Yeah... exactly my feelings. I was so friking excited with this game! Since it was Beta I kept feeding myself excuses to why I wasn't having the fun I was hopping to have. Time passed, leveled 2 to 60 (DC and CW), started trying other classes, tossed real money to buy Zen... but for the last 2 weeks I find myself logging…
Greater Doppelgangers!!! "It is useless to resist!" - "Your time is up primates!"... <3 BG! Something like that... But would be cool to see the core races and classes avaiable first tbh.
Some days ago I decided to start another character, and then decided to start doing pvp... and I have seen quite some BOT activity lately. I remember when we had the AFK issue in pvp, which was fixed some patches ago... but now to bypass the inactivity issue and therefore to avoid the AFK penalty some are using these…
I will just sit and wait for the PW team to inform us about their final decision. Tbh there is no much point getting IG and play it since we don't know what will happen. I expect at least some rollback...
"I put out my hand, and the fish swam right into my net - as they always do. It's all in the brightness of the lure you offer. ” — Fzoul Chembryl, High Lord of the Zhentarim Conquering What I Want of the World: Words For All the Brethren to Live By
If you have a facebook account, you can check the status here: They are always posts regarding the servers and maintenances, etc etc.
I am fully aware that we are playing a Beta game, a free game. But as an European player (I think every single EU player probably thinks/feels the same) such details as those stated above make a huge difference. For example, the maintenance today: will happen during our whole afternoon. If right now I have an insane queue…