in my book. Has too much spread too far. Rec + Deflect in marginal amounts is kinda meh IMO. Don't get me wrong, it's alright for PvE but PvP... this set stays in my bank.
Aggro is a tank problem. Not surviving aggro is a healer problem. Not surviving aggro because your healer has everything on CD is a DPS problem. Anything else is a gear, balance or derp issue.
Allow me to respond in kind. Since you essentially said, "Waaaaaah! Herpderp WEESUX! Derrrr... /drool" I'm going to say the class is fine. I know it's hard to see through the gargantuan pile if butthurt you're choking down right now but I EXPLICITLY stated Aggro tables can be adjusted. Which would completely fix GF…
Yes, please buff one of the most well rounded and powerful classes in the game. If there was one class that is in a good place and doesn't need messing with, it's GF. Aggro tables can be changed but mechanically GFs are very well off.
I very much agree with this. Don't get me wrong OP, I'm with you. We have ridinkulous survival if you build right. I love it. But our aggro modifiers are just horrible. I gave up trying to tank or even off tank in PvE. Yes, I out survive anyone on the board but that don't help my team who just got face planted.
Despite popular belief, I do not get paid by players to satisfy their whims. Ask nicely and you may receive. Act tough and you can go blow. I post what I post to *help* people. I do not post for e-fame. I do not stream because, quite frankly, I'm an adult with a life and responsibilities. Not someone living the pipe dream…
I respec'd Con to test out the viability of Tenebrous in conjunction with high Con and no offensive stats. I.E. my tanking set. Works so so. Would probably be better with ArP but, like I said in the OP, sacrificing survival stats for offensive stats just makes you mediocre all around. Tenebrous seems to be a nice…
(Running full on defensive with only ArP as your offensive stat is something I've tried and the results were extraordinary.) (This was only for PvP mind you.) (A lot of fun.) (But generally speaking I agree with most of this.) (Also, what is up with all the parenthesis?)
You can report the fool. I'm sure this falls under their harassment provision. It won't get your gear back but it will put a ding on his record. Really all you can do.
There's only one epic archetype worth a **** and it pigeon holes you into a very linear itemization path. On top of that you have to 2-piece-combo just to get that to even work out well which is primarily because our 4 piece bonuses suck a fat wanker. The fact that ring/waist/neck itemization is complete HAMSTER doesn't…
It happens when you get dazed while setting off Unstoppable. You can't use Unstoppable for the rest of the match and yes, it's a game breaker. Might as well just drop group at that point. It's pretty crippling not having Unstoppable.
It only affects the HP gain from Con. If you have 24 Con with Toughness then Constitution Focus nets you something like 1k HP. It's pretty sad really but the only way you're going to break 30k HP without stacking Radiants is with both of them so if that's what you're looking for rock on. As far as builds and all that…